Ettersom det er lite meldinger fra PCIB kan jeg anbefale et innlegg fra @Bra_Britt som fin søndagslektyre:
Videre, hentet fra Q2-rapporten
“The median overall survival in the
fourth dose cohort in the dose-escalation part ended at 21.7 months, with half of the patients exceeding 30 months survival including one patient still being alive more than three years after treatment. The survival data by end June 2019 for the extension part translates to an interim median overall survival of approximately 15 months (outcome range up to 15.6 months) including all 7 patients, with one patient still being alive. The emerging survival data by end June 2019 for all the patients that have received the pivotal study dose (N=13) showed an interim median survival of approximately 15 months (outcome
range up to 15.6 months), with two patients still being alive.”
Greit å ha dette i bakhodet hvis det blir nok en uke med kjedelige tall på børsen.
Etter tilbakemelding fra @anon21766851 kan ikke tallene fra innlegget sammenlignes direkte med tallene fra Q2-rapporten.