Many Reasons to be Bullish on Orphan Drug Makers. The FDA considers orphan indications to be diseases affecting less than 200,000 patients in the US. More than 400 drugs for orphan indications have been approved, with a rising trend in annual approvals since the 1980s. The growing interest in these indications is due to regulatory advantages from orphan drug designation and the potential for premium pricing. We analyzed the orphan drug market to better understand the commercial advantages for orphan drugs. Our main conclusions, which are discussed in detail below, are:
Diseases with 10,000 or fewer patients in the US support annual pricing of $200,000 or greater.
Orphan diseases, despite a small target population, can support multiple drugs at high prices.
Most first-to-market orphan treatments have strong market penetration and corresponding sales.
Pcib ligger i følge denne analysen godt an til en stor markedsandel og høy prising av fimaChem.
I fimaChem mot bile duct cancer ser jeg en potensiell blockbuster kandidat. Det gjør nok flere av BP selskapene også.
Jeg mener denne artikkelen er obligatorisk lesing for alle som ønsker å diskutere Pcib.