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Mowi ASA (MOWI) 🐟

Marine Harvest ASA (OSE: MHG): Quarterly dividend

The Board of Marine Harvest ASA has resolved on 30 October 2018 to distribute a quarterly dividend of NOK 2.60 per share in the form of ordinary dividend.

Marine Harvest ASA’s shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange will be traded including dividend up until and including the 8 November 2018. Marine Harvest ASA’s shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange will be traded ex dividend from and including 9 November 2018. Marine Harvest ASA’s shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange will have a Record Date on the 12 November 2018. The expected payment date is 26 November 2018.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

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Correction: Payment date of the quarterly dividend

Correction of expected payment date for the NOK 2.60 dividend per share announcement made earlier today. The expected payment date is 19 November 2018 for the Marine Harvest shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Financial calendar

Financial calendar for Marine Harvest ASA


31.10.2018 - Quarterly Report - Q3
13.02.2019 - Quarterly Report - Q4


21.08.2019 - Half-yearly Report
27.03.2019 - Annual Report
29.05.2019 - Annual General Meeting

08.05.2019 - Quarterly Report - Q1
30.10.2019 - Quarterly Report - Q3

This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the
Continuing obligations.

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462522

Nyheten er levert av OBI.




Marine Harvest ASA (OSE: MHG): Eks utbytte NOK 2,60 i dag

Aksjene i Marine Harvest ASA noteres eks utbytte NOK 2,60 fra og med i dag 9.
november 2018.

Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/463210

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Marine Harvest ASA (OSE: MHG): Ex-dividend NOK 2.60 today

The shares in Marine Harvest ASA will be traded ex-dividend NOK 2.60 as from
today 9 November 2018.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/463213

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Marine Harvest ASA (OSE:MHG) Adjustment To Conversion Price Of Convertible Bond (ISIN NO0010748742)

Further to the Marine Harvest share trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange excluding a dividend of NOK 2.60 per share, in the form of ordinary dividend, as from 9 November, the conversion price of the Company’s EUR 340 million convertible bond (ISIN NO0010748742) has been adjusted.


The new conversion price is EUR 13.0630.


This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Marine Harvest ASA - Mandatory notification of trade

Framar AS (Framar), a company controlled by Marine Harvest ASA’s (Marine Harvest) Chairman Ole-Eirik Lerþy, and Sterna Finance Ltd (Sterna), a company indirectly controlled by trusts established by John Fredriksen for the benefit of his immediate family, have on 11 November 2018 entered into a commercial two-and-a-half-year marine sector consultancy agreement.


In connection with the consultancy agreement, Sterna and Framar have entered into a separate dividend adjusted option agreement whereby Sterna has granted Framar an option to acquire 750,000 shares in Marine Harvest. The premium paid by Framar for the option is NOK 3,750,000. The option may be exercised by Framar once, and only for the full number of shares, between 11 May 2019 and 11 May 2021. The strike price is set at NOK 229.90 per share, reflecting the closing price of the Marine Harvest share on 9 November 2018 plus a 5 % annual interest component till maturity. In case of early exercise, the interest component of the strike price will be reduced correspondingly.


If the option is exercised, Sterna will acquire a corresponding number of shares from Geveran Trading Co Limited (Geveran), a company indirectly controlled by trusts established by John Fredriksen for the benefit of his immediate family, in order to settle the option, in which case Geveran’s holding of shares in Marine Harvest will be reduced to 77,801,603 shares (based on today’s shareholding), representing 15.57 % of the share capital and voting rights in the company.


If the option is exercised by Framar, Ole-Eirik LerĂžy and his affiliates will own 2,250,332 shares in Marine Harvest, corresponding to 0.45 % of the share capital and voting rights in the company.


This information is subject to disclosure requirements according to section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Marine Harvest Capital Markets Day: Launches brand strategy and changes name to Mowi

(Edinburgh, 13 November 2018) Marine Harvest, the world’s leading seafood company, today launched a global brand called MOWI, and further to this, is changing its company name to Mowi.

Mowi is strongly rooted in the history of the company. The company we know as Marine Harvest today was originally founded as Mowi by Norwegian aquaculture pioneers more than 50 years ago.

“I am really excited that we are now taking the company to the next level. Through implementing our MOWI branding strategy, we can communicate our integrated value-chain from feed to the consumer’s plate. We are looking forward to announcing our new MOWI product line in the coming months”, says Alf-Helge Aarskog, CEO of Marine Harvest.

The company will launch the MOWI brand into selected markets. The branded product line - yet to be announced - will provide customers added value in taste, convenience, nutrition and traceability.

 “Mowi is an inspirational name that recalls our pioneering spirit that has developed over the past 50 years,” says Aarskog. “Since the first salmon was farmed in 1964, we have grown into a global fully integrated company, including breeding, feed, farming, processing and sales. Throughout the past 50 years, we have always remained true to our core value - the care we have for our people, our fish, our customers and the environment.”

The proposed name change is subject to shareholders’ approval, and the company has today summoned an Extraordinary General Assembly to resolve the name change with effect from 1 January 2019.

Live streaming of the Marine Harvest Capital Markets Day and Q&A can be viewed at from 10:00 CET.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

MHG CMD 2018

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Marine Harvest kapitalmarkedsdag: Lanserer merkevarestrategi og endrer navn til Mowi

(Edinburgh, 13. november 2018) Marine Harvest lanserte i dag en ny global merkevare kalt MOWI, og endrer navnet pÄ selskapet til Mowi.

Mowi er en viktig del av historien til Marine Harvest. Selskapet vi i dag kjenner som Marine Harvest ble, som et av de fĂžrste norske havbruksselskapene, startet for mer enn 50 Ă„r siden.

  • Det er svĂŠrt spennende steg vi nĂ„ tar for selskapet. Gjennom MOWI og vĂ„r nye merkevarestrategi kan vi kommunisere at vi dekker hele verdikjeden fra fĂŽr til tallerken. Vi ser fram til Ă„ annonsere vĂ„re nye MOWI-produkter i mĂ„nedene som kommer, sier konsernsjef i Marine Harvest, Alf-Helge Aarskog.

Selskapet kommer til Ă„ lansere MOWI i utvalgte markeder. Produktene vil vĂŠre svĂŠrt lett Ă„ tilberede og gi forbrukerne en stĂžrre opplevelse av smak og sunnhet, samt sporbarhet.

  • Mowi er et godt navn som reflekterer grĂŒnderĂ„nden som har utviklet selskapet de siste 50 Ă„rene. Fra den fĂžrste laksen i 1964 har vi vokst til Ă„ bli et globalt, helintegrert selskap, som dekker stamfisk, fĂŽrproduksjon, oppdrett, videreforedling og salg. Gjennom disse 50 Ă„rene har vi alltid vĂŠrt tro mot vĂ„re kjerneverdier - Ă„ bry seg om vĂ„re folk, vĂ„r fisk, vĂ„re kunder og miljĂžet, sier Aarskog.

Den foreslÄtte navneendringen mÄ godkjennes av aksjonÊrene, og selskapet har i dag kalt inn til en ekstraordinÊr generalforsamling som skal behandle forslaget om navneendring med virkning fra 1. januar 2019.

Live streaming av Marine Harvests kapitalmarkedsdag kan fÞlges pÄ fra kl. 10:00 CET.

Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.

MHG CMD 2018

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

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Marine Harvest (OSE:MHG): Notice to Extraordinary General Meeting

Marine Harvest ASA will conduct an Extraordinary General Meeting in Bergen on 4 December 2018. Attached please find the notice to the meeting.

The board of directors decided on 12 November 2018 to propose to the extraordinary general meeting a change of the company’s name from Marine Harvest ASA to Mowi ASA.

Changing the company’s name is a natural extension of the company’s strategy of going into branding. Through implementing the MOWI branding strategy, the company can communicate its integrated value-chain from feed to the consumer’s plate. The company will launch the MOWI brand into selected markets. The branded product line - yet to be announced - will provide customers added value in taste, convenience, nutrition and traceability.

Mowi is strongly rooted in the history of the company. The company known as Marine Harvest today was originally founded as Mowi by Norwegian aquaculture pioneers more than 50 years ago. Mowi is an inspirational name that recalls the pioneering spirit that has developed over the past 50 years. Since the first salmon was farmed in 1964, the company has grown into a global fully integrated company, including breeding, feed, farming, processing and sales.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

MHG EGM notice

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Marine Harvest (OSE:MHG): Innkalling til ekstraordinĂŠr generalforsamling

Marine Harvest ASA vil avholde ekstraordinĂŠr generalforsamling i Bergen 4. desember 2018. Vedlagt er innkalling til generalforsamlingen.

Styret vedtok den 12. november 2018 Ä fremsette forslag til generalforsamlingen om endring av selskapets navn fra Marine Harvest ASA til Mowi ASA. 

Å endre navn pĂ„ selskapet er en naturlig forlengelse av selskapets strategi om Ă„ lansere en merkevarestrategi. Gjennom implementeringen av merkevarestrategien MOWI kan selskapet kommunisere at vi dekker hele verdikjeden fra fĂŽr til tallerken. Selskapet kommer til Ă„ lansere MOWI i utvalgte markeder. Produktene, som ennĂ„ ikke er presentert, vil vĂŠre svĂŠrt lett Ă„ tilberede og gi forbrukere en stĂžrre opplevelse av smak, sunnhet og sporbarhet.

Mowi er en viktig del av historien til Marine Harvest. Mowi er et godt navn som reflekterer grĂŒnderĂ„nden som har utviklet selskapet de siste 50 Ă„rene. Fra den fĂžrste laksen i 1964 har vi vokst til Ă„ bli et globalt, helintegrert selskap, som dekker stamfisk, fĂŽrproduksjon, oppdrett, videreforedling og salg.

Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.

MHG EGM 2018 notice

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Marine Harvest ASA via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


noen i styret er tydeligvis stor fan av filmen Mowgli


16/11-2018 08:55:34: (MHG) Marine Harvest ASA: MHG - EUR 340 million Convertible Bond Agreement 2015/2020 ISIN NO 001 0748742- Exercise of conversion

Vis bĂžrsmeldingen


20/11-2018 10:53:19: (MHG) Marine Harvest ASA (OSE:MHG): Issuance of shares through partial conversion of bond and registration of share capital increase

21/11-2018 15:16:21: (MHG) Oslo Bþrs – Marine Harvest ASA – Mottatt sþknad om notering av obligasjonsl

22/11-2018 12:46:10: (MHG) Marine Harvest ASA (OSE: MHG): EUR 340 million Convertible Bond Agreement 2015/2020 ISIN ISIN NO 001 0748742 - Conversion of bonds

23/11-2018 10:14:35: (MHG) Oslo BÞrs - MHG02 - Nytt lÄn til notering / New bond issue to be listed 26.11.2018

04/12-2018 15:20:30: (MHG) Marine Harvest (OSE:MHG): EkstraordinĂŠr generalforsamling avholdt