Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Hunter Group (HUNT)

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Lukter vel at de legger ned driten og skal benytte fremførbart overskudd.


Reference is made to the announcement by Hunter Group ASA (the “Company”) on 7
March 2018 regarding the notice of an extraordinary general meeting to be held
on 5 April 2018 at 11:00 CET (the “EGM”). The EGM is held at the request of
Apollo Asset Ltd.

Apollo has proposed the following board of directors:

  1. Henrik Christensen (Chairman)
  2. Kristin Hellebust
  3. Arne Fredly

Solgt og tok gevinst i Hunter igår, kjedelig aksje samtidig som eg trengte noen kroner til å snitte ned i Nano

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Den har vært kjedelig ja, men det er jo nå som moroa starter :sunglasses:

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OM man ser på de andre selskapene som er blitt overtatt for å drive skatterefusjon så er vel ikke spennende det man forbinder med dem.


Oslo, 10 April 2018

This stock exchange announcement is made pursuant to section 5-2 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


The Board of Hunter Group ASA (the “Company”) has today received a non-binding
indicative offer (the “Offer”) from Apollo Asset Limited (the “Offeror”). T

he ultimate owner of the Offeror, Mr. Arne Fredly, is appointed as board member
in the Company, and has accepted to not participate in the Company’s decisions
in connection with the transfer, pursuant to the Norwegian Public Limited
Companies Act section 6-27.

The Offer outlines the principal terms and conditions upon which the Offeror
would consider transferring four (4) VLCC newbuilding contracts and three (3)
VLCC options (the “Newbuilding Contracts” and the “Options”) to the Company. The
Offeror is prepared to transfer the Newbuilding Contracts and the Options (or
the rights and obligations thereunder) to the Company on a back-to-back basis as
contracted with the Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering Co., Ltd (the
"Shipyard"), whereby the Company will assume the obligations towards the
Shipyard (directly or indirectly).

The Offeror offers the Newbuilding Contracts to the Company on the following
terms, without any mark-up or additional fees to the Offeror other than as set
out herein:

Shipbuilding Contr. Contract amount Scrubber Tot.
contract amount Delivery
No. 1 MUSD 82.5 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.2 Oct./Nov. 2019
No. 2 MUSD 82.5 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.2 Oct./Nov. 2019
No. 3 MUSD 82.5 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.2 Dec. 2019
No. 4 MUSD 82.8 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.5 Dec. 2019

The Offeror offers the Options to the Company on the following terms, without
any mark-up or additional fees to the Offeror other than as set out herein:

Option Contract amount Scrubber
Tot. contract amount Delivery
No. 1 MUSD 82.8 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.5 Q2 2020
No. 2 MUSD 82.8 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.5 Q2 2020
No. 3 MUSD 82.8 MUSD
2.7 MUSD 85.5 Q2 2020

Expiry date for exercising the Options towards the Shipyard is 27 May 2018.

The Offeror has also entered into a building supervision agreement with V.Ships,
pursuant to which V.Ships shall undertake the building supervision at the
Shipyard against a building supervision fee of USD 180,000 per vessel (the
"Newbuilding Supervision Agreement"). Provided the Newbuilding Contracts and the
Options are transferred to the Company as provided for herein, the Offeror will
transfer the Newbuilding Supervision Agreement to the Company on a back-to-back
basis, without any mark-up or additional fees. The Offeror assumes that several
minor out-of-pocket expenses, fees to Norwegian legal advisors etc. shall be
credited the Offeror from the Company in connection with the transfer.

The first instalments under the Newbuilding Contracts, of 10% of the total
contract amount per vessel, are due three (3) banking days after Offeror’s
receipt of the refund guarantee from the Shipyard’s bank (expected mid- to late
April, latest 27 April 2018), and the Company must have sufficient funds
available to fund such instalments. The remaining instalment structure is
additional 10% in February 2019 (average in the four Newbuilding Contracts), and
thereafter additional 10%, 10% and 60%.

Owing to the suggested back-to-back arrangement, the Offeror will, for a period
following the transfer, maintain the payment obligations of the total contract
amounts under the Newbuilding Contracts (MUSD 341.1) towards the Shipyard (the
"Apollo Contractual Obligation"). As of the date hereof, the Shipyard does not
accept releasing the Offeror under the Apollo Contractual Obligation in
connection with the Transfer.

Before entering into final legally binding transfer agreements, the following
conditions must have been satisfied, or waived by the Offeror in its absolute
discretion (the “Conditions Precedent”):

(i) Final transfer agreement: The Offeror reserves the right to agree
on the final content of the legally binding transfer arrangements, including the
arrangements in the legal and commercial terms.

(ii) Dwellop transactions: The Board and general meeting of the
Company shall have resolved: (1) contribution of MNOK 10 in cash to the
subsidiary Dwellop AS; and (2) distribution of all shares in Dwellop AS to the
shareholders of the Company.

(iii) Private placement: The Board and general meeting of the Company
shall have approved a private placement towards certain co-investors in the
Newbuilding Contracts, with proceeds of minimum MNOK 150 and maximum MNOK 172.5,
directed investors as designated by the Offeror, at a subscription rate of NOK
2.30 per share in the Company.

(iv) Warrants: The Board and general meeting of the Company shall have
approved issuance of warrants to the Offeror, whereby the Offeror shall be
entitled to subscribe for new shares in the Company, with a subscription amount
of 0.8% of the total contract amount under the Newbuilding Contracts, and
Options (if applicable, and as exercised). The warrants shall be issued without
any consideration, not have a duration of less than 5 years, and be convertible
into shares at a rate between NOK 2.60 and NOK 3.20 (NOK 2.90 on an average

The warrants (as referred to under (iv)), shall be issued to the Offeror to
partly compensate the Offeror for not being released the Apollo Contractual
Obligation under the Newbuilding Contracts in connection with the transfer.
Owing to the Apollo Contractual Obligation, the Offeror will in a period
following the transfer maintain the credit risk towards the Shipyard, and,
accordingly, will the warrants constitute a fair minimum compensation to the
Offeror in connection with the transfer.

Both the Offeror and the Board of the Company believe that the Offer is made in
the best interests of the Company and its shareholders.

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Oslo, 10 April 2018

This stock exchange announcement is made pursuant to section 5-2 of the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Reference is made to the Hunter Group ASA’s (the “Company”) Stock Exchange
Notice as of 29 March 2018 at 10:54 (the “OSE Notice”), whereby Apollo Asset
Limited has entered into an agreement with Dynamo Management AS, Lingtech AS,
Resonans Invest AS, Initi AS, GEM Invest AS, GEB Holding AS, Innovatio AS,
Hundvaag Holding AS, Per Sande AS, Arne Kristoffer Rødeseike, Einar Christian
Gulbrandsen, Jone Haaland, Stian Lode, Katrin Enstad Anglevik, Frode Rabben,
Kjen AS, Brit Sømme and Anne Hodne Buer (together referred as the “Dwellop
Founders”) regarding reorganization and change of the share ownership in the
Company. Pursuant to the agreement, Apollo Asset Limited and the Dwellop
Founders have agreed on a transaction structure where the intention is to
separate/demerge the wholly owned subsidiary Dwellop AS (“Dwellop”) from the

Notice is hereby given that as an effect of such agreement, Apollo Asset
Limited, company controlled by the Company’s board member Mr. Arne Fredly, today
has entered into agreements to acquire 17,444,000 shares in the Company, at a
price of NOK 2.30 per share. Including 26,231,602 shares previously held, Apollo
Asset Limited will have an aggregate holding of 43,675,602 shares in the
Company, corresponding to 33.29% of the share capital of the Company.

Dynamo Management AS, a company controlled by Helge Hustoft, a primary insider
in Hunter Group ASA, has today sold 5 550 758 shares for NOK 2.30 per share.
After the transaction Dynamo Management AS will hold 344 501 shares in Hunter
Group ASA.

GEB Holding AS, a company controlled by Geir Berge, a primary insider in Hunter
Group ASA, has today sold 1 921 420 shares for NOK 2.30 per share. After the
transaction GEB Holding AS will hold any shares in Hunter Group ASA.

GEM Invest AS, a company controlled by Endre M. Gaard, a primary insider in
Hunter Group ASA, has today sold 1 921 420 shares for NOK 2.30 per share. After
the transaction GEM Invest AS will not hold any shares in Hunter Group ASA.

Lingtech AS, a company controlled by Martin Lingsten, a primary insider in
Hunter Group ASA, has today sold 1 921 420 shares for NOK 2.30 per share. After
the transaction Lingtech AS will hold 260 000 shares in Hunter Group ASA.

Resonans Invest AS, a company controlled by Anne Brit Børresen Sterri, a primary
insider in Hunter Group ASA, has today sold 1 921 420 shares for NOK 2.30 per
share. After the transaction Resonans Invest AS will hold 60 000 shares in
Hunter Group ASA.

Arne Kristoffer Rødeseike, a primary insider in Hunter Group ASA, has today sold
390 869 shares for NOK 2.30 per share. After the transaction Rødeseike will not
hold any shares in Hunter Group ASA.

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Du kastet nok kortene litt for tidlig @Kronn :neutral_face:

Nja, kjøpte jo nano på lave 40, så helt greit :+1:


Hoppa ut her inntil videre jeg. Må bruke litt tid på å tolke de siste meldingene skikkelig før jeg eventuelt går inn igjen. :slight_smile:

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Gratulerer med reisen :+1:

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– Folk spør seg sikkert hvorfor jeg gjør akkurat dette nå – jeg har jo ikke noe med shipping å gjøre. Svaret er at det nå skjer et paradigmeskifte i shipping. Dette er en mulighet jeg ikke kunne la gå fra meg, sier milliardæren.

Fra slutten av 2019 kommer det nye miljøkrav til utslipp av NOx, SOx og CO2. Fredlys skip har såkalte «scrubbere» installert, som ifølge Finansavisen er kostbare rensesystemer som fjerner utslipp.

Disse skipene tjener 15.000 til 40.000 kroner ekstra per dag sammenlignet med gamle skip, sier Fredly.

  • Disse kontraktene gir jeg videre til Hunters aksjonærer til tross for at skipene har steget i verdi fra 82,5 millioner dollar stykket til 88–90 millioner dollar. Det er en merverdi på 300 millioner kroner som jeg gir i gave til Hunter-aksjonærene, sier han til DN.

Fredly sier videre at han tar null i styrehonorar, jobber helt gratis og betaler flyreiser og hotellopphold selv.

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du har jo sitter her en stund @koe - når tenker du utgang, noen plan? bare verdistigningen på kontraktene Fredly snakker på 300mn om er jo mildt sagt materiell rel. til mcap i HUNT…

Mange virker å tenke at dette er en langsiktig plan, men reguleringen er like rundt hjørnet, i alle fall opptrappingen til den. Og shippingbransjen henger ikke med i svingene, etter hva Fredly kan fortelle.

Fredly virker å vite hva han gjør, og det ser ut som han har gjort grundig forarbeid før han gikk til innkjøp av disse skipene. Allerede har jo skipene steget i verdi, og det er svært sannsynlig at de kommer til å stige i verdi ytterligere, da det er under 2 år til de nye reglene blir innført globalt (januar 2020). De nye reglene sier at drivstoffet til skipene ikke skal inneholde over 0,5% svovel.

Som Fredly sier vil da de som ikke har ny flåte (90%), fyre med marin diesel (MDO) som er 300 dollar dyrere per tonn, noe som kommer til (iflg. Fredly) å stige til 500 dollar per tonn. Dette på grunn av høyere kostnader relatert til produksjon og økt etterspørsel. Samtidig vil lavere etterspørsel for HSFO (High-sulfur fuel oil) føre til at prisen på den reduseres. Alternativt drivstoff vil være tilgjengelig, men det er ventet at det ikke vil være mulig å dekke etterspørselen etter dette.

Skipene til Fredly vil, siden de har en skrubber om bord, benytte seg av HSFO. En slik skrubber renser utslippene før de slippes ut i atmosfæren. Etter Fredlys beregninger vil disse skipene da tjene 15000 til 40000NOK ekstra pr. dag, altså opp til 1,2MNOK i løpet av 30 dager, pr. skip. Å installere en skrubber på et skip i ettertid vil være svært kostbart, en plass mellom 20-40MNOK, noe som fort ikke vil lønne seg for skip som er mer enn 5 år gamle.

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Solgte halvparten av mitt i dag (stop loss). Resten blir værende en god stund til

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Her en liste fra 19/4 som ligger på hjemmesiden til Hunter.

Listen viser at Titan Oppurtunities er inne i aksjen. Dette er et hedgefond som er startet opp av to av John Fredriksens tidligere medarbeidere. Framgangsmåten deres er å kjøpe seg inn i lavt prisede eiendeler i oljebransjen, som man kan se i denne artikkelen.

Fondet har spesialisert seg på å snappe opp oljerelaterte eiendeler, hvis eiere er i økonomisk knipe - og få vil ha.

Ellers er Dwellop-gjengen ute, kanskje med unntak av Kjetil Nesse, som fortsatt ser ut til å ha en bra beholdning.

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