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Hamlet Pharma analyse (HAMLET)

2020 blir et meget bra år.

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Har du tro på notering i USA?

Nei, virker være en ADR noterat gjennom Nasdaq OTC foreign.

“ADRs represent a feasible, liquid way for U.S. investors to purchase stock in companies abroad. Foreign firms also benefit from ADRs, as they make it easier to attract American investors and capital—without the hassle and expense of listing themselves on U.S. stock exchanges.”

ADR Kommer i to forskjellige versjoner, sponsored eller unsponsored. Virker være en unsponsored ettersom vi ikke hørt noe fra selskapet om dette.


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Spennende, hadde vært fint om aksjen ble mer tilgjengelig for amerikanske investorer!

Kanskje det kommer i sammenheng med oppstart av hjernetumor fase l/ll og oppstart av doseskaleringstudien.

Håper på litt nyheter her nå, da aksjen begynner å miste litt teknisk momentum.

Before the introduction of the American Depositary Receipt, if we wanted to purchase any stock from foreign companies, there was a large process involved.

You would have to transfer your money to a bank in that country, convert this money to their currency and only then could you purchase stocks.

This is a long process and would most often come back as a hit on your profits once taxes and exchange rate fluctuations were taken into account.

What the ADR does as a substitute for this is instead of you purchasing the stocks directly from the foreign company, a US bank will purchase it under your name, and you are given a piece of paper stating that these shares are yours.

All of these transactions are carried out in US Dollars to avoid all the currency conversion issues, and thus all the dividends earned and payouts are all made in US Dollars.

Blir intressant å se hvem som ønsket aksjer. Første fonden? Selskapet er relativt låst fra utlendskt kapital grunnet at man er notert på spotlight. Kanskje dette er en bypass av system.


Ser ut som BNYMellon står for majoriteten av ADRs i US. Her er svenske listen.


Får se om Hamlet kommer inn på den listen etter hvert da

Hamlet Pharma tillförs 12,95 miljoner SEK genom inlösen av teckningsoptioner utfärdade i samband med den riktade emissionen från den 1 februari 2019 och i linje med tidigare stämmobeslut. Inga emissionskostnader utgår, varför Bolaget tillförs hela summan.

De teckningsberättigade personerna från emissionen den 1 februari 2019 har enligt nedan utnyttjat möjligheten att totalt teckna 1 000 000 aktier till den förutbestämda kursen om 12,95 SEK per aktie.

Teckningsberättigade Antal aktier

Östen Carlsson 200 000

Erik Lindbärg 350 000

Tobias Persson Rosenqvist 350 000

Kristian Kierkegaard 100 000

Betalning för tecknade aktier ska erläggas inom tio dagar från teckning.

Utgivandet av 1 000 000 aktier innebär att bolagets aktiekapital ökas med 30 000 SEK. De nya aktierna ska medföra rätt till vinstutdelning första gången på den avstämningsdag som infaller närmast efter det att aktierna har registrerats hos Euroclear Sweden AB.

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Alpha1H shows significant promise as a new and effective cancer drug with low toxicity in a clinical bladder cancer study. Now, a new, pre-clinical discovery shows that Alpha1H also improves the therapeutic efficacy of other cancer drugs. By combining Alpha1H with low doses of chemotherapeutic agents, an increase in treatment efficacy was observed. The findings suggest that that in addition to acting as a cancer drug on its own, Alpha1H may be used in combination with chemotherapy, to further improve therapeutic efficacy.

This combination effect was demonstrated in a bladder cancer model in mice. Drugs such as Mitomycin C and Epirubicin, which are widely used for intravesical chemotherapy, reduce tumor recurrence rates, but with significant side effects. The new results suggest that, thanks to Alpha1H, it may be possible to achieve a unique combination effect, improve treatment outcomes and reduce side effects of chemotherapy.

Alpha1H shows clear efficacy as a stand-alone therapeutic agent in bladder cancer patients, and is under continuous, active development. The new pre-clincal findings in mice potentially widen the options to also use Alpha1H in combination with other drugs. The use of combination therapies is widespread, chiefly to increase cancer treatment efficacy and reduce side effects.

A preliminary statement from the Czech authority, SUKL, indicates that it will be possible to include combination therapy in the ongoing bladder cancer study. Hamlet Pharma has therefore decided to continue the clinical trial with combination therapy, by submitting a substantial amendment for formal approval.

In addition to its treatment effects, Alpha1H is opening doors to exciting new treatment options, potentially facilitating clinical access says Catharina Svanborg, founder, CMO and chairman of the board of Hamlet Pharma Ltd.

The use of Alpha1H to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy is very interesting to explore in clinical trialssays Mats Persson, CEO of Hamlet Pharma Ltd.

For more information, please contact

Catharina Svanborg, Chairperson of the board, Hamlet Pharma, +46 709 42 65 49


Hamlet Pharma AB: Quest for the cure - Newsletter 2020 - Issue 1; Bladder Cancer

" Bladder cancer (BC) has the highest lifetime treatment costs per patient (pp) of all cancers, followed by colorectal-, breast-, prostate-, and lung cancer "[1]. Early stage bladder cancer, also known as non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), represents 70% of new bladder cancer diagnoses and affects 1.6 million patients in Europe (treatment costs are more than €4.9 billion annually. Current NMIBC treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy) are suboptimal: they have significant side-effects and limited efficacy, resulting in a high tumour recurrence rate (approximately 70%). Therefore we are very excited and proud to announce significant progress made and milestones achieved, in the development of Alpha 1H as a new drug candidate for this patient group.

[1] K.D. Sievert et al, Department of Urology, Univerity of Tübingen, World Journal of Urology (2009), 27:295-300

The Phase I/II study

An important clinical milestone was reached in July 2019, when positive effects of Alpha1H were demonstrated in a Phase I/II, placebo-controlled, double blind study in patients with bladder cancer. Data from the clinical study has now been compiled into a publication, which will be submitted shortly. The analyses include all available clinical data, third party evaluations of the patient outcomes, advanced laboratory technology to determine effects on tissues, genes and proteins and careful analyses of population variables.

The positive outcome of the clinical study strengthens HAMLET Pharma"s strategy to develop Alpha1H as a new stand-alone treatment in patients with bladder cancer. This process includes dose-finding studies as well as future trials in larger patient populations.

Dose escalation study

Dose-finding studies are an important step in the drug development process, to define the most suitable and efficient dose for future clinical studies. Hamlet Pharma is therefore extending the clinical trial program to include a dose escalation step and the Czeck authority SUKL, has approved dose-escalation as an extention of the ongoing study.

The necessary and technically challenging production of substance for higher doses of Alpha1H and the formulation for the dose escalation study are now complete, and the final quality controls are ongoing to ensure compliance with current guidelines. In addition, the clinic in Prague has been initiated and is ready to include patients, as soon as the study medication is released.

Combination treatment using Alpha1H in conjunction with chemotherapy

Alpha1H shows significant promise as a new and effective cancer drug with low toxicity, and is under active development as a stand-alone drug candidate. In addition, a new pre-clinical discovery shows that Alpha1H improves the therapeutic efficacy of conventional cancer drugs. In animal models of bladder cancer, Alpha1H caused a dramatic increase in treatment efficacy of the chemotherapeutic agents such as Epirubicin or Mytomycin C, which are widely used for intravesical chemotherapy of new and frequently recurring cancers. The findings suggest that that in addition to acting as a cancer drug on its own, Alpha1H may be used in combination with conventional cancer drugs to further improve their effect at lower, less toxic levels.

These new findings widen the potential to use Alpha1H in bladder cancer and other cancer indications. Combination therapy is widely used in cancer patients, to increase efficacy and reduce the amount of each toxic substance. Hamlet Pharma expects that this approach will broaden the use and reduce the time to market for Alpha1H.

For images, plesae see attached pdf copy

Recently, a preliminary statement from the Czech authority, SUKL, indicated that it will be possible to include combination therapy as one more variable in the ongoing bladder cancer study, in addition to the analysis of Alpha1H alone. A substantial amendment will therefore be submitted shortly for formal approval. This approach would offer a strategic advantage for progression to phase III clinical trials, and ultimately for approval by international pharmaceutical regulatory bodies such as the FDA.

For more information, please contact

Catharina Svanborg, Chairman of the board, Hamlet Pharma, +46 709 42 65 49


Mats Persson, CEO Hamlet Pharma, +46 705 17 67 57




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We are proud to announce that Hamlet Pharma has been granted 2.2 million Euros from the EIC Accelerator fund from Horizon 2020. The EIC Accelerator fund supports innovation within the EU to develop and bring to market new products, services and business models that will drive economic growth.

The grant is awarded for the application entitled Alpha1H - A Unique Bladder Cancer Therapeutic, Acting with Great Precision and has a duration of 24 months. The grant will be paid in parts during the projects duration and will specifically support further clinical trials as well as the next steps in product development.

About Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the most extensive EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly 80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020), in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the laboratory to the market.

The fact that the EU chooses to invest in our project is a very important quality stamp, confirming the potential of Hamlet Pharma says Catharina Svanborg, founder and chairman of the board of Hamlet Pharma.

We are extremely proud to be selected in the fierce competition for grants from the Horizon 2020, EIC fundsays Mats Persson, CEO of Hamlet Pharma Ltd


Aksjen nå ned 77.5% siden all time high, og på samme nivå som riktad for 1 år siden før positiv Fas 1/2.

Risk-reward må sees som skyhøy her.

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Må si jeg liker chartet, er det noen triggere i nær fremtid?

Ser bra ut, eneste kanskje litt lite volum?

Det vil gå greit hvis volumet kommer, jeg tenker R/R, liten vilje til og selge under 20kr ser det ut som.

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Begynner å våkne til liv nå… Satser på at den kryper seg behersket opp til motstand rundt 30 kr, så får vi se om den kommer seg gjennom

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Morsomme selskaper :wink: