Tok bare en dag med SEPA-overføring, så da er jeg den stolte eier av 62,7 ETH.
Da er jeg også ferdighandlet for denne gang, totalt 879 ETH ble det.
Exclusive: Fund tracking index of digital currencies like bitcoin to launch
Thomson Reuters Doubles Down on Ethereum With New Blockchain Hackathon
Update to Ether/Xbt
80% av verdiene ligger i bitcoin, og ethereum på andre plass 8 eller 9% avhengig av om du tar med classic.
Oppsiden er stor dersom man tror ethereum vil utgjøre et større kakestykke og at hele kaken skal fortsette å vokse.
Transaksjoner i ethereum vs bitcoin
200-250k i bitcoin vs 40k - 60k ethereum. Det vil si 4-5 ganger så mange transaksjoner i bitcoin, men til 10 ganger så høy pris.
Enda en konkurrent som baserer seg på ETH
[quote]Blockfreight Promises to Disrupt the Shipping Industry with Blockchain
Token sale enables use of smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain and Counterparty assets to automate the $4 trillion market.[/quote]
Bitcoin vs distributed ledger vs Ethereum vs blockchain
Utrolig spennende potensial banker, børser, betting, valgsystemer, forsikringer, cargo mange områder kan bli revolusjonert.
Også har vi sentralbankene som går bananas samtidig, en perfekt storm.
ETH expect major move soon™
The Federal Reserve Explained in 11 Minutes
Here we go
Nå snakker vi
[quote]In total, KPMG has assigned about 80 people to work specifically on blockchain. Headquartered in New York, that team of specialists is dispersed throughout the US.
But according to Maguire, globally, a total of 160 people have now been cross-trained to provide blockchain services.
That global team includes the data and analytics group focusing on coding and development in support of proofs of concept, prototyping and integration of blockchain capabilities.
Several of those employees last month met in New York with representatives from each of the other “Big Four” accounting firms to consider the potential benefits of forming an accounting consortium.
Still in the discussion phase, the project organized by Brooklyn-based Consensys is looking into the potential benefits blockchain could bring to the accounting industry on a global scale.[/quote]
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