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PCI Biotech Småprat (PCIB)

Today’s collaboration agreement tells me that fimavacc phase 1 results in healthy volunteers are convincing enough to attract a company mainly focused on vaccine. This is really good news and bright times are ahead of us. Congratulations to pci team and investors


Totally agree, @StockDZ :grin:

Additionally I also think there is no way they have gone into such an agreement without getting some insight into results that are not yet published to the market.


Regarding fimavacc,

Fimavacc scope is best described in this patent (link below)

“A vast number of peptide vaccine candidates have been proposed in the literature, for example in the treatment of viral diseases and infections such as AIDS/ HIV infection or influenza, canine parvovirus, bovine leukaemia virus, hepatitis, etc.”



Hver eneste gang slike avtaler/samarbeid inngås ser det ikke ut til å virke inn positivt på kursen. Synd, men folk vil vel ha mer enn “bare” nye samarbeid. Det som er så bra, for de som tålmodig venter, er at dette er nok en stein i “byggverket”.

Byggverket begynner snart å ta form og “leilighetene” vil gå som varmt hvetebrød hvis byggverket blir som vi håper, og det ser det ut om det blir :laughing:


The collaboration agreement wouldn’t have gone through without the approval and recommendation of Bavarian board

Therefore have a look at this board member; the story tells itself :slight_smile:

Elizabeth McKee Anderson, MBA
Independent member of the board since 2017. Current term expires in 2019.

Ms. Anderson is an American national, born in 1957.

Positions: Former worldwide vice president Global Strategic Marketing and Market Access, Infectious Diseases and Vaccines for Johnson&Johnson. Member of the board of Huntsworth plc and REVOLUTION Medicines, Inc. and Aro Biotherapeutics Company and a member of the advisory Board of NAXION, Inc. Furthermore, she is a member of the board of trustees of the Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation and The Wistar Institute. Principal of PureSight Advisory, LLC.

Special competences: Extensive strategic, operational and international experience within the pharmaceutical industry.


Based on some earlier research I have done I am not ruling out the fact that Johnson&johnson as a part owner in Bavarian is the driver for this collaboration agreement for the following 2 reasons:
1- both PCI Biotech and Johnson&johnson are sponsors of the ASP (American Society of Photobiology) so our interests cross link:

2- Fimavacc was featured in ASP spring newsletter link: http://photobiology.org/newsletters/ASP_SPRING_2018.pdf

We have then probably been scouted by the big FISH


Det er slettes ikke utenkelig! Og selvsagt et svært positivt signal om hva resultatet av fimaVACC PoC vil kunne resultere i.


Det er tendenser til noe stort, men det som virkelig kan få fart på kursen er en eller flere partneravtaler der det legges penger på bordet. Men siden algeta har det vært dårlig med slike partneravtaler i norsk biotech.

Noe jeg lurer på er følgende: I og med at de bruker lys i behandlinga, regnes det for tungtvint slik at noen potensielle partnere som ellers ville ha vært interessert, at de kanskje holder seg unna?
PHO har ennå ikke lykkes med Cevira f.eks. der de hadde alle muligheter til å lykkes og lagde et eget apparat (lignet litt på en dildo vil nok onde tunger si), men ingen avtale ennå dessverre.


Både fimaVACC og fimaCHEM er enkelt i bruk, så ingen grunn til bekymring.


Hvordan vet du det?:grinning:

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Se company presentation June 2018.

Patented disposable “band-aid-like” device for user-friendly illumination of the vaccination site

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fimaVACC – strong potential
► Opportunity to play a key role in second generation
► Unique mode of action
– Indication of CTL-induction by MHC class I antigen
presentation in dendritic cells and macrophages
► Broad applicability
– Peptide and protein antigens
– Prophylactic & therapeutic vaccination
► Excellent stability
– Few logistical challenges (stable at room
temperature in solution and can be autoclaved) ► Important recent IP generation


If we are successful with Bavarian, thefollowing could be waiting for us, read this in Johnson Johnson CEO 2018 letter to shareholders link below, I Quote:

“build novel regimens to boost T cells and train them to recognize and attack cancer through our groundbreaking immuno-oncology efforts, and focus to create the first vaccine for HIV/AIDS. ”

The beauty of Pci biotech is also in listening to what big pharma needs




Columna, nå fikk jo du svaret fra Jubel angående fimaVACC, for fimaCHEM er det også en smal sak.

  • Patients are treated with endoscopic methods
    (ERCP) for diagnosis and stenting
  • Optic fibre and illumination easily included in the
    ERCP procedure

Takker og bukker!!


Det ble postet en topp 100 aksjonærliste (eller var det hele aksjonærlisten?) for en tid tilbake. Noen som vet hvor denne ble postet?


I posted this few days ago regarding the illumination device

Sitatramme[quote=“StockDZ, post:4095, topic:1008”]
Didn’t know that PW is also an inventor :smile:



1570.28 KB


nei, men topp 50 postes i denne tråden på HO jevnlig.


Read this about FimaVacc, great to see the potential of fimavacc aknowledged from outside Pci biotech:


The current study demonstrated that PCI-based immunization technology can be applied to particulate vaccines such as liposomes. DPPC liposomes containing the photosensitizer TPCS2a significantly improved cross-priming of CD8+ T cells. In addition, the study contributed to the understanding of the mechanism of PCI-based immunization showing a clear diversion of antigen from MHC-II to MHC-I processing. Hence, PCI-based vaccines have the potential to add to current vaccine practice a new method of vaccination that, as opposed to current vaccines, can stimulate strong CD8+ T-cell responses. We expect this method of vaccination to enable treatment and prophylaxis of CD8+ T-cell-sensitive infections and cancers. Since the photosensitizer TPCS2a, in combination with a cytostatic drug, is already approved for clinical trials in humans with cancer (clinicaltrial.gov: NCT01872923, NCT00993512, NCT01900158, and NCT01606566), the translation of this vaccination modality into clinical setting should be facilitated.