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Paratus PLSV

Pareto med kursmål 75kr

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Arctic har kursmål 80kr både de og Pareto var tilretteleggere

ABG 75kr

DNB 80kr

Flyttet litt fortjeneste på Dofg/Reach over i paratus nå, greit å fordele innsatsen litt og liker utbytteutsiktene. Oppside i ratene på riggene i Mexico på mellomlang sikt, på litt lengre kan plsvene dra ennå mer på i Brasil tror jeg.

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Har tolket det som når plsvene går på nye rater fra våren av så er hele flåten på 280k rater?
200k over breakeven
Jack up er også spennende, og håper de ratene flytter seg oppover og oppover

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Archer Limited: Archer secures contract worth USD 40 million in Brazil

Hamilton Bermuda, (July 24, 2024)

Vis børsmeldingen

Archer has been awarded a two-year contract for platform drilling services for
Equinor in Brazil. The estimated firm contract value is USD 40 million. The
contract will commence in November 2024 in direct continuation of Archer’s
current contract for drilling operations and maintenance on Equinor’s Peregrino
A & B platforms and includes an optional two-year extension period.

Alexander Olsson, EVP Platform Operations comments:

''We are proud that Equinor has chosen to continue their relationship with
Archer in Brazil where we have been the partner of choice since the start of
drilling operations in 2008. This contract reflects our client’s confidence in
our ability to maintain safe and efficient operations across both their
platforms. It is testament to the hard work and dedication of our teams who have
supported both the Peregrino A & B assets for over fifteen years. This contract
is an important part of Archer’s strategy to increase and strengthen operations
in key regions and gives us visibility to continue our international growth".

Borr med kruttsterk rate i Brasil. Lover godt for de to nye signeringen til Paratus neste år. De har vel to jackup som skal over på ny kontrakt. Spennende

Er det noen som har status på rate/kontrakt på alle jackupåene til plsv?

Usikker, har bare funnet marked indexed.
Titanaia FE har 142
Denne skal på ny kontrakt april 25
Deretter Oberon october 25

Sikket mulig å finne ved å grave dypt i dokumentasjonen fra dem

Hamilton, Bermuda, September 5, 2024 – Paratus Energy Services Ltd. (the “Company”) announces that a Special General Meeting of Shareholders was held today at 09:00 (local time), at 4th Floor, Par-la-Ville Place, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton, Bermuda.

The following proposal, as set out in the Notice attached to the stock exchange announcement published on 20 August 2024, was approved by the Company’s shareholders at the Special General Meeting:

To reduce the Company’s Share Premium account from US$157,994,017 to US$2,994,017 by the transfer of US$155,000,000 of the Share Premium account to the Company’s Contributed Surplus account with effect on or around 5 September 2024.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements according to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

@pdx funker ikke newsweb-.koblingen her?