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PCI Biotech Småprat (PCIB)

Jeg klarte å skaffe litt ekstra midler her og fikk anskaffet 700 nye aksjer som legges på kistebunnen. Hvis Nyenburgh er å anse som en spesialinvestor så er jeg en ekstra spesialinvestor! :cowboy_hat_face:

Skal ikke selge en eneste aksje før fimaCHEM er på markedet!


Og fimaVACC har megapotensial, alt innenfor vaksiner og immunterapi er veldig HOT, så har de gode data herfra som presenteres på riktig måte, så utelukker ikke jeg kurser på mellom 40-50 når VACC rapporten foreligger.


Vi får håpe det. Og Fimavacc er vell ikke inkludert i Arctic sin analyse med kursmål på 58kr heller?
Er vell grunn til å håpe på en oppdatering der ved gode data.




FimaVACC var verdsatt til 6,24 kroner i analysen på 78, men med stor usikkerhet.

De så for seg 10 vaksine-dealer i perioden 2019-2025.

For alt vi vet kan PCIB klare et sted mellom 0-100 dealer.

Men først må de passere fase I innen rimelig tid, f.eks. “imminent.”



Gode resultater som betyr noe, mindre grad tid. Personlig er jeg fornøyd med januar/februar. Er de gode nok, tar Mr Burg seg av resten. Hvor gode de er og hvor mye Mr Burg skryter har sikkert noe å si for upfront og røyalty de kan forlange i forhandlinger.


Good evening

we have discussed recently the Medimmune potential collaboration initiated/facilitated by the university of Bath, further digging into this, it appears that the project itself was a 2 universities project which involved both the university of bath and our long term academic partner the University College london (UCL, which was heavily involved with the H&N pci biotech trial). it seems each university for the project had its own funding reference from UKRI or more specifically from the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council).

Both projects have the same project title:

Peptide-based solutions for light-triggered delivery of macromolecular therapeutics and nanoparticles

Here are the funding references and the lead investigators for both projects:

1-: The university of Bath

2-: The university college London

As you can see both Ian Michael Eggleston (Bath) and Alexander J. MacRobert (UCL) are the principal investigators for this project.

Now, what I can see is that there was a paper recently published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (October 2018) jointly between both universities where both lead investigators are co authors. also by looking at the funding reference it is very clear that this is related to the project which Medimmune took over.

This is a PDF version for full paper below (for those interested), and below also are some snapshots including the funding references which match the references in the original project pages links I posted above for each university

c8nr04048f.pdf (1,8 MB)


" Professor Sjoerd van der Burg "…burde PCIB børsmeldt dette “sammarbeidet”?

Har vi helt klart for oss hva en fimaVACC studie med fantastiske resultater betyr?

Er der noe tilsvarende på markedet?
Er dette et “first in class” produkt?
Hvor mange terapautiske vaksiner som i dag strir med delivery/virkningsgrad kan PCIB sin PCI-Platform innen fimaVACC gjøre om til kommende blockbustere?

Her kan vi virkelig stille mange spørsmål.
Jeg vil fremsette den påstand at å investere i PCIB er en skjelden mulighet.
Det handler ikke om en vaksine men teoretisk “en hel røys”.

" fima Vacc applies a unique mode of action to enhance the essential cytotoxic effect of therapeutic cancer vaccines, which works in synergy with several other state-of-the-art vaccination technologies."

Der er mere enn 250 terapautiske vaksiner som det jobbes med i dag.
Et fimaVACC produkt som gir fantastiske produkter ved tilførelse av VACC’n er en hard nøtt å sette prislapp på.

Så hva omhandler avtalen med Sjoerd van der Burg , egentlig?
Omhandler samarbeidet “kun vadilisering” av at VACC’ns resultater er korrekte sett fra en uhildet kilde eller er der noe mere?

Dersom det stemmer hva jeg tror vil offentliggjørelsen sammen med der Burg også kunne omhandle en del der muligheter og områder der teknologien kan brukes.

“laser-vaksine” noe helt nytt?

Ikke vet jeg.


Stock, kan dette være Amphinex-2, det patentet som ble gitt i februar for en PCI-konjugat?
Det kan høres slik ut, at man her har et toksin konjugert til PCI.
Amphinex-2 patentet omhandler et PCI-konjugat.


@Flottesen not sure, as the patent is about Chitosan conjugate whereas the paper is about CPP conjugate. also the paper is more about making more existing photosensitisers PCI friendly (improving existing PS) through conjugation. quote from the paper:

“Some of the most effective PCI photosensitisers to date which possess the required intrinsic amphiphilic character are sulfonated tetrapyrrole derivatives, such as the porphyrin, disulfonated tetraphenylporphine (TPPS2a), and the disulfonated aluminium phthalocyanine, AlPcS2,18 as well as the clinically used disulfonated tetraphenyl chlorin derivative, fimaporfin.20 We have however shown that the necessary amphiphilic and lysosomotropic properties can be engineered through the conjugation of otherwise highly hydrophobic photosensitisers to cationic cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), to produce molecules that not only have the desired properties for PCI, but are superior to more classical tetrapyrrole-based derivatives.21,22 Other researchers have also adopted this principle of peptide-targeting with other photoactivatable dyes,23–26and in this context, we recently demonstrated that CPP-conjugation can be a very attractive way of repurposing well-known photosensitisers that are clinically approved for PDT such as chlorin e6, which lack the appropriate physical properties for PCI”

There are also lot of references in the internet about CPP conjugated Chitosan carriers for enhanced delivery, could this combination work with Amphinex

as an example this (non-pci) paper

Another interesting passage from the paper by Bath and UCL universities:

“The feasibility and safety of PCI has recently been demonstrated in a clinical context for the treatment of head and neck cancer using bleomycin, a hydrophilic glycopeptide agent that is taken up into cells by endocytosis and normally remains entrapped in endosomes.13 Preclinical studies with various therapeutic proteins and protein toxins have also shown similar promise.14 A further advantage of PCI compared to other methods of targeted drug release is that it is both spatially and temporally selective, which therefore also provides scope for novel applications in biomedical research such as light-triggered gene silencing15 and immunotherapy”

I take this a “quality stamp” for the data achieved from H&N study and so should those who still think that H&N study was a “clinical” failure !!


Sorry old post

Rimelig bold statement fra Pcib angående fimaVACC:



Flaks at H/N ble lagt til side, ellers hadde ikke jeg hatt råd til å kjøpe meg inn :grin:


not entirely new, see references below including clinical trials


I hope fimavacc delivers better results and broader range of applications


Måtte bare kjøpe en enkelt aksje til 28,15 for å få den i pluss i dag jeg.


Nice StockDZ!

Ingen tvil om at både behovet og markedet er enormt. Og spennende å se at flere har oppnådd en sterk og langvarig respons med lignende teknologi som Pcib. Det betyr at det gode muligheter for at fimaVACC kommer til å vise sterk respons også.


Totally agree! The point is the laser which is in this case visible light stimulates the immune response, in addition to that our technology facilitates the delivery of therapeutics (not only enhancing the immune response), so technically we offer a full package


This is the transcript from Q-3 regarding Fimavacc, strong wording on the potential and applications, tried to highlight some words:

"So let’s go over to fimaVACC. This is, as I said, a vaccination technology. And the primary aim of this vaccination technology is to enhance the cellular immune response of vaccines. We just mix fimaporfin, our agent, with the vaccine injected into the skin, wait a few hours and illuminate the skin afterwards. And by doing this, we can affect or modify the intracellular trafficking in immune cells of the antigen of the vaccine and thereby make it express a higher level of cellular responses.

And what we have proven mechanistically is that we can release antigens from endosomes, which shall then transported into – cut off by proteasomes and then transported up with MHC I – MHC class I presentations generate more specific set of toxic T cells, which can attack cancer and virus-infected cells more efficiently thereby being better as therapeutic vaccines. So strong potential in this technology.

It has a unique mode of action, can be combined with a number of different adjuvants. It has a broad applicability across both protein and peptide antigens, can be used for both prophylactic and therapeutic vaccinations. There are a number of prophylactic uses that also need stronger cellular immune responses. Excellent stability and the user-friendliness in that there are a few logistical changes – challenges. The product is stable at room temperature and can be autoclaved and stable for a number of years. And we have some very important recent IP generation around this, so very good protection on this vaccination technology.

We have some very strong preclinical results that we have shown before and moved on the basis on that into a clinical translation with the objective to determine safety, tolerability and immune response of fimaVACC with 2 different – one peptide and one protein, the HPV E7 peptide and KLH protein.

Three parts of this study, tolerability, fimaVACC vaccination and then an optional part with optimization of the fimaVACC regimen if that is needed.

We have included more than 90 subjects in this. We’ve completed part 1 and part 2 and we have released the early spot results showing that we see a higher number of T cells, higher response rates and also that they appear quicker. This is up to 3 vaccinations and you can monitor how quickly the immune response comes.

Now our near-term focus is on characterization of the immune response further to see exactly what this immune response looks like. And for that, we have now established a collaboration with the Department of Medical Oncology at Leiden University Medical Center, together with Professor Sjoerd van der Burg, which is one of the leading persons in the world for this kind of immune analysis. And we will report the results of this as soon as the results are available. And we have said that this study will be completed by second half 2018**. So in the near future, we expect to have something to tell you about the results of this study**."

Link to Q-3 presentation Transcript


I strongly advise you to read through the transcript, seems listening to PW speaking and reading what he says are 2 different things :slight_smile: for example, read what he says about FimaNac and the interest from other companies:

"And then the last program, fimaNAc, nucleic acid therapeutics. As I said, large molecules need to come into cells to work. It cannot enter cells by themselves, but need some kind of mechanism to get in there. This is perfectly suited for nucleic acid therapeutics. We are not putting a lot of resources ourselves into this, but we have very good preclinical data on the technology. And we have shown that data to a number of the companies that are working in this space with siRNA, microRNA, mRNA, DNA, et cetera, and there is quite a lot of interests. So this is still – getting these into cells still quite a big hurdle. There are large companies working on mRNA today like Moderna, you’ve probably heard about them and BioNTech and other companies, CureVac, et cetera. A lot of investment going into the area. But there’s clearly still issues in relation to how to deliver this efficiently.

We have established 6 collaborations within nucleic acid therapeutics with key players in this field. And this collaborations are research collaborations so we test the synergies between the technologies and what we will report out of this is when we have a change or we report something together with the company. We don’t own the data alone. We’re only together with the companies that we are working with."


FimaVACC alene kan vise seg å være en bombe av dimensjoner.

Jeg tror fortsatt at der vil bli gitt info over status for fremdriften til fimaVACC før året er omme men er kommet til den konklusjon at det er mye viktigere å presentere dette på riktig vis overfor markedet.

Her må en heve hodet litt og se litt frem i tid.