Har Napatech noe spennede om andre selskapet kan være intressert i?
Ser ut som denne er på vei i dass om man skal følge diskusjonen på XI nå.
Essensen i diskusjonen er store uforutsette kostnader
og en spådom om EBITDA på ca -30 til -35MNOK for Q2.
Ser du kjører samme haussestrategi som i WR, med å komme med ubegrunnede utsagn som du setter et spørsmålstegn bak.
«Dobler den seg i August?»
«Skal den opp 10 % neste uke?»
«Er det et stort oppkjøp på gang?»
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, August 9, 2018 - Napatech™ (OSLO: NAPA.OL), the leading
provider of reconfigurable computing platforms, today announced that one of
Central Europe’s leading cybersecurity government agencies has selected
Napatech’s FPGA-based SmartNIC software and hardware to strengthen its national
security posture within new lawful interception applications.
Lawful interception refers to the methods and procedures by which government
agencies with legal authorization can selectively monitor individuals’
communications. Modern lawful interception applications are complex, requiring
electronic surveillance of IP-based voice, video and data communications that
are often encrypted.
The agency and their IT services design and integration partner chose Napatech’s
reconfigurable computing platform as the foundation for their next-generation
lawful interception system. The solution uniquely met the challenging
requirements of their lawful interception application by providing lossless,
line-rate networking performance from 1 to 100 Gigabits, with high-precision
nanosecond timestamping. Its open system approach allows it to be deployed in
standard server platforms, radically reducing system costs and making wide-scale
deployments practical. Finally, the highly-programmable nature of the FPGA-based
SmartNICs ensures the platform can easily and quickly adapt to new applications
that adversaries may exploit to evade surveillance.
Jarrod J. S. Siket, chief marketing officer of Napatech, said: “Government and
enterprise IT organizations are deploying a wide range of software applications
on standard server platforms. Our reconfigurable computing platform improves the
performance of networking and security applications with the most challenging
performance requirements.”
Starter oppturen i NAPA nå?
Rt: 5,06 kr
Hver måned kårer jeg det jeg kaller Teksperter™ for noen av de mest populære investeringene våre
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Her er denne månedens Teksperter™ og det mest likte innlegget deres fra de siste 90 dagene:
- @Pablo (7 likes)
- @anon48632287 (1 likes)
- @Kaizers (1 likes)
Hver måned kårer jeg det jeg kaller Teksperter™ for noen av de mest populære investeringene våre
Det er de 3 medlemmene som har fått flest likes på innleggene sine de siste 90 dagene. Teksperter™ får også en unikt merke på profilen sin og et trofé-ikon ved siden av navnet sitt. Du kan bli Tekspert™ i flere aksjer/investeringer, og troféet vil bare vises i tråder der du er Tekspert™.
Her er denne månedens Teksperter™ og det mest likte innlegget deres fra de siste 90 dagene:
- @Pablo (7 likes)
- @anon48632287 (1 likes)
- @Kaizers (1 likes)
Nei solgte ganske tidlig etterpå, da dette viste seg å ta tid.
Dette kommer til å ta tid. Kan fort falle videre.
Napatech A/S : Q3 2018 sales
(Copenhagen, 10 October 2018) Napatech A/S (“Napatech”, OSE: NAPA) announces
sales in the third quarter 2018 of 4.8 MUSD, compared to 4.0 MUSD in the second
quarter of 2018. The company reiterates the baseline sales target for the second
half of 2018 of 12 MUSD, within a range of 10-15 MUSD. In the third quarter
2018, Napatech will take an one-off adjustment to reported revenue of
approximately minus 20 MDKK to reduce accumulated channel inventory.
“Although our sales performance is behind the corresponding period last year,
still negatively affected by the previously communicated transformation in the
market, postponement of customer projects and inventory reductions, the third
quarter sales improved compared to the previous quarter. Looking forward, we
continue to be motivated by the interest for our reconfigurable computing
solutions as we build improved sales momentum in the fourth quarter of 2018. We
reiterate our baseline sales target of 12 MUSD, within a range of 10-15 MUSD,
for the second half of 2018,” says Ray Smets, Chief Executive Officer of
With respect to reported revenue in the quarter, Napatech has made a commercial
decision to take an one-off adjustment to reported revenue of approximately
minus 20 MDKK in the third quarter of 2018 to reduce accumulated inventory
within the company’s channel due to changes in buying rates and patterns from
several large customers. This one-off revenue adjustment and any resulting one-
off impact to earnings will be fully reflected in Napatech’s third quarter 2018
financial results. Napatech confirms that this commercial decision will have no
impact to the previously communicated cash flow expectations.
“With the intention of this adjustment to provide greater revenue stability for
Napatech within the market, building stronger relationships with important
value-added resellers, and continued transparency for our shareholders, we
believe that this one-off adjustment to our reported revenues will provide
improved clarity to the sales and revenue performance of our business going
forward,” says Smets.
Napatech will release the third quarter financial results on 6 November 2018.
This Stock Exchange notification follows Napatech’s IR policy of providing a
sales update shortly after the closing of a quarter.
For additional information, please contact:
Ray Smets, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +45 4596 1500
E-mail: rsm@napatech.com
Napa krakker totalt! Eier ikke noe her.
Emisjonspengene fra i sommer er brukt opp.
Kan fort komme ny emisjon.
Begynner å minne meg om Renonorden
Eller WR Entertainment, som er den andre aksjen du har haussa opp her inne.
Noen som har noen tanker rundt denne? At de trenger friske midler er vel bare starten.
Jepp, emisjon på 1,50 kr!
Noen her med tegningsretter som vurderer å benytte seg av disse?
Er det noen her som fremdeles følger Napa og har tanker rundt halvårsrapporten som kommer om et par uker? Kursen har jo droppet under emisjonskursen så det virker som mange ikke har trua.
Forøvrig er teknologien meget «het», og noe jeg har trua på fremover.