Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Hiddn Solutions (HIDDN)

Da ble både Jan Opsahl, Svein Yngve Wilassen og Jeanette Dyhre Kvisvik valgt inn som styremedlemmer på generalforsamlingen.

Hva mener du om det… sier ikke meg noe🙄

Som nevnt i innlegget litt over tror jeg det på sikt blir bra :slight_smile:

Når kvartals rapporter, live aksjekurs og børsmeldinger nesten er det første du ser på hjemmesiden til selskapet, så begynner jeg å lure litt.

Hei! God jul. Noen som har noen nye tanker om Hiddn for 2018? Ser jo nesten ikke ut som om den blir omsatt. Lite nyheter men positiv på innnsidehandler på rundt 2kr for en stund tilbake. Og en kryptisk beskjed om stor avtale på gang. Hobbyprosjekt for Tvenge? Grue fra Element i styret ser jeg. Evt nedsiderisiko her?

Voldsomt hvor vanskelig det skal være å e knekke 2,4 noen som stadig fyller på når det nesten tømmer seg…

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Anbefaler folk å se på denne aksjen fremover. Mistenkelig at salgsordre faktisk gikk ned i pris under nyhet i dag.

Vi holder en direktesending med Hiddn SDolutions 16/5 kl. 1600. Avslutningsvis vil det bli holdt Q&A. Så du kan stille spm. direkte i kommentarfeltet.

Klikk på “få påminnelse” så får du notifikasjon fra Facebook 2 min før vi starter sendinge: https://www.facebook.com/AXExposure/videos/461537647633922/

HIDDN - Annual general meeting held

The annual general meeting of Hiddn Solution ASA was held today, 23 May 2018. All resolutions were adopted in accordance with the proposals set out in the notice for the meeting. Minutes from the annual general meeting is attached.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Ekstern link: http://news.cision.com/hiddn-solutions-asa/r/hiddn—annual-general-meeting-held,c2528779
Ekstern link: http://mb.cision.com/Public/987/2528779/9bc8c0d2969ce14a.pdf

Nyheten er levert av Cision.


HIDDN - Annual general meeting held

The annual general meeting of Hiddn Solution ASA was held today, 23 May 2018.
All resolutions were adopted in accordance with the proposals set out in the
notice for the meeting. Minutes from the annual general meeting is attached.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=451947

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Mandatory notification of sale

Øystein Tvenge, chairman of the board in Hiddn Solutions ASA (the “Company”),
has today transferred his direct shareholding in the Company, in total
3,500,000.00 Shares, to a unit-linked life insurance policy (the “Policy”) with
Lombard International Assurance (“LIA”). On the same background, Intelco Concept
AS (“Intelco”), a company owned by Mr. Tvenge and his family, and represented in
the board by Mr. Tvenge, has transferred its direct shareholding in the Company,
in total 11,105,969 shares, to its Policy with LIA. The shares will be
transferred to the LIA Policy accounts of both Mr. Tvenge and Intelco as a
premium payment in kind of each Policy at today’s closing price of the Company’s
shares on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Following the transfer, Mr. Tvenge and Intelco no longer hold shares directly in
the Company. Still, Mr. Tvenge will hold preferred claim over LIA for a
repayment of the counter value of each Policy. Each Policy being self-managed by
Mr. Tvenge, Mr. Tvenge will make the investment decisions for buying or selling
the assets held by each Policy. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, LIA will
become the legal and beneficial owner of the transferred shares, with all voting
rights attaching to them and without any right to Mr. Tvenge or Intelco to
instruct LIA with respect to any shareholder rights.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460952

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Disclosure of shareholding

Reference is made to previous stock exchange notice today regarding the transfer
of shares in Hiddn Solutions ASA (the “Company”) made by the chairman of the
board in the Company, Øystein Tvenge, and Intelco Concept AS to Lombard
International Assurance (“LIA”).

Intelco Concept AS has agreed to transfer its shares in the Company to LIA and
has today in total transferred 11,105,969 shares. As a consequence of the
transfer, Intelco Concept AS has reduced its direct ownership in the Company
from 12.11% to 0% of the total amount of outstanding shares.

Following the share transfers of both Øystein Tvenge and Intelco Concept AS,
LIA’s ownership percentage in the Company will increase from 0 shares to
14,605,969.00 shares, which equals 15.921% of the total amount of outstanding
shares in the Company.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460953

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


HIDDN: Receives initial order from ALSO

(Oslo, 2 November 2018) Hiddn Solutions ASA (Hiddn, OSE: HIDDN) has received the first order from ALSO Holding AG (ALSO). The initial order has a value of NOK 1.7 million and covers Hiddn’s KryptoDisk and other encryption products for the Scandinavian market. The products will be available for purchase from ALSO during the fourth quarter of 2018.

“We are pleased to receive this first order from ALSO under our agreement signed in late June 2018. This first order confirms the demand for Hiddn’s GDPR compliant secure data storage solutions in Scandinavia and is a stepping stone into lauching our new range of products and services in both Scandinavia and the rest of Europe,” says Carl Espen Wollebekk, CEO of Hiddn.

The initial order from ALSO covers Hiddn’s flash and USB products for Scandinavia and Hiddn is currently finalising the availability for these products for the rest of Europe. In addition, Hiddn is preparing the upcoming inclusion of Hiddn’s SafeDisk solution for laptops and tablets into the ALSO product offering.

“I highly appreciate the efforts from the dedicated ALSO organisation that has been working hard to deal with all the practical issues introducing our products into this exiting market channel. We have now finalised all details with respect to logistics, introduction to ALSO customers, presentation on ALSO’s web page and many other workstreams. We see a high demand for secure storage and encryption products and look forward to bringing the solutions to the market place together with the best partners out there,” Wollebekk continues.

ALSO is one of Europe’s largest distributors of ICT products and services and has a European B2B marketplace in 15 countries. In Scandinavia, Hiddn’s products will be available for purchase through all major value added resellers during the fourth quarter of 2018. Hiddn entered into the agreement with ALSO to expand distribution capabilities, targeting the growing business and service market in Europe on 28 June 2018.

For further information, please contact:
Carl Espen Wollebekk (CEO of Hiddn), telephone: + 47 930 55 505 /e-mail: cew@hiddn.no

About Hiddn Solutions ASA

Hiddn Solutions ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker HIDDN. The company is offering impenetrable proprietary hardware-based authentication and encryption products with a superior level of security as well as a wider product suite addressing all market segments looking for solutions to ensure that sensitive information stays confidential and unavailable to unauthorised access. Based on Hiddn’s unrivalled and proven position in the high-end encryption market, Hiddn is implementing a strategy of adapting the proprietary technology to the high-volume markets to take advantage of the growing global security challenges and the arising regulatory requirements. Hiddn has established a product offering that addresses all market segments from the high-end security clients to the retail market, and established partnerships with some of the most important sales and distribution partners in Europe. Hiddn sees significant growth opportunities and rising demand from customers and is well on its way to solidify its leading position in the growing market for secure data storage.

For more information, please visit: www.hiddn.no

Ekstern link: http://news.cision.com/hiddn-solutions-asa/r/hiddn–receives-initial-order-from-also,c2662646

Nyheten er levert av Cision.


Dette var spennendes nyheter :smiley:

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OPPKJØP OG SAMMENSLÅINGER Teknologiselskapet Hiddn signerer en intensjonsavtale med Singapore-baserte Tactilis, og de to vil slå seg sammen for å bli ett biometriselskap, kommer det frem av en melding.

– Tactilis’ flerfunksjonelle biometriske kortvirksomhet er en perfekt plattform for å skalere vår felles drift rundt i verden, sier Hiddn-sjef Carl Espen Wollebekk i meldingen.

Sammenslåingen vil skje gjennom et oppkjøp av alle aksjene i Tactilis for et vederlag i form av nye aksjer i Hiddn til selgerne.

Går transaksjonen igjennom, vil Tactillis-aksjonærene ha 86,25 prosent av Hiddn, mens de nåværende Hiddn-aksjonærene vil eie 13,75 prosent av selskapet på fullt utvannet basis. Det betyr at Hiddns transaksjonsverdi er på rundt 275 millioner kroner før de nye vederlagsaksjene.

Sluttføringen av den foreslåtte transaksjonen er betinget av blant annet godkjenning fra selskapenes aksjonærer.

Transaksjonen er ventet å sluttføres i løpet av første kvartal 2019, gitt at den går gjennom.

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Blir dette dagens børsvinner?

30% opp ved børsåpning :grin:

21/12-2018 11:53:29: (HIDDN) HIDDN: Securing private placement of NOK 20 million

Noe nytt her siden emi i desember?
