Hyop nedleggelse er vel egentlig forståelig og delvis positivt. NEL har heller ikke som mål å drive salg av hydrogen eller drift av fyllestasjoner. Hyop var altfor tidlig ute. NEL har sagt at tungtransport er første pri, personbiler “icing on the cake”.
TU er vel det eneste stedet som er mer toxic enn HO når det gjelder Hydrogen diskusjon. Mange Musk-fanbois, elbilforkjempere og generelt semiavdankatidligererelevantemenneksersombareleseroverskifterutenåtenkteelleruteavstandtilåtenkeommfattendenokMenmåabslututtytresinukvalifisertemening-folk
Den siste kategorien er flinke til å kjøre diskusjoner i ring uten å ta til seg noe som blir sagt. Slik av noe på reellt nivå stort sett ikke blir diskutert.
Beklager litt for tiraden. Men i frykt for at TU speiler ingeniørstanden i Norge vekker det bekymringer hos meg.
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Hver måned kårer jeg det jeg kaller Teksperter™ for noen av de mest populære investeringene våre
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Her er denne månedens Teksperter™ og det mest likte innlegget deres fra de siste 90 dagene:
- @Ecotricity (47 likes)
- @TekBot (16 likes)
- @Mml (15 likes)
Resten av topp 10:
@Savepig (13 likes)
@hro07 (13 likes)
@NoBrain (6 likes)
@baris (5 likes)
@Mr.Tortilla (4 likes)
@Evilfreud (3 likes)
@Hod (3 likes)
Alstom skal levere 100 H2 tog i UK
Kjøpte litt ath for året… usikker på om eg skal selge å kjøpe meg inn igjen eller om eg bare skal snitte ned neste lønning den 1.
Noen formeninger?
Er skråsikker på caset men er litt uheldig med tidene.
Små tips blir hjertelig tatt imot
Tror den skal teste ny bund - måske her på 3,43?
Ville vente lidt til ny bund er bekræftet, men ser ikke den store risiko for længere nedgang …
Er selv inde i NEL og tror på videre opgang.
Nel ASA: Preliminary result of the Subsequent Offering
UNLAWFUL.Nel ASA: Preliminary result of the Subsequent Offering
(Oslo, 18 September 2018) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement
from Nel ASA (“Nel” or the “Company”) published on 5 September 2018 regarding
the commencement of the subsequent offering of up to 15,000,000 new shares (the
“Offer Shares”) in the Company at a subscription price of NOK 3.12 per share
(the “Subsequent Offering”).The subscription period ended today on 18 September 2018 at 16:30 hours (CET). A
preliminary counting indicates that the Company has received subscriptions for
approximately 69.7 millionOffer Shares in the Subsequent Offering.
The allocation of the Offer Shares in the Subsequent Offering is expected to be
resolved by the Company on or about 18 September 2018, in accordance with the
allocation criteria set out in the Company’s prospectus dated 4 September 2018.
The final result of the Subsequent Offering will be published shortly
thereafter, and subscribers who are allocated Offer Shares will receive a letter
with the number of allocated Offer Shares and the corresponding subscription
amount to be paid by each of the subscribers. The due date for payment of
allocated Offer Shares is 21 September 2018. The shares are expected to be
delivered and listed on or about 26 September 2018 following the registration of
the share capital with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises.The following primary insiders (or related parties thereof) of the Company have
subscribed for shares in the Subsequent Offering:Hanne Skaarberg Holen, Chair of the Board, has subscribed for 4,966 Offer
Shares.Ole Enger, member of the Board, has subscribed for 15,000 Offer Shares.
Finn Jebsen, member of the Board, through Fateburet AS has subscribed for 30,000
Offer Shares.Arctic Securities and Carnegie acted as managers in the Subsequent Offering.
Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS acted as Norwegian legal counsel to the Company.ENDS
For additional information, please contact:
Jon André Løkke, CEO, +47 9074 4949
Bent Skisaker, CFO, +47 468 21 693
About Nel / www.nelhydrogen.com
Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles today.Important information:
The release is not for publication or distribution, in whole or in part directly
or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Japan or the United States
(including its territories and possessions, any state of the United States and
the District of Columbia).This release is an announcement issued pursuant to legal information
obligations, and is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. It is issued for information
purposes only, and does not constitute or form part of any offer or solicitation
to purchase or subscribe for securities, in the United States or in any other
jurisdiction. The securities mentioned herein have not been, and will not be,
registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
“Securities Act”). The securities may not be offered or sold in the United
States except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the
Securities Act. The Company does not intend to register any portion of the
offering of the securities in the United States or to conduct a public offering
of the securities in the United States. Copies of this announcement are not
being made and may not be distributed or sent into Australia, Canada, Japan or
the United States. The issue, exercise, purchase or sale of subscription rights
and the subscription or purchase of shares in the Company are subject to
specific legal or regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions. Neither the
Company nor the Managers assume any responsibility in the event there is a
violation by any person of such restrictions.The distribution of this release may in certain jurisdictions be restricted by
law. Persons into whose possession this release comes should inform themselves
about and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these
restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such
jurisdiction. Carnegie is acting for the Company and no one else in connection
with the Private Placement and will not be responsible to anyone other than the
Company for providing the protections afforded to their respective clients or
for providing advice in relation to the Private Placement and/or any other
matter referred to in this release.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459718
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Noen som har noen tanker om hvordan markedet kommer til å reagere når disse aksjene settes i spill? Det er jo et godt stykke ned til emisjonskursen, men 3,40-42 kr ser ut til å ha en del støtte.
15 MIO aktier er ho en dråbe i havet her, så ingen grund til bekymring. De bliver opslugt af den daglige handle…
Fedt at se den massive overtegning (x5), der jo viser at interessen i flere NEL aktier er stor.
Jeg bekymrer meg ikke, da jeg ikke eier aksjer i NEL for øyeblikket
Du har jo rett i at det er ganske få aksjer så det er mulig det ikke kommer til å spille noen rolle. Vi får se. Jeg står klar til å kjøpe en knippe hvis den faller et stykke
Nel ASA: Final result of the Subsequent Offering
UNLAWFUL.Nel ASA: Final result of the Subsequent Offering
(Oslo, 19 September 2018) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement
from Nel ASA (“Nel” or the “Company”) published on 18 September 2018 regarding
the preliminary result of the subsequent offering of up to 15,000,000 new shares
(the “Offer Shares”) in the Company at a subscription price of NOK 3.12 per
share (the “Subsequent Offering”).The subscription period in the Subsequent Offering expired on 18 September at
16:30 CET. By the end of the subscription period, the Company had received valid
subscriptions for a total of 69.7 million Offer Shares. Hence, 15 million Offer
Shares will be issued, and upon the registration of the new share capital, the
Company will have 1,113,551,382 shares issued, each of par value NOK 0.20.Notifications of allocated Offer Shares in the Subsequent Offering and the
corresponding amount to be paid by each subscriber will be set out in a separate
letter to each subscriber to whom Offer Shares have been allotted. The
allocation letters are expected to be sent today. The due date for payment of
allocated Offer Shares is 21 September 2018. The shares are expected to be
delivered and listed on or about 26 September 2018 following the registration of
the share capital with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises.The following primary insiders (or related parties thereof) of the Company have
ordered and been allocated shares in the Subsequent Offering:Hanne Skaarberg Holen, Chair of the Board has been allocated 4,966 Offer Shares,
and will following completion hold 264,966 shares in the Company.Ole Enger, member of the Board, has been allocated 4,955 Offer Shares, and will
following completion hold 144,955 shares in the Company.Finn Jebsen, member of the Board, through Fatburet AS has been allocated 10,620
Offer Shares, and will following completion hold 310,620 shares in the Company.Arctic Securities and Carnegie acted as managers in the Subsequent Offering.
Advokatfirmaet Schjødt AS acted as Norwegian legal counsel to the Company.ENDS
For additional information, please contact:
Jon André Løkke, CEO, +47 9074 4949
Bent Skisaker, CFO, +47 468 21 693
About Nel / www.nelhydrogen.com
Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles today.Important information:
The release is not for publication or distribution, in whole or in part directly
or indirectly, in or into Australia, Canada, Japan or the United States
(including its territories and possessions, any state of the United States and
the District of Columbia).This release is an announcement issued pursuant to legal information
obligations, and is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. It is issued for information
purposes only, and does not constitute or form part of any offer or solicitation
to purchase or subscribe for securities, in the United States or in any other
jurisdiction. The securities mentioned herein have not been, and will not be,
registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
“Securities Act”). The securities may not be offered or sold in the United
States except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the
Securities Act. The Company does not intend to register any portion of the
offering of the securities in the United States or to conduct a public offering
of the securities in the United States. Copies of this announcement are not
being made and may not be distributed or sent into Australia, Canada, Japan or
the United States. The issue, exercise, purchase or sale of subscription rights
and the subscription or purchase of shares in the Company are subject to
specific legal or regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions. Neither the
Company nor the Managers assume any responsibility in the event there is a
violation by any person of such restrictions.The distribution of this release may in certain jurisdictions be restricted by
law. Persons into whose possession this release comes should inform themselves
about and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with these
restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such
jurisdiction. Carnegie is acting for the Company and no one else in connection
with the Private Placement and will not be responsible to anyone other than the
Company for providing the protections afforded to their respective clients or
for providing advice in relation to the Private Placement and/or any other
matter referred to in this release.
Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459737
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Nel ASA: Launches updated website showcasing fully integrated portfolio
(Oslo, 20 September 2018) Nel ASA (“Nel”) invites visitors to explore its
enhanced website, showcasing the fully updated product portfolio with key
performance attributes.“We are pleased to announce the launch of our updated website with information
on the full range of products, now also including our range of PEM
electrolyzers. As our capabilities and portfolio expands, we want to provide
customers with a detailed overview of our capabilities within hydrogen
production, -fueling and -solutions,” says Bjørn Simonsen, Vice President Market
Development & Public Relations at Nel.The site includes extensive information to help customers understand Nel’s
complete range of hydrogen products and solutions, along with technical
specifications and an overview of markets where Nel provides hydrogen solutions.
Updates to the site include integration of the full product and solutions
portfolio, including PEM electrolyzers.Nel invites visitors to stay informed with the latest news of the company,
product updates and investor information.ENDS
For further information, please contact:
Bjørn Simonsen, VP Market Development & Public Relations, +47 971 79 821
About Nel ASA / www.nelhydrogen.com
Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles today.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459801
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Nel ASA: Officially opens large-scale H2Station® production facility in Denmar
(Oslo, 21 September, 2018) Nel ASA announced today the official opening of its
new Nel H2Station® factory in Herning, Denmark. The state-of-the-art, large
-scale production facility has an annual capacity of 300 hydrogen stations per
year.“The opening of our new H2Station® factory in Herning marks the beginning of a
new phase within the entire industry. With the opening of this large-scale
production facility, we not only ensure vehicle manufacturers that the necessary
large-scale infrastructure for continued roll-out of FCEVs is in place, but are
also able to begin more efficient manufacturing, which is necessary to achieve
sufficient scale benefits,” says Jon André Løkke, CEO of Nel.The facility has an annual name-plate production capacity of up to 300 units per
year of the Nel H2Station®, the most compact hydrogen station currently on the
market. With serial production according to lean principles, the large-scale
manufacturing plant represents significant improvements in existing production
efficiency. The factory also allows for both CE and UL-certified stations to be
manufactured on the same production line, providing assurance of product safety
and more cost-effective deployment of hydrogen fueling.“With the opening of this facility, our customers will see that Nel not only can
support an immediate need for hydrogen fueling stations, but that we will remain
a reliable and attractive partner for the long-term,” says Løkke.To provide a unique insight into the new facility and production line set-up, a
time-lapse video has been released on the fueling section of the Nel webpage:
For additional information, please contact:
Jon André Løkke, CEO, Nel ASA +47 907 44 949
Bjørn Simonsen, VP Market Development and Public Relations, Nel ASA, +47 971 79
821About Nel / www.nelhydrogen.com
Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles todaEkstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=459938
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Nel ASA: Share capital increase registered
(Oslo, 25 September 2018) Reference is made to stock exchange announcement of 19
September 2018 published by Nel ASA (the “Company”) regarding the final result
of the Company’s Subsequent Offering of shares. The share capital increase
pertaining to the 15,000,000 shares issued in the Subsequent Offering has now
been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. The
Company’s new registered share capital is NOK 222,710,276.40, divided on
1,113,551,382 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.20 per share.ENDS
For additional information, please contact:
Bent Skisaker, CFO, +47 468 21 693
About Nel / www.nelhydrogen.com
Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles today.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460085
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Nel ASA: EU awards funding for large scale hydrogen bus project
(Oslo, 27 September 2018) Nel ASA (OSE: NEL) announced today that the
H2BusEurope project has been selected by the Connecting Europe Facility program
(CEF) for a proposed award on close to EUR 40 million for the deployment of a
fleet of fuel cell buses and supporting infrastructure.“We are extremely pleased that the CEF program has selected our project for a
proposed award of EUR 40 million. Hydrogen buses are ready for large scale
deployment in Europe, and this project is a significant stepping stone in
reducing the total cost of ownership of hydrogen buses towards a level close to
fossil fueled buses”, says Jacob Krogsgaard, SVP of Nel Hydrogen Solutions.The H2BusEurope project is an ambitious project developed by Nel and other
leading industry partners to get a total of 600 fuel cell city buses on the
roads in selected regions in Europe and establish sufficient supply of green
hydrogen with Nel and H2Stations.The CEF committee today approved the list of projects for proposed CEF awards,
where the H2BusEurope project is ranked on the list to receive close to EUR 40
million of support from EU. Nel and the H2BusEurope partners will reveal further
details on the project within a few months.“With this latest announcement we are again confirming our position as the
leading partner for the fast growing heavy duty markets. Nel is ready with
complete solutions to produce, store, distribute and dispense hydrogen for this
important segment”, says Krogsgaard.Friday last week, Nel officially inaugurated the H2Station Factory in Herning,
Denmark, with a name plate capacity of 300 H2Stations pr. year. A H2Station® can
serve a fleet of 400-800 fuel cell electric passenger vehicles or 30 fuel cell
electric buses.ENDS
For additional information, please contact:
Jacob Krogsgaard, SVP of Nel Hydrogen Solutions, +45 28 71 89 45
Bjørn Simonsen, VP Market Development and Public Relations, Nel ASA, +47 971 79
821About Nel / www.nelhydrogen.com
Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to
produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve
industries, energy and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Since its
foundation in 1927, Nel has a proud history of development and continual
improvement of hydrogen plants. Our hydrogen solutions cover the entire value
chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling
stations, providing all fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling
and long range as conventional vehicles today.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460312
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
God nok nyhet til å plukke ned den millionen med aksjer som er til salgs?
Tja, det er noen shortere som svetter nå…
Markedet er vanskelig å følge, men jeg hadde ikke vært redd for inngang på 3,6xx tallet. 3,70 er kjent motstand dog.