Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

NANO Fundamentale Forhold (NANOV)

Fint å få det «bekreftet (?), farten er til stede :+1:

Per Samuelsson, added : "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board of Nordic Nanovector. The company has come far since I first joined the board in 2014 and is now on the verge of completing PARADIGME and delivering the preliminary three-month data read out in H2’2022.


Merkelig at de “hopper av” som styremedlemmer kort tid før slike nyheter når de har vært i styret i så mange år. Burde vel da ha stått de siste måneder og vært med å sole seg i glansen av kommende fantastiske resultater og mulig milliardsalg til big Pharma?

Bare jeg som ble nysgjerrig her.
Per Samuelsson som nå trer av er partner i HealthCap, som er blant de største aksjonærene i NN?

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Nordic Nanovector ASA publishes Annual Report 2021

Nordic Nanovector ASA - Notice of Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2022

Nordic Nanovector ASA: The Annual General Meeting held

oppdatert artikkel gitt ut idag. Er ikke dette en fra 2020?

Skjer mye innen diagnostikk, men også rundt å sikre respons hos pasienter. kjempemessig :slight_smile:

a PETbaseline with all metabolic tumor volumes included. b All tumor volumes at day 4 SPECT

A significant positive correlation between tRLU dosage and tRTV indicates that the total tumor uptake of radioimmunconjugate does not decrease, but contrarily increases with larger tumor volumes ( p < 0.01)

Our results indicate that 177Lu-lilotomab satetraxetan targets FDG avid tumor tissue without a reduction in uptake in larger tumor volumes; hence, no indication of radioimmunoconjugate shortage was found. Furthermore, especially for the high lilotomab group, tTAD showed an impact on both Δ tMTV and Δ tTLG , and on clinical response.

Well-designed dosimetric studies are the most direct method to measure the uptake of radioimmunoconjugates in targeted radiotherapies. This provides valuable information to determine the optimal dosage levels and pre-dosing regimens to attain the highest possible absorbed dose to tumor while maintaining acceptable absorbed doses to normal tissues.


En forskningsartikkel med publiseringsdato for 2 dager siden :

The combined effect of 177Lu-NNV003 and olaparib was synergistic in four NHL cell lines, partially synergistic in two and antagonistic in one. The effect of the combination was dependent on the concentration of each drug, showing the importance of optimising the parameters for further studies. Further in vivo studies evaluating the anti-tumour effect of the combination of RIT and PARP inhibition are warranted.


Nordic Nanovector: New Publication Highlights Synergistic Potential of CD37-targeted Radioimmunoconjugate Humalutin® in Combination with the PARP-inhibitor Olaparib


Nordic Nanovector ASA: Invitation to First Quarter 2022 Results Presentation and Webcast

Hjertet i halsen for hver føkkings melding, LPD where are you???


Hvis det er LPD du trakter etter så er det kanskje et annet biotek her på berget du skulle satset på;)


Godt de gikk for fredag den 13. da.

Nordic Nanovector ASA: Results for the First Quarter 2022

En ukesgammel, kjip men ærlig reminder, fra toppsjefen i ett annet radiopharmacutical som underbygger risiko/usikkerheten vi står ovenfor etter Paradigme er ferdig er jo greit å ta med seg på en ellers bekmørk dag (kommentert i forbindelse med Novartis sin produksjonsstopp):

“As we have seen to date, the biggest threat to radiopharmaceuticals is not the efficacyof radiopharmaceutical products, but the ongoing sustainable supply of these products to patients. It has been known for many decades that radiation is a powerful weapon in the management and treatment of cancer; however, the lack of secure supply jeopardises market acceptance and confidence of clinicians and patients in these therapies,” Dr Taylor added”

“…In recent times, a number of complications have arisen with nuclear reactor produced radiopharmaceuticals, most
recently being the outage at the High Flux Reactor (HFR) in Petten, Netherlands, in February 20223,4,5,6. The EU has
flagged this as a significant issue and advised that the European research reactors are approaching their “end-of-life”.
Without replacing this aging infrastructure, the EU could experience significant radioisotope shortages and impede
access to vital treatments for its citizens. These shortages may impact the roll-out of lutetium-177 (177Lu) based
products, which will severely hinder the growth of radiopharmaceuticals moving forward.”


Å faen

Dette da?


Sukk, august i fjor trodde jeg bear scenarioet var at vi var ferdigrekruttert omtrent nå. Utrolig at man aldri lærer


Det er vel ledelsen “som aldri lærer”… ikke at det nødvendigvis gjør det noe bedre, blir vel heller verre :sneezing_face:

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Med så mange CMO og CEO bytter på 3 år er det vel ikke rart at rekrutteringen blir påvirket.
Sitene vet jo aldri hvem de skal forholde seg til hvis de trenger noe input underveis.