Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Norwegian - Småprat (NAS) ✈

Hvor lenge må de være i drift?

Ikke bygget? Fra meldingen: The
aircraft are currently leased out and thus not operated by the Company.
Jeg forstår det som at disse er i drift. Bare ikke av Nas.

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Ahha, makes sense

Legger ut denne artikkelen fra 2017:

  • EasyJet og NAS samarbeider.
  • EasyJet vurderer å låne 33 milliarder til ukjent formål.
  • NAS er i samtaler om Joint Venture.

NAS har mange nye fly, EasyJet henter inn masse penger.
JV samarbeid mellom NAS og EasyJet?

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Tja, Easyjet har vel fortsatt 130 fly på bestilling hos Airbus.

Har du noe bedre forslag til hva de skal bruke 30 milliarder til?

NAS var verdsatt til ca 15 milliarder i fjor når det var snakk om bud på 330 kroner per aksje. Bare for å sette i perspektiv hvor mye 30 milliarder er. :slight_smile:

Aner ikke. Mitt poeng var bare at de har nok fly på trappene selv.

Når man låner 30 milliarder så er det helt klart at her skal det investeres. Spørsmålet er bare hva? Restene av Germania etter at de erklærte seg konkurs? Aner ikke om de har noe som er av interesse for EasyJet? Oppkjøp av NAS til 10-15 milliarder er et alternativ. Men JV i lag med NAS er vel like (lite?) aktuelt som oppkjøp? Noe skal de iallfall bruke pengene på. Så får vi bare spekulere frem til de kommer med noe mer konkret info.

Siden @TekBot ikke har våkna enda:

  • EBITDA excl other losses/(gains) of NOK -1,290 million (-901)
  • Unit cost incl depreciation excl fuel decreased by 14%
  • Reached agreement with Rolls-Royce regarding settlement of compensation
  • Secured stand-by underwriting commitment for rights issue of up to NOK 3 billion
  • Shifting strategic focus from growth towards profitability and capitalizing on previous years’ investments.


07/02-2019 08:00:00: (NAS) Norwegian Q4 2018 presentation

Prof it before tax - 3,944.9
Paid taxes -8.3
Depreciation, amortization and impairment 496.9
Impairment assets held for sale 0.0
Fair value adjustment of f inancial assets (PL) 0.0
Changes in air traf f ic settlement liabilities -543.6
Changes in receivables -808.0
Other adjustments 3,914.0
Net cash flows from operating activities -893.9

Cash flow from operating activities in the fourth quarter amounted to NOK -894 million compared to NOK -853 million in the fourth quarter last year. Air traffic settlement liabilities increased by NOK 544 million (402) while receivables increased by NOK 808 million (127) during the quarter. Cash from other adjustments amounted to NOK 3,914 million (655) during the fourth quarter. Other adjustments mainly consist of finance items, changes in other current assets and other current liabilities in addition to non-cash effects included in profit before tax, such as unrealized gains or losses on hedge and currency.

Bokført egenkapital var 1,704,4 mot 5,800 i mcap

Total current assets amount to NOK 11,777 million at the end of 2018, compared to NOK 9,195 million at the end of last year. Assets held for sale of NOK 851 million consist of two Airbus A320neos on external lease that were sold in the first quarter in 2019. Investments include economic interests in Norwegian Finans Holding as well as unrealized gains on currency and jet fuel hedges amount to NOK 2,084 million. Receivables have increased by NOK 2,315 million during the year due to increased production and increased hold-backs from credit card acquirers. Cash and cash equivalents have decreased by NOK 2,118 million during the year, ending at NOK 1,922 million.


The demand for travelling with Norwegian has been satisfactory and advance bookings have been acceptable entering the first quarter of 2019. Norwegian will continue to take advantage of its increasing competitive power realized through continuous cost efficiency. Norwegian will receive five new Boeing 787-9s and sixteen 737 MAXs in 2019 with a lower operating cost. Norwegian will continue to divest 737-800 in 2019.

Norwegian guides for a production growth (ASK) of 9 % for 2019. Estimated production increase per quarter in 2019 is 18 %, 12 %, 10 % and -1 % respectively. Norwegian’s long-haul growth rate will significantly drop in 2019 with only five new deliveries entering the fleet and total fleet at year end 2019 is expected to be 37. We will use these deliveries to further cultivate key markets as well as ensure operational resilience. While long-haul continues to grow in 2019, we will reduce Norwegian´s short-haul operations and close four bases in the Mediterranean, reallocating some of the aircraft to strengthen the core Nordic markets.

Norwegian may decide to adjust capacity to optimize the route portfolio depending on the development in the overall economy and in the marketplace. Assuming a fuel price of USD 613 per ton and USD/NOK 8.18 (excluding hedged volumes) and with the currently planned route portfolio, the company is targeting a unit cost including ownership cost in the range of NOK 0.4075 – 0.4125 and a unit cost excluding fuel including ownership cost in the range of NOK 0.295 – 0.300 for 2019.

Norwegian has a long-term target for ancillary revenue share at 20 % of total revenue. The increased share of ancillary revenue will be driven by third party revenue streams and the introduction of new products and services. Going forward, Norwegian will continue its fleet renewal program and reduce ownership in non-core assets. Norwegian continues to establish and develop an organizational structure that will secure cost efficiency, international expansion and necessary traffic rights for the future.

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presentasjonen starter om 2 min

“We got a very nice profitt on Neo”

Stormkast gir mikrofonen til høye herrer.

ja dette var triste greier, merkelig at de ikke har tatt betydelige grep tidligere når de så hvor dette var på vei…!

siste kapittel er ikke skrevet i NAS. Doblet nettopp lykkeloddet fra i går på 117,90😉


07/02-2019 15:04:24: (NAS) Mandatory notification of trade