Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Nordic Nanovector - Småprat '22 (NANOV)

Er vel ikke Nano som skal til ASH i følge denne meldingen, men HPP…

Liker at vi er med på forskjellig til tross for at alt er «satt på vent». Nanov er på ball

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Ok Novartis, bare sleng budet i bordet!:moneybag::moneybag:

Da vet vi at Novartis har god kjennskap til det Nano driver med

The project is supported with funding by Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis Company, with additional support from Nordic Nanovector.


Marco kommentar på slutten var gucci good
“Our own candidate is among a
growing pipeline of novel radioligand therapies that are progressing through
clinical development. It is important that eligible patients have access to
these targeted and well-tolerated therapies given their potential benefits and
once they are approved, this framework will be crucial to helping prepare
healthcare systems for their appropriate use.”


Sann mine ord, Nano blir kjøpt opp for 18-20 milliarder innen 12 mnd, gitt godkjenning av Betalutin innen den tid💰


Stjernene liner opp. Kjenner jeg er meget spent på rekruttering neste uke, og er jo klar for nok en nesestyver.
Men tenk, TENK om de leverer på guiding eller enda bedre 15+. Da “vet” vi at i løpet av de neste drøye 2 månedene, så kommer meldingen om ferdig rekruttert Paradigme.
Og med en oppløftende R&D dag, så tenker jeg vi går en meget hyggelig jul i møte.
Lykke til alle medaksjonærer, og spesielt de gamle traverne som har holdt ut like lenge eller enda lenger enn meg👍


Noen formening om hvordan denne meldingen vil slå ut på kursen i morgen?


Synes du har vært lenge borte fra TI @InVivo , men når du kommer tilbake så er du jaggu meg bull og full av krutt :laughing::muscle::dollar: Jeg deler tankene dine, så det er fint at du også flagger veien dette går.

Vi kommer dit.


Synes d var litt defensivt :rofl:

Minner igjen om hva HelthCap sa i 2015." Hvis alt går veien og Nano får Betalutin til mål blir dette bedre enn Algeta"

Ja ja vet d blir kritikk med dra frem Algeta igjen men gjør d allikevel.

Etter dette har det jo strømmet på med Archer-1, MZL, DLBCL ++

Tenker vi sier et sted mellom 25 og 35 mrd om 2-3 års tid, men først en saftig partneravtale.


Hør hør ,snart nanovekter på alles lepper,vi er i ferd med å komme ut i lyset


Håper ikke de underleverer på Q3 nå så @vegar_beider kommer med “I told you so” eller noe i den duren :joy:



The bricks are being placed to enter market and Marco is on the ball telling us again about our candidate and growing pipeline.

Not sure really what more the market needs before take off. But, big guns dislike risc. Maybe after Paradigme results are on table ?


Nordic Nanovector supports The Health Policy Partnership’s initiative to improve appropriate readiness for radioligand therapy (radioimmunotherapy) in lymphoma

Abstract by The Health Policy Partnership entitled “System-Level Barriers to
Uptake of Existing and Novel Radioimmunotherapy for People with Lymphoma” will
be presented at the 63[rd] ASH Annual Meeting, 11-14 December 2021

Oslo, Norway, 9 November 2021

Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANOV) a clinical-stage biotechnology company
dedicated to extending and improving the lives of patients with haematological
cancers, is supporting an independent government affairs project led by The
Health Policy Partnership (HPP), a specialist health policy research
organisation. Within this project, an international framework (the Radioligand
Therapy Readiness Assessment Framework) has been assembled to assess health
system readiness for the use of radioligand therapy and to identify policy
changes that could facilitate appropriate integration of this innovative cancer
treatment modality. The framework can be adapted to any country or health
service context, and HPP has worked with experts to apply the framework
initially to the US and UK health systems.

The project was developed by HPP working with an international expert panel of
nuclear medicine and oncology/haematology experts as well as representatives
from patient advocacy organizations. This is a multi-funded project. Full
details of the project can be found www.radioligandtherapy.com

Radioligand therapy, a term which is used to refer to peptide receptor
radionuclide therapy (PRRT), prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) therapy,
and radioimmunotherapy, is a novel, highly targeted therapeutic modality that
combines a cancer targeting ligand and a radioisotope, emitting radiation to
damage cancer cell DNA and prevent replication. Because radioligand therapy is
highly targeted to cancer cells, healthy cells are left largely unaffected,
reducing treatment side effects and improving their tolerability[1]. However,
patient access to radioligand therapy is highly variable today. Changes within
healthcare system infrastructures are needed to improve the availability of
these innovative therapies.

The framework enables detailed analysis of a health system and helps to identify
areas that clinicians, researchers, patient advocates and policymakers could
change to improve readiness for radioligand therapies and enable their
appropriate integration into routine cancer care. The framework has been applied
to the US and UK health systems with guidance from national expert advisory
groups. The adapted framework for the UK was launched in September 2021 and work
from the US was published in early November 2021.

Marco Renoldi, Nordic Nanovector’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “Nordic
Nanovector is proud to support this important initiative, which is part of
ongoing efforts to positively change the healthcare landscape and improve
appropriate clinical adoption of radioligand therapies. This modality has
demonstrated promising clinical efficacy and tolerability in a wide range of
cancer types, including neuroendocrine neoplasms, lymphoma and prostate cancer,
where there is still a significant unmet need. Our own candidate is among a
growing pipeline of novel radioligand therapies that are progressing through
clinical development. It is important that eligible patients have access to
these targeted and well-tolerated therapies given their potential benefits and
once they are approved, this framework will be crucial to helping prepare
healthcare systems for their appropriate use.”

An abstract by The Health Policy Partnership entitled “System-Level Barriers to
Uptake of Existing and Novel Radioimmunotherapy for People with Lymphoma” will
be presented at the 63[rd] ASH Annual Meeting, 11-14 December 2021. The abstract
is available online at


Hva er det for noe tull å hive ut penger på da i et allerede stramt budsjett! Savner Tight belt Tone​:see_no_evil::rofl:

Hårsår for noe spesielt? Har jeg sagt noe om at jeg forventer noe annet enn de fleste andre her?

Oppfordrer samtidig andre som føler de ikke strekker til og ikke evner å bidra med noe fornuftig om å legge igjen en klovne emoji.

edit: rettet skrivefeil.


Jamrer bare med deg samtidig som jeg prøver å holde meg nøktern, noe du er veldig flink på :grin:


Looking good, blir fort en Etron hvis dette fortsetter!:rocket::rocket::rocket::oncoming_automobile::oncoming_automobile::oncoming_automobile::rocket::rocket::rocket:


ja nå har det seg sånn at jeg trengte den bilen kjapt. Så jeg har den glede av å informere dere om at jeg er den stolte eier av en toyota yaris, kun kjørt 130k, 15.000kr og EU godkjent til 2023. Men jeg kan jo bruke pengene på noe annet :champagne::clinking_glasses:


Ingen dum bil. Har kjøpt et par slike til kona i løpet av de siste årene. Neppe den mest spennende bilen, men driftssikker og helt grei til å komme seg til/fra jobben i. Og det viktigste av alt; du binder opp minimalt med kapital i noe så lite viktig som en bil. ;-)) Aksepterer at det er mange som ikke er enig med meg i det.


Du bruker kanskje 10000% rentabilitet på kapital som er bundet i bil for å regne kostnad med å ha bil?