Okeanis Eco Tankers blir notert Onsdag 04.07, og jeg oppretter i den anledning en tråd for de som ønsker å følge dette spennende selskapet.
Selskapet er etablert av Alafouzos familien, som har lang og god-trackrecord innen stortank (VLCC, Suezmax og Aframax). Dette er gjort på historisk lave nivåer for å dra nytte av reguleringene som ble innført av IMO i forbindelse med begrensinger på svovel utslipp, som er den største forandringen i shipping-bransjen siden innføringen av doble skrog for tankskip.
Prospektet finner man via newsweb her:
Key Takeaways:
Okeanis Eco Tankers, or Okeanis, is a newly formed tanker company which was established in April
2018 to serve as a new holding company for tanker business formerly owned by Kyklades
Maritime, a private company owned by members of the Alafouzos family which has been in
shipping since the 1960s and in tankers since the 1980s.
VLCC: Generally used as a term to describe vessels above 200,000 dwt loading capacity,
and more often with 300,000 or 320,000 dwt of loading capacity, corresponding to
approximately two million barrels of crude oil. VLCCs are only used in the transportation of
crude oil, carrying oil from the production source to refineries or storage facilities. VLCCs
are generally employed in transportation on the longest hauls out of the Middle East Gulf,
going both East and West.
Generally used as a term to describe vessels between 120,000 and 200,000 dwt
loading capacity, typically corresponding to one million barrels of crude oil. The term
denotes the largest size that can sail fully laden through the Suez canal. Like VLCCs,
Suezmax tankers are only used for crude oil being transported from the production source
to refineries or storage facilities. Suezmax tankers have a more diverse trading pattern
than VLCCs due to their smaller size, allowing them to call at ports not suited for VLCCs.
Generally used as a term to describe vessels between 80,000 and 120,000 dwt,
with a typical trading lot of 500,000 barrels of oil. While some Aframax carriers are used in
“dirty” trades meaning crude oil, very many Aframax carriers are able to do “clean” trades
meaning refined oil products. Aframax carriers with ability to take refined oil products are
referred to as “Long Range 2”, or “LR2”, carriers.
Bokført verdi per aksje:
Okeanis Eco Tankers
Eiendeler: 424583048
Gjeld: 225434278
Shareholders Equity: 199148770
Totalt utestĂĄende aksjer: 27400000
Bokført verdi per aksje: $7,27 (NOK 59,-)
Jeg vil gjøre en dypere analyse på Okeanis, Hunter Group & VLCC markedet i løpet av sommeren.