Fortsat klart Bull på NEL med dagens kæmpe flotte kontrakt - og hvis det holder, at de allerede har solgt 90 mio aktier i EMI til 3,12, så er det blot endnu et styrketegn for troen på, og fremtiden for NEL.
NEL lander den suverent største kontrakt noensinne på elektrolysers og stasjoner. Dette gir muligheten til å bygge ute en produksjonskapasitet som gjør at produksjonskostnadene synker med 40%. Ett vanvittig konkurransefortrinn som gir muligheter for både høyere marginer og ikke minst flere store kontrakter. Men det som nå dominerer bildet er misnøye blant aksjonærene pga det koster å vokse. Hva skal egentlig til for å blidgjøre folket?
Enig i det, 3,12 er flott. Hva blir market cap da?
Føler meg som nybegynner enda, jeg lot meg rive med og kjøpte en god del i dag. Satt 16.15 og tenkte selg, men så for meg åpning på 3,6 i morgen…
Håpet nå er at aksjene som selges går til en spennende ny eier.
Følte det var mange som varslet om at her kommer det nedsalg. Det var jo kjent at lockup gikk ut, menmen den skal nok opp igjen etterhvert.
Helt enig i at det er noe skikkelig SVINERI at småalsjonærer så ofte blir tilsidesatt!
Men hvorfor er det egentlig så om å gjøre å unngå pro rata repemisjoner? Er det helt kaldt og kynisk for å favorisere storfiskene?
Nel ASA: Private placement and secondary sale successfully completed, major shareholding notification
SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN.Nel ASA: Private placement and secondary sale successfully completed, major
shareholding notification(Oslo, 28 June 2018) Reference is made to the stock exchange release from Nel
ASA (“Nel” or the “Company”) published on 28 June 2018 regarding a contemplated
private placement and secondary sale of shares. The Company announces today that
it has raised approximately NOK 281 million in gross proceeds through a private
placement (the “Private Placement”) of 90,000,000 new shares (the “New Shares”),
at a price per share of NOK 3.12. In addition, F9 Investments, LLC has sold
50,000,000 existing shares in the Company at a price of NOK 3.12 per share (the
“Secondary Sale”, and together with the Private Placement the “Transaction”).
The Transaction took place through an accelerated bookbuilding process managed
by Arctic Securities and Carnegie (the “Managers”) after close of markets on 28
June 2018.The proceeds will be used to accommodate the Nikola order announced ealier today
and to fund the potential expansion of the production facility at Notodden. The
investment required is estimated to approximately NOK 150 million and the
expansion would give Nel a maximum production capacity of 340 MW/year compared
to its current facility which can produce up to 40 MW/year. The announced Nikola
Order of 448 electrolysers will require a production of 2.2MW per electrolyzer.
In addition, the Company has been invited to invest up to USD 5 million in
Nikolas upcoming fundraising and will consider using parts of the proceeds from
the share issue for such an investment. The proceeds will also fund additional
working capital in response to increased order volumes and improved positioning
to benefit from markets with high activity and growth momentum, as well as
general corporate purposes.The New Shares to be issued in connection with the Private Placement will be
issued based on a Board authorisation granted by the Company’s general meeting
held 15 May 2018. The New Shares allocated in the Private Placement will be
delivered as soon as practically possible after the registration of the share
capital increase in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, expected on
or about 2 July 2018. The New Shares issued in the Private Placement will be
made available for trading on Oslo Børs under the Company’s existing ISIN upon
delivery. Following registration of the new share capital pertaining to the
Private Placement, the Company will have 1,093,413,063 shares outstanding, each
with a par value of NOK 0.20. The shares allocated as part of the potential
Secondary Sale will be settled through a delivery versus payment transaction on
a regular t+2 basis by delivery of existing and unencumbered shares in the
Company that are already listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and will thus be
tradable upon allocation. Investors participating in the Transaction will be
allocated shares in the Private Placement and the Secondary Sale on a pro-rata
basis.The Board of Directors of the Company has resolved to undertake a subsequent
offering of up to 15,000,000 new shares towards the Company’s shareholders as of
28 June 2018 (as documented by the shareholder register in the Norwegian Central
Securities Depository (VPS) as of the end of 2 July 2018) who were not allocated
shares in the Private Placement (the “Subsequent Offering”). The subscription
price in the Subsequent Offering will be equal to the subscription price in the
Private Placement.Through the Secondary Sale, F9 Investments sold 50,000,000 shares (equivalent to
5.0% of the shares outstanding) and will following the Transaction hold
97,659,456 shares (equivalent to 8.9% of the outstanding shares after
registration of the new share capital). F9 Investments has entered into a new
lock-up with the Managers for the 23,829,723 shares with a lock-up which
originally expired on 30 June 2018. This was a pre-requisite for the board of
directors in order to release the lock-up for the shares that were sold in the
Transaction. These shares are now under a 6 month lock-up period that ends on 28
December 2018. The remaining 73,829,728 shares held by F9 Investments are under
lock-up with the Company which is expiring on 30 June 2019.ENDS
For additional information, please contact:
Jon André Løkke, CEO, +47 907 44 949
Bent Skisaker, CFO: +47 468 21 693
About Nel Hydrogen /
Nel Hydrogen is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal
solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We
serve industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology.
Since its foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and
continual improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the
entire value chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of
hydrogen fueling stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the
same fast fueling and long range as conventional vehicles todaEkstern link:
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Det gikk unna. Forstår det slik at vi som sitter med aksjer ved close også kan få kjøpt til 3,12?
Det tror jeg ikke, dette var rettet emmisjon, tror ikke det blir rep emi.
The Board of Directors of the Company has resolved to undertake a subsequent
offering of up to 15,000,000 new shares towards the Company’s shareholders as of
28 June 2018 (as documented by the shareholder register in the Norwegian Central
Securities Depository (VPS) as of the end of 2 July 2018) who were not allocated
shares in the Private Placement (the “Subsequent Offering”). The subscription
price in the Subsequent Offering will be equal to the subscription price in the
Private Placement.
Se der ja, Ja da er det mulighet, du får X antall Tegningsretter pr aksje du har, og X antall tegningsretter gir det Y antall aksjer til emi kurs.
Uansett, godt å få dette unna kjapt og så kan vi stikke nordover igjen. Og meget postivt at de skaffer 281 mill så raskt med relativt lite rabatt.
helt enig. Blir nok litt ned imorgen, men oppover utover sommer/høst tenker jeg.
Et lite spørsmål som har dukket opp mens jeg har lest børsmeldinger og annet om NEL i løpet av dagen:
Hva innebærer en produksjonskapasitet på 340 MW? Synes ikke det virker veldig mye. Har sett litt på hva vannkraftverk produserer årlig, men vet jo ikke om dette er sammenlignbart …?
NEL oppgir produksjonskapasiteten målt i totalt potensielt strømforbruk for alle elektrolysørene når de er tatt i bruk. De største enhetene tror jeg bruker opptil 2.2MW så da antar jeg de kan levere ca 155 slike per år fra 340MW fabrikken sin.
De kunne sikkert ha oppgitt det i total hydrogenproduksjonskapasitet også. 3.8-4.4kWh strøm må til for å lage 1 standard kubikkmeter med hydrogen.
340MW grunnlast blir ca 3TWh per år eller ca 2.5% av Norges strømforbruk. Bare til sammenligning. De fleste av disse skal jo eksporteres ut av norge.
Emisjonen la de vel så høyt som de turte? Prisen måtte antakelig settes på morgenen senest og da hadde det vært gambling å sette den høyere når de ikke visste hvor dagskursen endte opp?
Spennende å se hvor det går i dag. Åpning på 3,2?
Nel ASA: Key information relating to subsequent offering to be carried out by Nel ASA
(Oslo, 29 June 2018) Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from Nel ASA
(the “Company”) on 28 June 2018, regarding a private placement of up to 90
million new shares in the Company (the “Private Placement”) and a possible
subsequent offering at the same subscription price as in the Private Placement
(the “Subsequent Offering”).Date on which the terms and conditions of the potential repair issue were
announced: 28 June 2018Last day including right: 28 June 2018
Ex-date: 29 June 2018
Record date: 2 July 2018
Date of approval: 28 June 2018
Maximum number of new shares: 15,000,000
Subscription price: NOK 3.12
Other information: The Subsequent Offering is subject to the publication of a
prospectus approved by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the board of directors may, in its sole
discretion, decide that the Company shall not carry out the Subsequent Offering.This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the
Continuing Obligations. This information is subject of the disclosure
requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.ENDS
For additional information, please contact:
Bent Skisaker, CFO: +47 468 21 693
About Nel Hydrogen /
Nel Hydrogen is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal
solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We
serve industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology.
Since its foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and
continual improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the
entire value chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of
hydrogen fueling stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the
same fast fueling and long range as conventional vehicles today.Ekstern link:
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Er det ikke almindeligt at oplyse også om hvilken fordeling/ forhold der mellem antal aktier man besidder og antal tegningsretter det giver? Nogen dom kender til retningslinierne herfor?
Hvormange nye aktier til kurs 3.12 får man ret til pr 1.000 aktier man havde ved lukketid d. 28/7?
Pretrade på 3,41 nå…