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PCI Biotech - Småprat (PCIB)

Meanwhile, the doctor who discovered the Omicron variant said the UK is “panicking unnecessarily” when asked on the BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show.

Dr Angelique Coetzee, chair of the South African Medical Association, told the programme she first encountered the variant in a man in his early 30s who presented with tiredness and a mild headache, but none of the usual coronavirus symptoms.

She said: “What we are seeing clinically in South Africa, and remember I’m at the epicentre - that’s where I’m practising - it’s extremely mild.”


How important is this news? especially this part about registration of the RELEASE trial as a rear disease trial / an orphan disease with a high unmet medical need?

This is not news, it’s “olds” - things the investors in the market already know and the reason why some is still invested in the company…

There will never be any news in these kind of presentations (or any PhD for that sake) without a message to “the market” through the stock exchange…

But it’s a good occasion to reach out to a broader market and increase the understanding of the company. Usually this attracts new investors.


PCI Biotech and Immunicum Announce an Extension to Their Research Collaboration to Explore Novel Cancer Vaccination Treatments


Oslo, Norway, November 30, 2021 - PCI Biotech Holding ASA (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused biopharmaceutical company with a unique intracellular delivery technology via Photochemical Internalisation and Immunicum AB (publ; IMMU.ST), a biopharmaceutical company focused on hard-to-treat established tumors and the prevention of cancer recurrence, announced today an extension of their current collaboration.

The companies jointly research the possibility to overcome current hurdles in cancer immunotherapy by introducing tumor independent immune targets into the tumor microenvironment, in combination with vaccination or adoptive immunotherapies. The so-called Tumor Independent Antigen concept, which has been invented by Immunicum, could benefit from PCI Biotech’s antigen delivery technologies based on Photochemical Internalisation. Following the encouraging results of the first set of in vitro experiments, during which the delivery protocol of the combination treatment has been optimized, the companies have decided to move ahead to evaluate the novel therapeutic concept in animal models. While the first experiments were conducted by Immunicum, this further in vivo evaluation will be carried out by PCI Biotech.

Commenting on the announcement PCI Biotech’s CEO, Per Walday said: “The results of the initial collaborative experiments are encouraging, supporting the immune response enhancing capability of the fima V acc platform technology. We are committed to this collaboration and are looking forward to the next series of experiments in animal models, which are aimed to generate data that could pave the way to a potential joint development program.”

Erik Manting, CEO of Immunicum added: “At Immunicum , we are continuously studying novel immunotherapy concepts aimed to address hard-to-treat established tumors and to overcome the limitations of currently available cancer therapies. In this collaboration, we are combining our know-how and technology basis with that of PCI Biotech to design potential novel therapeutic concepts and we look forward to advancing the collaboration through in vivo studies as an important next step.”

Please see attachment for the full press release.


Fra reagensrør til museforsøk ja. Blir spennende å se om de starter en Fase1-studie om noen år i dette samarbeidet :+1:


Herlige nyheter! Immunicum er et veldig spennende selskap, og selv om dette er tidlig har man sett gode synergier så langt! :fire:

Immunicum melder også dette, så det er ikke bare for PCIB at dette er gode nyheter.




But “where is the money”?!:sweat_smile::wink:


Det var jo en hyggelig morgen melding


Enig med deg men allikevel positiv at de ser synergier og velger å gå videre me samarbeidet!

Jeg sitter med en følelse at de jobber veldig hardt på flere fronter, Vi får bare håper at det snart kommer noen penger på bordet som kan løfte kursen.


Is it important message? I thought they already had collaboration?

Yes they did, but ask yourself a question.
IS it more positive than negative that they extend this collabaration and now take the next step to test on animals?


They had an “extensive research collaboration” from sept. 2020.
(DC Prime → Immunicum)
Dont know why PCIB is taking over with further in vivo experiments without payment. But I guess it’s better then a termination.

“Leiden, The Netherlands and Oslo, Norway, September, 1st 2020 - DCprime, the frontrunner in the field of relapse vaccines, and PCI Biotech (OSE: PCIB), a cancer focused
biopharmaceutical company with a unique intracellular delivery technology via
PhotoChemical Internalisation, today announced an extensive research collaboration.”



Track record til selskapene som har valgt å utforske potensielle samarbeid med PCIB tidligere er ganske drøye. Hadde vært lukrativt å investere i selskapene PCIB tidligere har meldt om samarbeid med på tidspunktene det ble gjort: Biontech, Bavarian og AZ.

Krysser fingrene for at Immunicum tar en lignende reise, og at denne gangen blir PCIB med til målstreken. :crossed_fingers:

Selv om det ikke har gått helt veien med samarbeidene hittil, så er det alikevel et kvalitetsstempel at så solide selskap har ønsket å få til noe med pcib tidligere.

Jeg håper og tror at en dag kommer PCIB sitt gjennombrudd som julekvelden på kjerringa, og at det blir medisin av dette.


Where is the attachment, come on Ronny ???

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Business development er lovende. Ikke minst ansettelser og kommentarer ved siste Q. Dette var hyggelig! Nu kommer de kanskje som perler på en snor :pray::bomb:


Of course it is important, this means further consolidation of fimavacc platform, remember also that Fimavacc has also been found synergistic with mRNA via Etherna collaboration (ref Anders Hogset in last Q presentation). I take this as a fantastic update. The other good news is that pci biotech will have control on the next step. It is also good to see that immunicum did not change their strategy with regards to the development of tumor-independent antigens after DC prime aquisition and recent changes in top management. Please see below DC prime talking about tumor independent antigens and their collaboration with PCI biotech, exciting technology that could potentially be a game changer in vaccine technology


Hva dælen begynder Fomo barometeret at slå ud på pcib, det blir jul alligevel.