Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Next Biometrics Group (NEXT)

Brudd opp i går, muligens hjulpet av beroligende avgjørelser i det indiske rettssystemet. Jeg synes volum er helt ok, men ingen frenzy. Til nå i dag har ikke selgerne beveget seg et øre nedover. Jeg handlet mer på 54,90 kr i går. Hvis man skal se price target ut fra bullish flag, forstår jeg det slik at man kan sikte på 66ish kr, men det kan tenkes at det er en del motstand på 63 kr.


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Hver måned kårer jeg det jeg kaller Teksperter™ for noen av de mest populære investeringene våre :slight_smile:

Det er de 3 medlemmene som har fått flest likes på innleggene sine de siste 90 dagene. Teksperter™ får også en unikt merke på profilen sin og et trofé-ikon ved siden av navnet sitt. Du kan bli Tekspert™ i flere aksjer/investeringer, og troféet vil bare vises i tråder der du er Tekspert™.

Her er denne månedens Teksperter™ og det mest likte innlegget deres fra de siste 90 dagene:

  1. @Kana (25 likes)
  1. @Calusari (12 likes)
  1. @Don_suger (5 likes)

Resten av topp 10:

  1. @holmes (5 likes)

  2. @Frodoen (2 likes)

  3. @sulzrox (2 likes)

  4. @H.L (2 likes)

  5. @Argus (1 likes)


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3,453,614 17.9% GREENBRIDGE INVESTME Skandinaviska Enskil
1,231,400 6.4% Citibank, N.A. S/A OPPENHEIMER GL O
1,205,484 6.3% ECOMNEX HOLDING AS c/o Ecomnex Holding
530,904 2.8% EUROSTORES AS
500,220 2.6% Nomura International NOMURA PB NOMINEES L
455,473 2.4% Avanza Bank AB
424,995 2.2% NORUS AS
400,000 2.1% TVENGE TORSTEIN INGVALD c/o Fram
350,000 1.8% SONGA TRADING INC
238,095 1.2% JPMorgan Chase Bank, HANDELSBANKENS NRD S
225,253 1.2% Skandinaviska Enskil A/C CLIENTS ACCOUNT
209,000 1.1% MARSTAL AS
182,827 1.0% J.P. Morgan Bank Lux JP MORGAN BANK LUXEM
181,382 0.9% Svenska Handelsbanke C/O HANDELSBANKEN AS
6,308,629 32.8% OTHER
19,243,335 100% TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES

Mandatory notification of trade

Eurostores AS, a company wholly owned by NEXT Biometrics Group ASA Board Member
Tore Etholm-Idsøe, has entered into a forward contract with Den norske Bank
(DnB), whereby Eurostores AS on October 9th 2018 sells 80 000 shares in NEXT to
DnB at a share price of NOK 50,-. Simultaneously Eurostores AS has agreed to
buy the same amount of shares at NOK 50,64 on March 4th 2019. The proceeds of
the transaction will primarily be used to cover debts and related taxes. The
Eurostores ownership in NEXT will after these transactions remain unchanged.

Following the transaction Tore Etholm-Idsøe and Eurostores AS controls a total
of 896,458 registered shares, options and forward contract shares.

About NEXT Biometrics
NEXT provides advanced fingerprint sensor technology that delivers uncompromised
security and accuracy for the best possible user experience in the smart card,
government ID, access control and notebook markets. The company’s patented
NEXTActive Thermal principle allows the development of large, high
qualityfingerprint sensors in both rigid and flexible formats. NEXT Biometrics
GroupASA (www.nextbiometrics.com) is headquartered in Oslo, with sales, support
and development operations in Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei, Prague and

For additional information, please contact:
Investor Relations:
Ritu Favre (CEO), Ritu.Favre@NEXTbiometrics.com
Knut Stålen (CFO), Knut.Stalen@NEXTbiometrics.com

Tom Beermann, tom.beermann@NEXTbiometrics.com

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=460943

Nyheten er levert av OBI.



Next biometrics vil ansette 8stk til :slight_smile:


NEXT Biometrics Fingerprint Sensors Selected for Three Smart Card Pilots

OSLO, Oct. 31, 2018 – NEXT Biometrics (Oslo Bors: NEXT), a global leader in
fingerprint sensor technology, today announced that its advanced large-area
biometric sensor has been selected for three new smart card pilot projects
through its cooperation with Tactilis Pte. Ltd., Singapore.

              A global organization has signed a letter-of-intent for the

pilot projects with NEXT smart card partner Tactilis with the purpose of
validating the concepts of biometric system-on-card technology when deployed for
three different applications, all of which have potential global impact. The
projects require smart card systems offering government grade biometric
performance, multifunction capabilities and advanced management of user data and

              "These pilots represent new smart card applications for which

our large sensors offer a unique combination of high-security and ease-of-use,"
said Ritu Favre, CEO, NEXT Biometrics. “We’re very pleased to see that our
cooperation with Tactilis is opening new market segments that will help
accelerate global adoption of biometric smart cards.”

              All three pilot projects are to be conducted in Asia and are

planned to start in the first quarter of 2019. They require performance similar
to the mandatory requirements of the Aadhaar program in India. NEXT Biometrics’
large-area fingerprint sensors are already certified for the world’s largest
biometric program, having been qualified through a rigorous testing regime and
review processes to ensure uncompromised security and compliance with real-life
usage requirements in India.

               "The pilots represent new high-value biometric applications

for which our smart card solution featuring NEXT sensor technology is a perfect
fit," said Tactilis founder and CEO, Michael Gardiner. “It is yet another
important step forward for us as a company following the recently announced
public market transaction with Global Invacom Group.”

              NEXT expects to provide additional information related to the

pilot projects and the unidentified global organization before the end of the

About NEXT Biometrics

NEXT provides advanced fingerprint sensor technology that delivers uncompromised
security and accuracy for the best possible user experience in the smart card,
government ID, access control and notebook markets. The company’s patented NEXT
Active ThermalT principle allows the development of large, high quality
fingerprint sensors in both rigid and flexible formats. NEXT Biometrics Group
ASA (www.nextbiometrics.com) is headquartered in Oslo, with sales, support and
development operations in Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei, Prague, Bengaluru and

About Tactilis

Tactilis believes that living in a connected world is a good thing and offers
simple, quick and easy-to-scale solutions that make it easier than ever to
authenticate and manage identities, protect precious data and create trustworthy
environments for citizens, businesses and government organizations. With
extensive technological know-how and cutting-edge manufacturing processes,
Tactilis helps you get the most out of the open world while securing your
interests with just one fingerprint.

# # #

Media contact:

Tom Beermann, tom.beerm

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/462436

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


NEXT Biometrics Receives New Order for Fingerprint Sensors to be Integrated into Point-of-Sale Terminals for India Market

OSLO, Nov. 1, 2018 – NEXT Biometrics (Oslo Bors: NEXT), a global leader in fingerprint sensor technology, today announced the company has received an order for its fingerprint sensor modules from China-based Telpo (Telepower Communication Co. Ltd.). Telpo is a new customer and will incorporate the NEXT fingerprint module into point-of-sale (POS) terminals for the Indian market where the company is expanding its presence.

                   Initial shipments of the sensor modules are expected later this quarter. Potential volumes for the application could be several hundred thousand units in the coming quarters.

                  “NEXT continues to see increased demand for our large-area fingerprint sensor technology from leading companies around the world for a broad set of applications,” said Ritu Favre, CEO NEXT Biometrics. “The security and convenience provided by NEXT’s sensor modules make them an ideal solution for the type of handheld point-of-sale terminals Telpo has developed.”

                  The sensors, which have been certified by India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Standardisation Testing Qualification and Certification (STQC) Directorate, will be built into the Telpo TPS900 POS terminal. Telpo plans to provide the devices to a range of customers in India. The terminals will be used primarily for government applications.  

                  “Telpo’s design strengths and outstanding production capabilities are a good complement to NEXT’s unique fingerprint sensor technology and background as a proven supplier,” said Sunny Sun, general manager International Business, Telpo. “The use of biometric POS terminals in India is expected to grow significantly and we believe we have the right products and technologies to capture that growth moving forward.”

                  The agreement with Telpo continues NEXT’s engagement with and focus on the market in India. In June, NEXT’s supplier in India, AqTronics received hardware certification to provide NEXT’s unique fingerprint sensor solution to India’s Aadhaar government ID program. Shortly after, the company received initial orders for government certified fingerprint readers. AqTronics has also recently received Registered Device (RD) Service certification to sell NEXT Fingerprint sensors using Android software. Aadhaar is the largest and most sophisticated biometrics-based government ID system in the world.

About NEXT Biometrics

NEXT provides advanced fingerprint sensor technology that delivers uncompromised security and accuracy for the best possible user experience in the smart card, government ID, access control and notebook markets. The company’s patented NEXT Active Thermal™ principle allows the development of large, high quality fingerprint sensors in both rigid and flexible formats. NEXT Biometrics Group ASA (www.nextbiometrics.com) is headquartered in Oslo, with sales, support and development operations in Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei, Prague, Bengaluru and Shanghai.

About Telpo

Telpo is the leading Point-of-sale (POS) and intelligent hardware supplier of smart terminals and solutions. Telpo employs a total of 800 people, including more than 150 R&D engineers. The company’s successful ODM experience helps it to meet the needs of customers in technology and business.

# # #

Media contact:

Tom Beermann, tom.beermann@nextbiometrics.com

Investor contact:

Knut Stalen, knut.stalen@nextbiometrics.com

Ekstern link: http://news.cision.com/next-biometrics/r/next-biometrics-receives-new-order-for-fingerprint-sensors-to-be-integrated-into-point-of-sale-termi,c2661210
Ekstern link: http://mb.cision.com/Main/10109/2661210/936805.pdf
Ekstern link: http://news.cision.com/next-biometrics/i/telpo-fps900,c2520002

Nyheten er levert av Cision.


Next biometrics forsetter å levere :slight_smile:

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Har du sett noe på det tekniske i det siste?

Investing.com som jeg bruker til å se på charts sliter litt med oppdatering av kurser og volum, så dette er litt ufullstendig. Som du ser mangler dagens utvikling, og volum for det hele. 2 cent fra meg:

Den fallende trendlinjen som ble brutt i månedsskifte Aug/Sep ble testet i makroshitstormen, og det gikk jo fint. Lavt volum på nedgangen. men heller ikke noe kraftig volum i dag. Topp 50 er jo ganske tung, og mange sitter vel stille, altså få aksjer i omløp. Det har skjedd noen endringer blant de større aksjonærene den siste tiden (@Kana har kanskje mer oversikt over det?). Jeg har en liten post akkurat nå (mindre enn i porteføljeoversikten som jeg ikke makter å oppdatere :blush:). Close over 50,50 kr vil være diggish.



Denne T-50 viser beholdninger ved børsslutt onsdag 24.10

De 50 største eierne i NEXT Biometrics Group den 29/10-2018

Ranking Antall Prosent Verdi Navn
1 3 453 614 17.77% 186 495 156 GREENBRIDGE INVESTMENT L.P.
2 1 299 823 6.69% 70 190 442 CLEARSTREAM BANKING S.A.
3 1 205 484 6.20% 65 096 136 ECOMNEX HOLDING AS
4 577 186 2.97% 31 168 044 J.P. MORGAN BANK LUXEMBOURG S.A.
5 569 889 2.93% 30 774 006 SILVERCOIN INDUSTRIES AS
6 500 000 2.57% 27 000 000 TVENGE TORSTEIN INGVALD
7 450 904 2.32% 24 348 816 EUROSTORES AS
8 439 234 2.26% 23 718 636 AVANZA BANK AB
9 434 824 2.24% 23 480 496 NOMURA INTERNATIONAL PLC
10 424 995 2.19% 22 949 730 NORUS AS
11 422 764 2.18% 22 829 256 STATOIL PENSJON
12 350 000 1.80% 18 900 000 SONGA TRADING INC
13 342 407 1.76% 18 489 978 ENGELSBERG INVEST AS
14 224 586 1.16% 12 127 644 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN AB
16 209 000 1.08% 11 286 000 MARSTAL AS
17 202 054 1.04% 10 910 916 DNB NOR MARKETS, AKSJEHAND/ANALYSE
18 198 670 1.02% 10 728 180 SÆTER HAAKON MORTEN
19 175 000 0.90% 9 450 000 FKKG AS
20 167 523 0.86% 9 046 242 NORDNET BANK AB
21 160 370 0.83% 8 659 980 SWEDBANK AB
22 157 824 0.81% 8 522 496 JACO INVEST AS I
23 156 458 0.81% 8 448 732 STOREBRAND VEKST VERDIPAPIRFOND
24 154 780 0.80% 8 358 120 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN AB
25 146 271 0.75% 7 898 634 UBS SWITZERLAND AG
26 143 817 0.74% 7 766 118 KLP AKSJENORGE INDEKS
27 139 794 0.72% 7 548 876 ETHOLM-IDSØE TORE
28 130 000 0.67% 7 020 000 FOCO LIMITED
29 123 942 0.64% 6 692 868 GRENDAHL HOLDING AS
31 116 445 0.60% 6 288 030 HATALIS MILTIADIS KONSTANTINOS
32 116 000 0.60% 6 264 000 VERDIPAPIRFONDET STOREBRAND
33 114 500 0.59% 6 183 000 BANK JULIUS BÄR & CO. AG
34 107 542 0.55% 5 807 268 STATOIL FORSIKRING A.S
35 107 032 0.55% 5 779 728 PEDERSEN TORE ANDRÉ
36 100 000 0.51% 5 400 000 BORGEN INVESTMENT GROUP NORWAY AS
37 98 824 0.51% 5 336 496 NOMURA INTERNATIONAL PLC
38 96 000 0.49% 5 184 000 HARTVIG WENNBERG II AS
39 84 000 0.43% 4 536 000 LUCELLUM AS
40 81 955 0.42% 4 425 570 HAUGE ODD HARALD
41 81 327 0.42% 4 391 658 DANSKE BANK A/S
42 77 700 0.40% 4 195 800 CITIBANK, N.A.
43 72 000 0.37% 3 888 000 FORTE TRØNDER
44 70 000 0.36% 3 780 000 HANOMA HOLDING AS
45 69 817 0.36% 3 770 118 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN S.A.
46 66 486 0.34% 3 590 244 NYGÅRD ARVID
47 65 600 0.34% 3 542 400 GEC HOLDING AS
49 61 600 0.32% 3 326 400 PEDERSEN ROAR CHARLES
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Next forsetter å lever, men mer en det jag har trodd!!! Jeg forventer flere meldinger i q4.

De siste ukene har jeg plukket småposter og nærmer meg et 5-sifret antall NEXT.
Etter 4 positive børsmeldinger i løpet av de siste 5 børsdagene ventet jeg et kraftig rykk nordover i aksjekursen, men den har uteblitt.
Riktignok et forsiktig kursløft, men ikke det jeg hadde ventet.

Er det noen med fartstid i aksjen som finner kursutviklingen i aksjen mer som ventet enn det jeg gjør?

Jeg er ikke helt overrasket over det, vi trenger volum order som får opp intressen. Alltså till verdi av flere hundre mill kr eller en bra kvartals rapport som vise veldig mye mer i omsetning, men det kommer :)!!!

Jeg oppfatter NEXT mer som et forsknings- og utviklingsselskap enn et opererende selskap.
I denne type selskaper er det mer utsiktene til ordrer og på sikt lønnsom drift som løfter kursen enn det som kommer fra driften akkurat nå. Dem som venter på store forbedringer på bunnlinje vil miste muligheten for å å være med på de store kurshoppene.

Jeg har kjøpt NEXT fordi jeg oppfatter biometri som et område av kortteknologien med store muligheter de nærmeste årene og har sett hvordan kursen i IDEX har reagert nordover mer på nyheter enn på inntektsbringende ordrer.

Den kursendringen har jeg ikke sett den siste uka for NEXT, og det overrasket - og skuffet litt.

1 Like

Og det med det rette, men det har vart mange år med besvikelse i next och jag tror markedet har vanskelig for å forstå at next står framfor et stort brudd oppover i de neste kvartalene, både med inntekt och order. Inntekter kommer snart selv om du ikke forventer det. :slight_smile: jag venter på q4 som den store rapporten.

Infineon and NEXT Biometrics Introduce Biometric Smart Card Reference Design

Includes all Elements to Simplify and Expedite Biometric Smart Card Technology
MUNICH, Germany and OSLO, Norway - November 8, 2018 - Infineon Technologies AG
(FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY), the global leader in smart card payment solutions and
NEXT Biometrics (Oslo Bors: NEXT), a global leader in fingerprint sensor
technology, have joined together to create a reference design for biometric
payment cards. The reference platform incorporates all necessary elements to
develop and manufacture a smart card with a fingerprint sensor and helps card
makers simplify their production processes and to shorten time-to-market for
their offerings.

              The use of biometrics for second factor authentication is the

next big thing in payment card innovation following signatures, embossing,
magnetic stripe and secure chip technologies. Instead of entering a PIN or
showing an ID, the card holder authenticates by using a fingerprint sensor
embedded on the card. The fingerprint information is stored on the card’s secure
element and not shared with any third party, thereby protecting the user’s
privacy. Fingerprint authentication is faster and easier than standard PIN-based
EMV* transactions. It will also further reduce fraud, especially when
multifunctional cards are deployed for personal social security payments. The
false rejection rate is a convenience feature that measures how often the
fingerprint of the authorized user is reliably recognized and not incorrectly

              The biometric card reference design includes a biometric

module, a secure element, an operating system with biometric and payment
applets, as well as a recommended and proven pre-lamination and lamination
method for manufacturing the card. This complete system solution enables secure
biometric smart card payments with significantly reduced false rejection rates
to below one percent.

              "Infineon is committed to enable a secure and convenient

payment experience enhanced by fingerprint authentication," said Bjoern
Scharfen, Head of the product line Payment & Wearables at Infineon. “As a
turnkey solution, the reference platform that Infineon jointly developed with
NEXT will drive biometric innovations in the smart card industry and help make
digital transactions easier and safer.”

              "By listening to our customers and focusing on their

requirements, we’ve made it a priority to deliver the tools they need to speed
the implementation and deployment of biometric smart card technology," said Ritu
Favre, CEO of NEXT Biometrics. “With our leadership in large-area, flexible
fingerprint sensor technology and Infineon’s semiconductor expertise we’re
delivering a complete solution that can be used by smart card makers to add
further innovation. By simplifying development, Infineon and NEXT are leading
the way toward making the use of biometric smart cards pervasive worldwide.”

              The biometric smart card reference design will be demonstrated

by the two companies at the upcoming APSCA Digital Payments South Asia
conference in Mumbai, India, 13-14 November 2018.

About Infineon

              Infineon Technologies AG is a world leader in semiconductor

solutions that make life easier, safer and greener. Microelectronics from
Infineon is the key to a better future. In the 2017 fiscal year (ending 30
September), the Company reported sales of around Euro 7.1 billion with about
employees worldwide. Infineon is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ticker
symbol: IFX) and in the USA on the over-the-counter market OTCQX International
Premier (ticker symbol: IFNNY).

About NEXT Biometrics

              NEXT provides advanced fingerprint sensor technology that

delivers uncompromised security and accuracy for the best possible user
experience in the smart card, government ID, access control and notebook
markets. The company’s patented NEXT Active ThermalT principle allows the
development of large, high quality fingerprint sensors in both rigid and
flexible formats. NEXT Biometrics Group ASA (www.nextbiometrics.com) is
headquartered in Oslo, with sales, support and development operations in
Seattle, Silicon Valley, Taipei, Prague, Bengaluru and Shanghai.

# # #

*The EMV® Chip Specifications define globally valid requirements for chip-based
payment solutions and acceptance terminals. They enable secure contact- and
contactless applications and the use of other emerging payment technologies.
Further information is available at: www.emvco.com

Media contact – NEXT Biometrics:

Tom Beermann, tom.beermann@nextbiometrics.com

Investor contact – NEXT Biometrics:

Knut Stale

Ekstern link: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/463126

Nyheten er levert av OBI.
