I found Q3 very interesting and even though release suffers delays, there is still hope in hybrid control arm which if accepted (Amir said they have good grounds for it when relating to fda and ema), all patients will then be assigned to PCI arm. Since Pivotal study is event driven as he said I am not sure if they are still required to include all 120 patients or will be enough with 60 patients with all in pci arm, regardless, there will be more incentives for patients to take part and Amir confirmed that this can be a game changer.
For fimachem partner, we have to read between the lines. Initially, Robin CBO main task was to land a partner in Asia, PW said that business development department is very busy now (fantastic news). PW also confirmed in QA that there is interest in Asia for Chem and said I will not say more. If you followed Q2 he said they are actively working on it and would like to land the partner very soon. The message has changed now which means for me that a deal is around the corner and probably waiting for AZ bile duct results to be made public.
Anders also said there is a lot of interest in Nac, but collaborations take time to get established, so we should expect more collaborations in this area too.
CFO did not answer about additional funding saying we ll see how things go, which is quite strange as they will be running out of cash in 4 quarters, could also suggest that a deal is around the corner.
Fimavacc plan in place but no info on funding. Study will be small and not cash intensive, I believe the go ahead is also pending on Asia deal for Chem.
My interpretation from all of this is that a deal is around the corner and the company is trying to avoid a share issue.