Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Nikola (NKLA)

Problemet er vel at Hydrogen er langt fram i tid og en svært kostbare teknologi, de burde satset hardere på ren El.

Tesla sine lastebiler tror jeg ikke blir helt det store her i Europa, da ville jeg heller sett mot Volvo og Scania :slight_smile:

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Så dette i artikkelen om Nel ordren i dag

Bakgrunnen er Biden-administrasjonens Inflation Reduction Act, som gir subsidier på grønn teknologi.

– Dette gjør USA verdens kanskje billigste land for å produsere hydrogen, sier Volldal.

Dette må jo være positivt for Nikola også ?

Oljefondet er nest største aksjonær

Sylvio Richter, founder and CEO of Richter Group said, “We plan to introduce the Nikola hydrogen electric trucks and other services of Nikola and E.ON to many of our partners to further promote and grow decarbonization efforts in the European heavy-duty transport sector. This Letter of Intent is just the beginning. Through our technology subsidiary Sundronix GmbH, Richter Group will be working with Nikola and E.ON on technological solutions for the design and construction of a 700-bar refuelling infrastructure, hydrogen transport logistics, and hydrogen supply.”

40% opp i Europa nå
Kraftig opp i pre market i USA
Ser mange mener det er en heftig short squeeze som er i gang. Spennende tider

Fra forum i USA
With the Tesla semi NOT going into production until the end of next year (2024), Nikola first mover advantage remains intact not only for the Nikola BEV, but also the FCEV that goes into production next month. There is a clear path to success for Nikola and on the back of that is success for all of Nikola stockholders. Don’t forget, Nikola isn’t just a truck manufacturer. Nikola is a tech company and now an energy company. With on average $100,000 in fuel cost annually for every class-8 truck, and an estimated 7 year – 700,000-mile life span, not only will Nikola make profit (targeted at 30% per unit at volume production) they will potentially make an additional $700,000 selling fuel for each FCEV truck sold. These numbers will vary based on different variables, but the point is that being the supplier of fuel for the very truck you manufacture is simply brilliant! It’ a force multiplier, and a profit multiplier. Not only will Nikola sell Hydrogen for its trucks but also for competitors building FCEV trucks and cars. Excess Hydrogen production can be sold to others in offtake agreements to provide fuel for other Hydrogen consumers for manufacturing plants, production plants, back up power fixed sites and others. With Tesla out of the competition until end of 2024 assuming that forecasted date doesn’t get extended again, Nikola will inevitably pick up much of that market for the next year and a half that may have gone to Tesla if they were in production now. Given that the market is signaling they prefer the FCEV over the BEV with an estimated 6 to 1 projected sales of the FCEV over the BEV and given that Nikola is the only company to have a serial production FCEV on the market beginning in July, that is very favorable for Nikola. Factor in California is banning the use of ICE trucks at ports in 2024, and then banning the sale of ICE trucks in the state following that, the immediate need/demand for both BEV and FCEV trucks begins now so fleets have time between to phase in their zero emissions trucks. That’s just California. Other states and the Federal government continuing and increasing restrictions on ICE trucks will generate exponential demand for Nikola’s trucks. When Nikola reaches maximum production of 2,400 trucks per year on their current line (with 3 shifts) and when demand matches that production rate, it will generate $840,000,000 in gross sales on the truck alone and that doesn’t include the revenue from the production and sale of Hydrogen especially considering the IRA cash incentives for Hydrogen. I’m very bullish.

Fortsetter i dag. 37% opp nå

Opp 30% i pre market
7 gangern siden tidlig juni

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