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PCI Biotech - Småprat 2019 (PCIB)

Burde vi ikke snart kunne forvente oss noen signaler herfra? RnAi. De har holdt paa i 4 aar!

PCIB), , and RXi Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: RXII) a biotechnology company focused on developing novel RNAi therapeutics for significant un-met needs, today announced that they are extending their preclinical research collaboration initiated April 7, 2015.


Tror at Rxi blir snart avsluttet uten resultat. De sliter hele tiden vel med retning, investors tro ogdermed med kapital.

Det er nå snart et år siden RXi Pharmaceuticals skifta navn til Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp.

For interesserte: http://investors.phiopharma.com/news-releases


Hvor mange aksjer reduserte Myna med?


Reduserte med ca 26.600 aksjer.


Trodde selgersiden skulle være tynn tynn i dag jeg men slik ser det ikke ut akkurat. Ikke alle som forventer noe pos i morgen blir da konklusjon. Hvem får rett?

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8118 aksjer solgt i løpet av første halvannen time, det virker ikke som det helt store utsalget…


Enig i det men trodde faktisk det skulle være større kjøperside i dag mht morgendagen men når det ikke er slik så blir vel ingen skuffet i morgen heller da så fallhøyden blir minimal?
Børsen er sterk. Lurer på når det smeller?

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De nevner i hvert fall ikke lenger PCI Biotech. Her er samarbeidene de lister opp i siste presentasjon fra september i år:





De står fremdeles oppført under collaborations.


Den grafikken ble lastet opp juni 2018. Er ikke bare PCIB som er dårlige på å oppdatere websidene sine :smirk:


Pcib har meg bekjent ikke vært nevnt i tidligere presentasjoner fra rxi/phio, så det er ikke en endring som har kommet i den siste perioden.


Fra transcript Q pres aug 2019, utklipp som omhandler samarbeid:


And then, lastly, over to the fimaNAc program. This is, as I said, nucleic acid therapeutics. It’s an area of enormous development and huge potential because what you do really is to utilize the effect of the DNA and the DNA machinery, how cells really regulate themselves, and you can affect it directly on the regulation of cells with nucleic acid therapeutics.

One big problem for all of these products is that they are – they need to get into cells because otherwise they can’t affect the regulation. And they are all big molecules, they need to be big molecules. So they have one major hurdle and that is actually getting into cells. But they’re all taken up through endocytosis. And by using our technology, fimaVACC, we can release them from the endosomes and increase the uptake and the efficiency of these kind of agents.

It is important for us, of course, in a collaborative study like this – or a collaborative program like this to have good patent protection for what we’re doing and we are actively looking at how we can protect our technology. One of the latest patents that we have is on delivery of mRNA and we had recently then, what you call, an international search report and written opinion on that – received on that mRNA delivery patent from the International Search Authority. So that’s the initial feedback from the authorities on the patentability and what kind of claims you think you can actually get for a patent.

And this was very favorable. So it may give valuable intellectual property for fimaNAc mRNA delivery until 2039. And this is, as I said, and especially mRNA, not because – which is one class of nucleic acid therapeutics, it’s an emerging field with really massive investments and broad potential applicability.

Now as with the others and maybe more than with the others because these are really large molecules, sufficient intracellular delivery remains a major hurdle to realize this potential, and majority of the fimaNAc collaborations we have concern mRNA therapeutics. So this is a very important feedback from the International Search Authority for us.

We have also sent out a release on top 10 large pharma collaboration we had. That has now been extended to the end of 2019 and this is the final extension of this specific collaboration. So we’ve said that this can be done to complete the in vivo work that needs to be completed. But after that, we need to have a decision on whether this company is ready to go and take this to the next step or not. And we have allowed 6-month period for them after that to evaluate whether this is going forward.

We have 6 different collaborations ongoing. They are at different activity levels and are differing results. But the most important ones of these, I can say, that we have good progress and quite exciting results without being able to go in any more detail on that afterwards, okay?

Fra Q&A session
Unidentified Analyst, [43]

And regarding fimaNAc, you said there was more interest in this. Is there something that you will – will you allocate more resources on the fimaNAc area from your side because it seems that this is coming up as a pretty important part.

Per Walday, PCI Biotech Holding ASA - CEO [44]

Yes. And that’s a good and relevant question absolutely because as these collaborations progress and we get good results out of them and they potentially are converted into more sort of definitive agreement partnerships, we will need to put more resources into this, absolutely. And we have also done some work on the side, of course, of all the collaborations, especially for the specific patent that we have done now or a patent that was a specific piece of work that was done separately by us to make sure that we have good protection. So there are some activities but it’s not a big resource drain right now. But it may come – pick up depending on the outcome of some of those collaborations that we have ongoing.


Hvis du går tilbake til 2017, så blir de nevnt jo:



We have 6 different collaborations ongoing. They are at different activity levels and are differing results. But the most important ones of these, I can say, that we have good progress and quite exciting results without being able to go in any more detail on that afterwards, okay?



PW utsagn tyder jo på at de har funnet positive synergier men RXI sitter vel ikke på så store resurser slik at det å legge mye arbeid og kapital i dette selskapet nå sett fra PCIB sitt ståsted er vel ikke optimal bruk av PCIB’s resurser.

Men en kan jo aldri vite…???

Uansett , kjekt å se at det virker.

"Our collaboration with RXi has been most fruitful and demonstrated a clear positive technological synergy that could realise significant value when applied to the emerging field of immuno-oncology. "


Dark pool kjøpere på 28.6:

Øverst Nordnet ordrebok, nederst Pareto:



Jubel, on the money. Men dog, selv om vi leverer medisinen dit den skal, maa samarbeidspartnerene ha medisiner som fungerer.


PCI Biotech to present at World Vaccine Congress Europe


Betyr det at han skal presentere alt? Ikke burgeren?

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