Og hva tror markedet om framtidsutsiktene til de 3 selskapene?
Det her tydligvis helt mørkt for selskap #2 og #3
Eller viser det nytten av fundamental analyse?
Det er vel hele tiden snakk om hva markedet har behov for.
I en mer og mer miljøbevisst hverdag, søker markedet etter de beste produktene.
Foreløpig er NEL markedsleder i sitt segment.
At hydrogenbiler vil ta opp kampen med fossil og elbiler er det liten tvil om.
Det er selskap 2 i mitt eksempel også, i samme megatrend (miljø).
Jeg vil si tvilen er stor. Med utviklingen på elbil fronten så ser jeg ingen grunn til at hydrogen skal bli et behov. Kunne vært en konkurrent, men det går for tregt. Ikke engang i Norge, hvor staten subsidierer disse miljøbilene, klarer hydrogen å få fotfeste.
Men nå står og faller ikke NEL på hydrogenbiler. Er fremdeles mange markeder hvor hydrogen er høyt aktuelt.
Men uansett så er verdsettelsene tullete.
For å komme ned på en anstendig P/E på 20 må de øke resultatet med 500MNOK.
Mulig de klarer det en dag, men skjer det innen de neste 5 årene? Jeg har mine tvil.
Nel, scanship og Kitron. Ren gjetning fra min side?
Ikke akkurat biler, men større kjøretøy. Synes denne tweeten var fin:
Nikola CEO Trevor Milton: “The battery alone in an electric truck is going to cost $200,000. We’re shooting for an internal cost of $150,000 for our entire Nikola truck. Our truck also weighs less than the batteries in an electric truck"
Også koster drivstoffet 2-3x mer?
Tesla says on its website that it expects the standard Semi to start at around $150,000 and the founders series version to cost around $200,000.
Dumme Tesla som selger semiene sine med tap da
NEL er den mest haussa aksjen på alle fora, det er ikke de andre.
Så har man Twitter gutta i NEL og Nikola, som prater opp sine produkter/nyheter via den kanalen, litt som en annen person over dammen
Derfor er de så himla høyt priset, har tro på hydrogen innen tungtransport selv men tørr ikke å røre aksjen på dette nivået.
Er også usikker på hvor lang tid det vil ta og om Nikola kan levere det de har tatt på seg, det er mye usikkerhet rundt akkurat det som igjen vil påvirker NEL i stor grad om det ikke skulle gå som planlagt.
I utgangspunktet vil ikke hydrogen og el konkurrere særlig mot hverandre. Når det gjelder langdistansefartøyer -og kjøretøyer er det mye mer effektivt å bruke hydrogen da dette inneholder mye mer energi og veier mye mindre. På grunn av dette vil el og hydrogen heller utfylle hverandre; el dominerer kortdistanse og hydrogen dominerer langdistanse.
Nikola stands firm on H2, but admits EVs like Tesla Semi will dominate in short routes
In a recent interview, Nikola Motor CEO Trevor Milton noted that while electric trucks like the Tesla Semi will likely dominate short-haul jobs in the future, hydrogen is still the key for tomorrow’s long-haul routes. Speaking with trucking-themed publication Trucks.com, Milton provided some insights on his vision for Nikola’s trucks, his company’s electric vehicles, and why hydrogen makes sense as a sustainable source for propulsion.
Nikola Motor is still a small company, and it is attempting to breach a market that is populated by giants such as Volvo and Daimler. To make this endeavor a success, Milton noted that he needs to “build the iPhone of trucking,” which involves an ecosystem that does not just involve a vehicle, but its fueling infrastructure as well.
“Apple would not be Apple if the iPhone was just a phone. We don’t just provide you with the truck. It was about building the best back end a phone has ever had. And that’s what we do with Nikola… We provide you with all the fuel for the first million miles. When you sign on for Nikola we put in a hydrogen station with all your fuel covered, without any cost variation, for seven years. No one else will do that,” Milton said.
Nikola showcases the Nikola Two. (Photo: Dacia Ferris/Teslarati)
Nikola is yet to deploy its trucks to the market, and other disruptive companies like Tesla have unveiled trucks of their own. Tesla, for its part, designed the Semi as a fully-electric truck, just like its other vehicles. Amidst the rising competition in the green trucking segment, Nikola has also expressed its interest in offering battery-only versions of its vehicles. Milton explained this strategy in his recent interview, admitting that for some tasks, battery-electric trucks simply make sense.
“Around long-haul, you have more advantage on the hydrogen side because it’s lighter. It’s all about freight weight, or how much it costs to move a freight-ton per mile. There’s advantages to both infrastructures, but we’re mainly focused on the hydrogen side. We just offer battery-electric so we can tell people we’ll shoot you straight. There are areas where hydrogen does not make sense,” he said.
Nevertheless, the Nikola CEO maintained his stance on hydrogen, arguing that batteries still have disadvantages in terms of weight and cost. Milton also mentioned the ethical issues surrounding lithium mining; an issue that has been closely related to the emerging electric car industry, though he did state that batteries are a “really good solution” for short-haul tasks.
The Tesla Semi and the Nikola One.
“The battery alone in an electric truck is going to cost $200,000. We’re shooting for an internal cost of $150,000 for our entire Nikola truck. Our truck also weighs less than the batteries in an electric truck. Now, electric is going to kick our butt in short-haul because it’s a really good solution, but electric trucks are not one size fits all. Right now, they’re digging up mines with child labor to pull lithium out to make batteries, and I’m tired of it. The only things that you can use and reuse indefinitely are water and hydrogen. It is the only resource that will not go away. That’s why we picked the hydrogen route.
“Our hydrogen trucks also take a big battery, so I can’t point the finger at anyone else. I have the same problem everybody else has, and I’m trying to get rid of it. The electric powertrain is the powertrain of the future. How we store the energy for it has got to change. We’ve got to figure out a way, whether it’s through ultra-capacitors or whatever it may be, where you can store all that energy without disrupting these scarce resources. Then the price will come down low enough that we can finally win,” Milton stated.
Battery technology continues to improve with the continued adoption of electric propulsion. Tesla, for its part, is working on removing cobalt from its batteries altogether, allowing the company to address the humanitarian issues surrounding cobalt mines in areas such as the Republic of Congo. During the recently held annual shareholder meeting, Tesla CEO Elon Musk even hinted at Tesla potentially entering the mining business, as a means to acquire the necessary materials for its products’ batteries.
Angående El og Lastebil så har jo Norgesgruppen drevet omfattende testing, og de har vel foreløpig konkludert at El og Lastebil fungerer særdeles dårlig.
De skal straks igang med omfattende hydrogentest.
Hva tester de med?
her står det litt mer info.
Den elbilen til Asko har vært helt krise. Har litt kontakter der, og de har knapt fått kjørt en liten tur fra Grorud til Sentrum og opp igjen før den må lade til neste dag, og batteriene var så tunge at nyttelasten til bilen bare var egnet til å kjøre lette ting som potetgull o.l.
Har selv vært borti en hybridvariant, og den funket i og for seg greit, men den tømte batteriene så fort i urban kjøring at den gikk mesteparten av tiden på kun diesel uansett…
Pottis? Hehe
Elbil og potetgull.
Potensiale for reklameskapere det der:
Nå er potetgullet vårt så lett at det kan fraktes med elbil!
Vil ikke faststoffbatterier kunne bli en seriøs konkurrent til hydrogen også i lastebiler?
Noen dager gammel artikkelen, men bet meg merke i følgende:
Han viser til at Nordnets kunder sto for nær 34 prosent av totalomsetningen i aksjen torsdag.
Ikke bare storfisk som står for volumet i den aksjen, for å si det mildt.