Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Hansa Biopharma AB

Jeg har siste tiden blir mer interessert i svenske biotekselskaper. Calliditas, Xbrane, Combi m.fl. har egne sider her på TI, men ikke Hansa Biopharma AB (som jeg klarte å finne).

Om Hansa (Kilde: Penser)

Hansa är ett svenskt biopharmabolag i kommersiellt skede som utvecklat en unik plattform fokuserad på en immunmodulerande enzymteknologi. Hansa sticker ut som ett av få svenska noterade forskningsbolag som tagit sin produkt hela vägen från preklinisk forskning till att erhålla marknadsgodkännande och lansera ett färdigt läkemedel. Bolagets främsta läkemedelskandidat, imliGdase (kommersiellt namn IdeGrix), är ett enzym som klyver antikroppar av typen IgG. IdeGrix erhöll under 2020 ett villkorat godkännande i Europa som förbehandling av högt sensitiserade patienter som ska genomgå en njurtransplantation.


Investment Case
Attraktiv plattformspotential
Hansas ledande kandidat imliGdase (kommersiellt namn IdeGrix) verkar genom att klyva mänskliga IgGantikroppar till icke-detekterbara nivåer inom några timmar. IgG är den mest prevalenta av människans fem antikroppstyper och den primära drivaren bakom autoimmuna reaktioner där kroppen angriper sin egen vävnad. Genom sin verkningsmekanism har imliGdase därför terapeutisk potential inom sjukdomar och behandlingshinder som orsakas av en oönskad aktivering av immunförsvaret.

Under 2020 erhöll IdeGrix villkorat godkännande i Europa som förbehandling till högt sensitiserade patienter som ska genomgå en njurtransplantation. Samtidigt pågår studier inom ett brett spektrum av olika indikationer orsakade av patogena IgG-antikroppar. Vi estimerar att IdeGrix vid en framgångsrik indikationsbreddning kommer att bli en blockbusterprodukt med en årlig försäljningspotential om +1 mdr USD. Det verkliga investeringscaset i Hansa ligger i plattformen och den terapeutiska potentialen i Jertalet indikationer. Just denna plattform är något vi ser kan locka potentiella köpare av bolaget. Under 2020 köpte J&J upp plattformsbolaget Momenta Pharmaceuticals i en aCär på USD 6,5 mdr. Momentas ledande kandidat, nipocalimab, är en antikropp med bred potential inom autoimmuna indikationer. Vi ser likheter mellan Momenta och Hansa just när det kommer till plattformen och de omfattande applikationsområdena för bolagens terapier.

Pipeline (fra Q3-21)


Nettside https://investors.hansabiopharma.com/

Stort spenn i kursmål:
SEB - SEK 285 (juli 2021)
Carnegie - SEK 140 (okt 2021)
RCB - SEK 310 (okt 2021)
Penser - SEK 320-330 (okt 2021)
Redeye - SEK 410 (nov 2021)

Rapport fra Erik Penser etter Q3-21 - fra 25. oktober

Last ned hele rapporten


Jeg fant også ut at jeg endelig skulle gjøre litt research på Hansa Biopharma i dag. Kursutviklingen har vært dårlig de siste årene, etter en initiell spike på forventning om accelerated approval i US etter en fase 2-studie. Det endte med at FDA ønsket mer data og de har akkurat startet en RCT i 64 pasienter som skal lese av i 2H23. Denne skal støtte en accelerated approval-søknad i US. De fikk midlertidig godkjenning i EU på samme studien, og jobber nå med reimbursement plans og å sette opp sentere og salgsteam i EU alene, noe som tar veldig lang tid og antakelig er ganske kostbart.

De er greit finansiert men det hadde ikke skadet om de hentet mer penger i 2022 og, så lenge de ikek får i gang salget ordentlig i EU. Litt synd å måtte gjøre det på fallende kurs.

Jeg synes det virker som om markedet er veldig avventende til salgsprognoser i EU samt at det ble 2+ år lengre til de får starte salg i USA. At pandemien gjør livet veldig usikkert for transplantasjonspasienter gjør det ikke enklere å skulle gjøre kliniske studier i den type pasienter.

Tror jeg legger de litt i samme leia som Photocure, og at de fort kan få en oppsving dersom pandemien løsner/Pfizer sitt legemiddel gjør livet trygt igjen for mennesker med komorbiditeter.

Har bare undersøkt litt i kveld så kan være nyanser jeg har misforstått =)

Liker dealen de fikk med Sarepta.


Ja, en kasse på 1 mrd SEK er ikke nok frem til de blir cash-positive.

Redeye rapport (januar 2021)

Hoveddelen av Redeyes verdivurdering kommer fra 2033 - >

Oppdatering 9. januar 2022

Nedbanket biotech som viser tegn til begynnende vekst.

Kan være en idé å sette seg litt inn i for de som er interessert.

To nyheter i dag - Q2 med svakere salg enn mange håpet/forventet ? (= tar tid å etablere ny medisin i Europa). Men også en melding der selskapet sikrer ekstra finansiering 70mUSD ved å gi fra seg “mid single-digit royalty payments” på fremtidig salg.

Redeye - Hansa Biopharma Q2; Idefirix sales progress and secured funding to end 2024

Hansa Biopharma (Hansa) delivers another quarter with improved Idefirix European sales. The positive Q1 surprise is almost matched in Q2, and sales seem to be above both consensus and our expectations. Hansa has also secured non-equity dilutive funding to 2024 with a secured debt arrangement with US NovaQuest Capital Management. We expect a distinct positive reaction compared with the regional equity market.

Hansa delivers sales of SEK 26m, of which SEK 19m is product sales which is down slightly from the earlier Q1, which was a distinctly positive surprise. The Q2 sales are approximately 20% above our expectations and 40% above the market, even if this is still at an early stage of the European launch. The Q2 progress is supported by market access in 7 countries with the prospects of securing access in an additional 11 countries during 2022. With the expanded access in both France and UK, we now expect Hansa to have a good chance of delivering higher H2 sales compared with the SEK 56,7m delivered during H1. We expect Hansa reach above SEK 100m in product sales in 2022.

Hansa continues to advance the product pipeline, and late-stage studies and post (conditional) approval studies include Europe (kidney transplant postapproval), US kidney trx (ConfIdeS fully recruited pivotal by end 2022), anti-GBM (phase 3 initiated during H2 2022), GBS (Phase 3) and AMR (Phase 2). The pipeline activity, together with the early stage of the European launch suggests that Hans will require growth capital over the next three years. We welcome the fact that Hansa has secured growth capital to the end of 2024 based on a non-equity dilutive USD 70m debt arrangement with US NovaQuest Capital Management (have structured some 35+ tailored capital solutions to support pivotal clinical trials and product launches typically in the USD 30-100m range). The transaction structure includes;

  • It is based on the US approval and sales of Imflifidase in the Kidney trx market and the anti-GBM market (phase 3).
  • It is based on mid-single digit royalties (related to net product sales) and some unspecified milestone payments.
  • It is capped at a maximum payment of USD 140m (2x the initial funding) by 2028 or earlier.
  • The structure also includes some potential catch-up payments to secure some cash flow for NovaQuest (presumably if there are some substantial delays vs the expected timetable)
  • If the candidates are unsuccessful, some secured rights are in the IP assets as collateral.

The planned NovaQuest transaction is an interesting financial arrangement where the exact cost is related to the sizes of the royalties, the size of the milestone royalties and the launch success (a successful launch will trigger earlier payments). Our initial impression is that the NovaQuest confirms the future potential of the US Imlifidase launch and the anti-GBM launch and is willing to share some of the risk/incentives. We look forward to a further clarification during the Q2 call later today at CET 14.00.

The operating cost base is higher in Q2 with some SEK 32m of additional cost in R&D plus SG&A (SEK 183m vs SEK 151m) which reflects the launch and the pipeline progress. We can expect the operational cost base to continue to increase until mid-2023.

Hansa has probably delivered Idefirix to some six patients during Q2. Together with contracted revenues of SEK 6.9 (revenues recorded from Axis-Shield and Sarepta agreements), recorded sales are SEK 26,4m during Q2 with SEK 616m (SEK 754m for Q1) in cash plus short-term investment balances, and the company is financed into end 2024 once the transaction with NovaQuest is activated. We point to:

  • Market access in 7-8 countries, including pricing and reimbursement (full or partly)
  • Post-authorization efficacy study (PAES) market study initiated, which will expand the clinical experience in Europe
  • Ten priority canters are now ready to treat patients.
  • The US (ConfIdeS) study is well underway and has recruited 22 (16) patients out of 64. Hansa is on track to complete the enrolment during H2 2022
  • All five major European markets are now in the process of securing market access to Idefirix
  • Agreement on patient treatment funding in seven-eight (six) countries

A growing number of patients are also identified and prioritized among an increasing number of priority canters ahead of treatment, suggesting that we can expect more treatment and sales during 2023. Hansa is approaching the mid-term stage of the commercialization stage (2023/24 to 2026/27, in our view). Idefirix launch activities, trial progress and external collaborations remain Hansa’s most essential value drivers at this stage. The actual sales continue to improve, but we expect sales to stay modest and volatile at this early launch stage.

The current valuation is attractive for investors prepared to look into 2023 and beyond. Our base case value proposition is SEK 410 (Bear SEK 175 and Bull SEK 600) is under review. Hansa’s Q2 result will likely trigger a positive reaction mainly based on the very modest valuations, secured access to growth capital and a promising outlook over the next 12 to 24 months.

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Oppdatering fra Erik Penser etter Q2-22

I vår värdering av Hansa tillämpar vi en risk-justerad kassaflödesvärdering. Detta innebär att alla intäkter och kostnader är justerade för den bedömda sannolikheten att dessa inträffar. Vi värderar Hansa som ett biopharmabolag, där vi ser att den breda plattformen kommer möjliggöra långsiktig tillväxt för bolaget. Vårt motiverade värde för Hansa är 240–250 kronor per aktie.

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Da har RedEye realitetskorrigert for at dette tar lenger tid enn først antatt.
