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PCI Biotech - Småprat 4 (PCIB) 1

Klarer ikke å se hvorfor PciB skal få en aldri så liten smell. Det er ikke noe galt på Wall Street heller
Sikkert mest tullete aksjonærer som ikke klarer å holde orden på økonomien

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Quarterly Report – Q1: 07.05.2021

  • ABGSC Life Science Summit, 25 May, Stockholm based online event, company presentation at 15:00 CEST

Annual General Meeting 2021 – 28.05.2021

Ludovic ROBIN - Chief Business Officer - PCI Biotech Holding ASA | LinkedIn

Région de Paris, France · Chief Business Officer · PCI Biotech Holding ASA

Chief Business Development Officer at PCI Biotech Holding ASA … In charge of the Business development in Europe (CEE), Asia (China, Korea, Japan and ASEAN …

Blir spennende å se hva Snapir, Ludovic og resten av crew har fått til siden sist :pray:


Er det noen bevegelser i det siste? Er vel noen som letter seg

Stort sett kun Nordnet som har lettet seg (og det var vel her flere påpekte utlån og mulig short tidligere i tråden da det var mottatt inntekter)


FimaNAc nyhet!!

Suwon, South Korea and Oslo, Norway, May, 5th 2021 – OliX Pharmaceuticals Inc. (KOSDAQ: 226950) a leading developer of RNAi therapeutics, and PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company with a unique intracellular delivery technology, today announced an extensive research collaboration. OliX Pharmaceuticals and PCI Biotech will combine their know-how and technology platforms to explore synergies and further partnership on dermatology and other applications.

The partnership is governed by a research collaboration agreement, under which the collaborators will perform an extensive evaluation of technology compatibility and synergy based on OLX104C (Androgenic Alopecia) preclinical studies. The companies will evaluate results achieved from this research collaboration to explore the potential for further development and partnership.

Commenting on the announcement, Dong Ki Lee, CEO of OliX Pharmaceuticals said: “We are very excited to collaborate with PCI Biotech. Combining our proprietary asiRNA platform with PCI’s leading fima NAc delivery technology will significantly accelerate our efforts to bring our dermatological RNAi programs to the clinic. We also expect to expand the area of application to our cancer immunotherapy pipeline and mRNA vaccines developed by our subsidiary, mCureX, in the near future.”

PCI Biotech’s CEO, Per Walday, added: “We are very pleased to initiate this exciting collaboration with OliX Pharmaceuticals. This collaboration builds on the strong potential of our intracellular delivery platform technology for nucleic acid based therapies, within a therapeutic field of good technological fit. Combining the leading technologies of OliX Pharmaceuticals and PCI Biotech may lead to new promising applications and we look forward to the collaboration.”

Egen refleksjon:
OliX Pharmaceuticals har åpenbart gjort sine meninger om hva teknologien skal brukes til videre og spesielt interessant finner jeg nettopp denne kommentaren:

"Combining our proprietary asiRNA platform with PCI’s leading fima NAc delivery technology will significantly accelerate our efforts to bring our dermatological RNAi programs to the clinic. We also expect to expand the area of application to our cancer immunotherapy pipeline and mRNA vaccines developed by our subsidiary, mCureX, in the near future .”

Mcurex ble lansert i februar 2021 og ble laget for å utvikle mRNA-baserte vaksiner for sykdommer hos mennesker (inkludert Covid-19) og dyr.

Selskapet har sagt følgende om målet med avdelingen:
We launched mCureX to address a number of health crises, including the global public health crisis of COVID-19, leveraging our expertise in RNA-based drug discovery and development,” said Dong Ki Lee, Ph.D., founder and chief executive officer of OliX Pharmaceuticals. “mRNA represents a rapidly advancing and nimble platform that complements our existing RNAi drug development platform as we develop therapeutics and vaccines for urgent and unmet medical needs in Korea and beyond.”

Selskapets Chief of Technology, Dong Won Shin virker som en utrolig dyktig fagperson og vi skal ikke se bort fra at dette samarbeidet kan dyrkes på best mulig måte. Er det en mulighet til å ta i bruk NAc med Covid-19 vaksine, så skal vi ikke se bort fra at han vil få det til. Selskapet har skrevet følgende om vedkommende og hans stilling:
Dong Won Shin, Ph.D., chief technology officer of mCureX, will oversee the R&D department. Dr. Shin has over 20 years of experience in mRNA and oligonucleotide chemistry, serving most recently as director of oligonucleotide chemistry at OliX Pharmaceuticals and senior staff scientist at TriLink BioTechnologies. He developed the foundational technology of mRNA 5’-capping, which is used in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.”

Dette høres veldig spennende ut og midt i blinken for FimaNAc! I tillegg syntes jeg det er utrolig interessant at vi stadig før større fotfeste i Asia, nå Sør-Korea. Avslutningsvis så synes jeg det er veldig stas at de bruker såpass “store ord” om NAc. Selskapet kunne godt vært mer nøkternt i børsmeldingen, men velger å skrive "(…) fima NAC delivery will significantly accelerate our efforts to bring our dermatological RNAi programs to the clinic. "

Mitt umiddelbare inntrykk er at de vil bruke store ressurser på å kombinere NAc med ikke bare én, men flere av sine programmer. De har også planer om hva de ønsker å bruke teknologien til i immunterapi for kreftmedisin og mRNA-vaksiner.

Lets go! :last_quarter_moon_with_face:



Suwon, South Korea and Oslo, Norway, May, 5th 2021 OliX Pharmaceuticals Inc. (KOSDAQ: 226950) a leading developer of RNAi therapeutics, and PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company with a unique intracellular delivery technology, today announced an extensive research collaboration. OliX Pharmaceuticals and PCI Biotech will combine their know-how and technology platforms to explore synergies and further partnership on dermatology and other applications.



OliX Pharmaceuticals and PCI Biotech announce a collaboration to combine OliX asiRNA and PCI Biotech fimaNAc technologies


Kurere hårtap?!

Da kan man skrive igjen på forum :slight_smile:
Stor market cap på dette selskapet:

Mkt cap 557.03B



NAC technology leg in action! :partying_face:

Commenting on the announcement, Dong Ki Lee, CEO of OliX Pharmaceuticals said:

“We are very excited to collaborate with PCI Biotech. Combining our proprietary asiRNA platform with PCI’s leading fimaNAc delivery technology will
significantly accelerate our efforts to bring our dermatological RNAi programs to the clinic. We also expect to expand the area of application to our cancer
immunotherapy pipeline and mRNA vaccines developed by our subsidiary, mCureX, in the near future.”


Tro meg!! Nå er det flere som skal ta plass før q på fredag :slot_machine::rocket: Bare å gratulere hverandre nå.


Nytt forskningssamarbeide ja. Kan bli spennende etterhvert dette også.


Gratulerer folkens, endelig glad nyheter :slight_smile: 40 år i ørkenen er kanskje snart over - kursmessig



30,00 inbound … fantastisk købsmulighed i går, alt taget i betragtning; godt kan trykkede på knappen og samlede op på 23,80.


Hm… rart ikke kursen rikker seg engang.

ehh, den er 17% opp


how much will it rise now short term? your prognosis? Let say, how much will it cost next week?

Hvis det var en short så er vel den borte nå. - Altså den som ikke er/var synlig hos SSR, men de mindre shortene via Nordnet livsforsikring?