Purchase of treasury shares
Purchase of treasury shares
Delivery of two modern dry bulk vessels with long-term charter
Revised guiding on dividends
Annual Report 2019
Extension of Standstill agreement and restructuring outline with Solstad Offshore for the vessels Far Senator and Far Statesman
jøss…var ikke klar over at Ocean Yield var innvolvert i Sostad Offshore ?
Extension of Standstill agreement and restructuring outline with Solstad Offshore for the vessels Far Senator and Far Statesman (31/03)
Extension of Standstill agreement and restructuring outline with Solstad Offshore for the vessels Far Senator and Far Statesman
With reference to Ocean Yield ASA’s (“Ocean Yield”) press releases on 20 December 2018, 20 June 2019 and 31 October 2019, F-Shiplease AS, a fully owned subsidiary of Ocean Yield, has today agreed to extend the standstill period with Solstad Offshore ASA (“SOFF”) and its subsidiaries for the vessels Far Senator and Far Statesman up to and including 30 April 2020. A large majority of the stakeholders of SOFF, including secured lenders, leasing companies, industrial shareholders and key bondholders have established a common plan to finalize negotiations on the basis of a restructuring outline to the benefit of all stakeholders (the “Restructuring Outline”). As such, the relevant stakeholders have confirmed their intention to work together to enter into a binding agreement for the Restructuring Outline within end of April 2020. SOFF and Ocean Yield has agreed, subject to final terms and documentation, that the existing lease agreements of F-Shiplease AS will be terminated and replaced by new lease agreements with a duration of 4 years, with certain cancellation options in favour of F-Shiplease AS during the term of the charters. The charter rate payable under the new lease agreements shall be a reference rate equal to the average per vessel EBITDA in a pool of seven similar UT731 design vessels. The underlying commercial principle of the new lease agreements shall be that F -Shiplease AS will carry all upside/downside from the operation of its vessels during the charter period. SOFF shall only receive cost coverage for its operation of the vessels. The remaining estimated net claim of F-Shiplease AS following the termination of the existing lease agreements shall be converted into shares in SOFF using the same conversion rate as that used for the conversion of the debt to the secured lenders of SOFF.
Ocy har en drøss med motparter via båtene de leaser ut.
En del motpartsrisiko i disse tider…
ser aksjen reagerer fint ned…dette kan bli meget interessant om den skulle gå ytterligere ned,selv om de nå har kommet ut med å senke utbyttenivået.
Saken med SOFF har vært kjent i markedet i lang tid (som de da også henviser til i meldingen) og bør være godt priset inn i aksjen allerede. Jeg mener den nye avtalen er positivt nytt i forhold til dagens situasjon. Så gjenstår det og se da, om restruktureringen av SOFF er tilstrekkelig og at båtene får oppdrag.
Delivery of modern dry bulk vessel with long-term charter
Ocean Yield ASA: First Quarter 2020 Report
Key information relating to the cash dividend to be paid by Ocean Yield ASA
Utbytte altså bare halvparten av det mange så for seg. Skuffende, men nødvendig.