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Nordic Nanovector - Fundamentale forhold 2019 (NANO)

Et interessant spørsmål som dukker opp etter Q1 og GF: Hva skjer med shorten?

Hvorfor skal godkjennelse meldes når det første avslaget ikke ble meldt?

Jeg tror ikke de børsmelder.

Tenker de melder på Q-presentasjon slik LR gjorde tidlig april. Eller?

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Det var vist en av endringene de informerte om. Oppdatering på kommunikasjon med regulatoriske myndigheter på kvartalsrapporter fremover. REK passer vel inn her. Og selv om det kan ha stor kurseffekt børsmelder de nok ikke. Det har stor kurseffekt eventuelt pga usikkerhet i markedet. Men guiding fra selskapet er FPD H1. Tror de må/bør børsmelde nytt avslag eventuelt.


Det var ikke regulatoriske anliggender de skulle melde på Q-rapportene, men antall sites som er åpne.

Fremdeles har de vel sagt at “vi kommenterer ikke regulatoriske anliggender.” Mitt utgangspunkt er at REK ikke vil bli meldt ref. guiding, men det kan jo finnes gode argumenter for å melde REK på tross av guidingen, historikken tatt i betraktning.

Ser vi på kursen er det ingenting som antyder at noen sitter med forventninger til neste uke…


@vegarbeider​:joy::joy::joy::joy: morsom du

Hva tenker folk om utviklingen i kursen nå? Synes hver dag ser rimelig lik ut. Lite volum og store bevegelser hver gang noen skal inn eller ut med noen tusen aksjer. Er vi på en bunn gitt ingen negative overraskelser fremover?

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Sant det, blir ikke helt klok på dette! :rofl:
Tålmodighet i store kvanta er en fordel å ha i Nano, det er sikkert.
Muligheten for at denne kan crash and burn er jo enda til stede, helt til en eventuell godkjenning er på plass.
Får satse på noen gode nyheter angående godkjenning fra REK, oppstart/FPD og evt andre ting nå snart (Q1).

Angående ny CEO og styreleder så høres det smart ut å få inn noen erfarne, velrennomerte fra BP, men sånt tar jo nødvendigvis noe tid da sånne kapasiteter som oftest ikke er å finne på Navs stilling søkes-sider.
Det er nok oppsigelsestid inne i bildet der skulle man tro.
6 mnd til slutten av november nå, tida går fort til da, og de fleste både håper og tror på en god del avklaringer og fremgang til da.

Har vært ca 16 mnd inne i Nano, har flere ganger måttet justere tidsperspektivet mitt angående framgang, så jeg venter gjerne noen måneder til så lenge det fundamentale fortsatt ser bra ut selv med utsettelser (som er vanlig i biotek), og utskiftning av ledende personell, som vel også er vanlig.
Ikke ønskelig med de negative momentene, men for meg ser oppsiden og dermed fremtiden veldig bra ut, derfor blir jeg fullt investert her fortsatt.
Andre må gjøre sine undersøkelser og konklusjoner. :smiley::+1:


Nordic Nanovector updates on Clinical Trial Applications for Archer-1 and PARADIGME Trials in Norway


Oslo, Norway, 25 May 2018

Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANO) has received feedback from the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) in Norway with regard to the Clinical Trial Application (CTA) for the Archer-1 Phase 1b trial with Betalutin® (177Lu-satetraxetan-lilotomab) in combination with rituximab in second-line follicular lymphoma patients.

Feedback from REK has been received following a review of the CTA for Archer-1, which took place on 26 April. The company and the lead investigator for the trial, Dr Arne Kolstad, senior consultant in medical oncology and radiotherapy at Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet, are continuing discussions with REK towards gaining approval to start the study as soon as possible. Nordic Nanovector is targeting dosing of the first patient in the second half of 2018.

The CTA for the PARADIGME Phase 2b trial was also reviewed by REK on 26 April and its decision is still pending.

Both CTAs have already been approved by the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA).

PARADIGME is a global, randomised Phase 2b clinical trial comparing two promising Betalutin® dosing regimens in patients with third-line follicular lymphoma who are refractory to anti-CD20 immunotherapy (including rituximab), a population with a high unmet medical need. As of 5 April 2018, PARADIGME was open for enrolment in 13 clinical sites in 6 countries. 


For further information, please contact:

IR enquiries

Malene Brondberg, VP Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

Cell: +44 7561 431 762

Email: [email protected]

International Media Enquiries

Mark Swallow/David Dible/Isabelle Andrews (Citigate Dewe Rogerson)

Tel: +44 207 638 9571

Email: [email protected]

About Nordic Nanovector

Nordic Nanovector is committed to develop and deliver innovative therapies to patients to address major unmet medical needs and advance cancer care. The Company aspires to become a leader in the development of targeted therapies for haematological cancers. Nordic Nanovector’s lead clinical-stage candidate is Betalutin®, a novel CD37-targeting antibody-radionuclide-conjugate designed to advance the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). NHL is an indication with substantial unmet medical need, representing a growing market forecast to be worth nearly USD 20 billion by 2024. Nordic Nanovector intends to retain marketing rights and to actively participate in the commercialisation of Betalutin® in core markets. Further information about the Company can be found at www.nordicnanovector.com


Ekstern link: http://news.cision.com/nordic-nanovector/r/nordic-nanovector-updates-on-clinical-trial-applications-for-archer-1-and-paradigme-trials-in-norway,c2532004

Nyheten er levert av Cision.


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Nordic Nanovector updates on Clinical Trial Applications for Archer-1 and PARADIGME Trials in Norway

Oslo, Norway, 25 May 2018

Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANO) has received feedback from the Regional
Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) in Norway with regard to
the Clinical Trial Application (CTA) for the Archer-1 Phase 1b trial with
Betalutin® (177Lu-satetraxetan-lilotomab) in combination with rituximab in
second-line follicular lymphoma patients.

Feedback from REK has been received following a review of the CTA for Archer-1,
which took place on 26 April. The company and the lead investigator for the
trial, Dr Arne Kolstad, senior consultant in medical oncology and radiotherapy
at Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet, are continuing discussions with
REK towards gaining approval to start the study as soon as possible. Nordic
Nanovector is targeting dosing of the first patient in the second half of 2018.

The CTA for the PARADIGME Phase 2b trial was also reviewed by REK on 26 April
and its decision is still pending.

Both CTAs have already been approved by the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA).

PARADIGME is a global, randomised Phase 2b clinical trial comparing two
promising Betalutin® dosing regimens in patients with third-line follicular
lymphoma who are refractory to anti-CD20 immunotherapy (including rituximab), a
population with a high unmet medical need. As of 5 April 2018, PARADIGME was
open for enrolment in 13 clinical sites in 6 countries.


For further information, please contact:

IR enquiries

Malene Brondberg, VP Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

Cell: +44 7561 431 762

Email: [email protected]

International Media Enquiries

Mark Swallow/David Dible/Isabelle Andrews (Citigate Dewe Rogerson)

Tel: +44 207 638 9571

Email: [email protected]

About Nordic Nanovector

Nordic Nanovector is committed to develop and deliver innovative therapies to
patients to address major unmet medical needs and advance cancer care. The
Company aspires to become a leader in the development of targeted therapies for
haematological cancers. Nordic Nanovector’s lead clinical-stage candidate is
Betalutin®, a novel CD37-targeting antibody-radionuclide-conjugate designed to
advance the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). NHL is an indication with
substantial unmet medical need, representing a growing market forecast to be
worth nearly USD 20 billion by 2024. Nordic Nanovector intends to retain
marketing rights and to actively participate in the commercialisation of
Betalutin® in core markets. Further information about the Company can be found
at www.nordicnanovector.

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=452247

Nyheten er levert av OBI.


Still pending? Skulle de ikke ha konkludert nå?

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Wtf is this shit?

Stusset på dette selv. Håper dette bare vil si at de ikke har fått svaret enda, og ikke at de må vente på neste møte igjen.

Ok. Meldingen sier “godkjenning ikke gitt”, tror PARADIGME 1H er i limbo. Ditta kan bli billig…

Og: da vet vi at NANO kommer til å melde regulatorisk status fremover.

Det er jo ganske absurd at det norske medisinske byåkratiet skal spenne ben under norske oppstartsvirksomheter på denne måten. Kan det virkelig være meningen at byråkratiet får definere sin egen rolle så fritt?


Meldingen sier its decision is still pending.

Dette betyr vel at det ikke er avgjort enda. Intet referat på nettsiden heller.

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Haha og presentasjonen til uka: “ok so we burned 100 mill NOK kthnxbai”.


I helvete, nå er jeg bra lei kjenner jeg. Har de ikke gjennomføringsevne?


Okei, så archer-1 ikke godkjent, de har enda ikke fått svar på paradigme. Om den ikke blir godkjent er jeg ute