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Kongsberg Automotive (KOA)

Kongsberg Automotive wins contract worth EUR 30.7 million in estimated lifetime revenue

(Reminder) Invitation to Kongsberg Automotive’s Q3 2022 Earnings Presentation

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Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

All-time high revenues and positive margin development. Portfolio transformation in full execution

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Denne aksjen må være en av børsens aller billigste


Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Kongsberg Automotive opens a new sales office in Seoul, Korea

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Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Kongsberg Automotive increases sales towards the electric vehicle market

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Snart er storkjøpene ferdig i Kongsberg Automotive

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Transactions carried out under the share buy-back program

Tålmodighet lønner seg ofte. Er vel 6 dager på rad med stigning nå. Måtte komme til slutt. Det har vært et merkelig spill i denne over lang tid.og kursen har vært holdt nede. Og det er klart de omfattende problemene under pandemien traff KOA noe voldsomt.

Mandatory Notification of Trade for Primary Insider

Invitation to Kongsberg Automotive’s Q4 2022 Earnings Presentation