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Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS)

Blir Afrika det største marked for seismikk?

PGS ASA: New Share Capital Registered

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Disclosure of Voting Rights in Shares




The UK has shortlisted bidders for carbon capture and storage schemes, advancing towards bringing more CCS projects on stream in support of net zero strategies

17 August 2022 8:02 GMT UPDATED 17 August 2022 14:51 GMT

By Editorial

A further process of due diligence will now be undertaken before public funding from a £1 billion ($1.214 billion) Carbon Capture & Infrastructure Fund is made available.

Equinor’s ambitious carbon capture and hydrogen production plant at Saltend in East Yorkshire is hoping to start operations as early as 2026.

The Norwegian oil and offshore wind business believes it can reduce local emissions from one of the UK’s most heavily industrialised locations around the Humber Estuary by 1 million tonnes.

The project’s 2026-2027 start-up schedule would mean it comes on stream around two years after Equinor’s equally ambitious Northern Lights project in Norway.

There is now significant momentum with more than 100 new carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) schemes unveiled in 2021 alone.

ExxonMobil has estimated there will be a $4 trillion market by the middle of the century for capturing and storing CO2.


Ganske spennende chart i PGS nå. Den nærmer seg et veldig viktig område og klarer den å bryte opp gjennom motstandenpå ca. 8.50 +/- så ser vi veldig raskt 10kr+ her (opp mot 15). Vi er ved et gap fra tilbake i mars-20 samt tre tidligere topper som alle er i området 8-8.50.


PGS Signs Multi-Year MultiClient Library Access Agreement with Shell

August 26, 2022 02:00 ET| Source: PGS ASA

26 August 2022, Oslo, Norway: PGS and Shell have entered into a multi-year agreement for access to a significant part of PGS’ MultiClient Data Library.

Over the last two years, PGS has developed and invested in a strategic cloud-based solution architecture that can serve MultiClient subsurface data to clients. This capability, enabling enterprise access, is unique within the industry and will improve exploration workflows for energy companies, and accelerate their strategic decisions.

Rapid and easy access at scale to the PGS MultiClient library will play an important part in supporting Shell’s near-term exploration strategy. It will drive workflow efficiencies, enabling the Shell exploration teams to spend more time to focus on the data and to make rapid informed decisions in a fast-changing exploration landscape.

Nathan Oliver, Executive Vice President of Sales & Services at PGS states, “We are delighted that PGS’ data library has attracted this commitment from an active supermajor. This contract recognizes the value of PGS breadth and depth of subsurface data in key basins to our client base. Th is innovative model enables Shell to capitalize on a friction-free data access and delivery model.”

For details, contact:
Bård Stenberg, VP IR & Corporate Communication
Mobile: [+47 992 45 235](tel:+47 992 45 235)

PGS ASA and its subsidiaries (“PGS” or “the Company”) is a fully integrated marine geophysical company that provides a broad range of seismic and reservoir services, including data acquisition, imaging, interpretation, and field evaluation. Our services are provided to the oil and gas industry, as well as to the broader and emerging new energy industries, including carbon storage and offshore wind. The Company operates on a worldwide basis with headquarters in Oslo, Norway and the PGS share is listed on the Oslo stock exchange (OSE: PGS). For more information on PGS visit www.pgs.com.


Yara og Northern Lights har inngått avtale om karbontransport og -lagring

Yara inngår avtale med Equinor, Total og Shells Northern Lights om lagring av CO2 på norsk sokkel.

Full kapasitet i fase én

CO₂-volumene fra Sluiskil i Nederland gjør at fase én av Northern Lights-prosjektet nå har nådd full kapasitet.

Prosjektet skal nå modne fase to frem til investeringsbeslutning, noe som vil øke kapasiteten i lageret til mellom fem og seks millioner tonn årlig.

– Med denne kommersielle avtalen passerer vi en stor milepæl i utviklingen av en verdikjede for karbonfangst, transport og lagring, sier konserndirektør Irene Rummelhoff i Equinor.



as well as earnings and cash flows that are increasingly supportive of the current debt load, should allow the company to refinance with either very limited new equity, or none at all


SBM1 idag:

PGS (BUY, TP NOK10): Q3 could be as good as Q2


Spennende signaler @Jubel og @Rodjer - som forøvrig sammenfaller bra med det tekniske bildet!

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Blir nok bra med Late sales i H2 også :grinning:


Litt usikker på om denne har blitt postet…?


PGS, TGS and CGG Announce Schlumberger Joining Versal – a Unified Multi-client Data Ecosystem

29 August 2022


Oslo, Norway – PGS, TGS and CGG, industry leaders of multi-client geoscience data, announce that Schlumberger has become a part of Versal, increasing its coverage to the vast majority of the world’s multi-client seismic data. Versal was created by PGS, TGS and CGG in 2020 and launched in 2021 to provide a vendor-neutral, single point of access to the largest multi-client data libraries with enhanced efficiency and usability.

Versal is a unified, independent, secure, cloud-based multi-client seismic data ecosystem where energy companies can easily access all their data and entitlements in one place via a single log-in. Versal allows E&P teams to capitalize on their interpretation and analysis workflows for subsurface projects by leveraging a seamless licensed data experience that takes minutes rather than days, enabling maximum efficiency and opportunity generation.

“We are very pleased by Schlumberger’s decision to join Versal. They have a significant multi-client data library, and combining it with the seismic multi-client libraries of PGS, TGS and CGG makes Versal an even more important vendor-neutral cloud-based common ecosystem for multi-client data. We are proud and excited by Versal becoming a successful industry-wide digitalization initiative,” says Nathan Oliver, EVP Sales & Services at PGS.

“What makes Versal unique is that it’s customer-centric with the aim to ensure that E&P teams have access to the most accurate information, all in one place, to make the best exploration decisions. And by adding Schlumberger’s multi-client data library to Versal, we’re now able to offer the industry a robust and collaborative solution to explore and evaluate virtually all global multi-client data. We look forward to our continued partnership with CGG, PGS and Schlumberger as we evolve this ecosystem,” says Jan Schoolmeesters, EVP of Digital Energy Solutions at TGS.

“We are very pleased to see Schlumberger join Versal, giving clients streamlined access to four of the industry’s largest multi-client data libraries. Versal now represents the overwhelming majority of the seismic data available on the market today—all within a single user-friendly platform. Now oil and gas operators have even more data at their fingertips to make better-informed decisions during their critical exploration and development operations,” says Dechun Lin, EVP, Earth Data at CGG.

The Versal team will host demonstrations of the ecosystem at the IMAGE Conference in Houston, Texas, on Monday, 29 August through Wednesday, 31 August 2022, at the George R. Brown Convention Center (Meeting Room 352 E, 3rd Floor). Email support@versalearth.com for further inquiries.

About PGS
PGS ASA and its subsidiaries (“PGS” or “the Company”) is a focused marine geophysical company that provides a broad range of seismic and reservoir services, including acquisition, imaging, interpretation, and field evaluation. The Company MultiClient data library is among the largest in the seismic industry, with modern 3D coverage in all significant offshore hydrocarbon provinces of the world. The Company operates on a worldwide basis with headquarters in Oslo, Norway and the PGS share is listed on the Oslo stock exchange (OSE: PGS). For more information, visit PGS.com or contact:

Bård Stenberg
VP IR & Corporate Communication
Mobile: +47 992 45 235
E-Mail: bard.stenberg@pgs.com

About TGS
TGS provides multi-client geoscience data to oil and gas Exploration and Production companies worldwide. In addition to extensive global geophysical and geological data libraries that include multi-client seismic data, magnetic and gravity data, digital well logs, production data and directional surveys, TGS also offers advanced processing and imaging services, interpretation products, and data integration solutions. For more information visit TGS.com or contact:

Jaclyn Townsend
VP, Marketing at TGS
E-Mail: jaclyn.townsend@tgs.com

About CGG
CGG (www.cgg.com) is a global technology and HPC leader that provides data, products, services and solutions in Earth science, data science, sensing and monitoring. Our unique portfolio supports our clients in efficiently and responsibly solving complex digital, energy transition, natural resource, environmental, and infrastructure challenges for a more sustainable future. CGG employs around 3,300 people worldwide and is listed on the Euronext Paris SA (ISIN: 0013181864). For more information, visit CGG.com or contact:

Christophe Barnini
Group Communications & Investor Relations
Tel: + 33 1 64 47 38 11
E-Mail: christophe.barnini@cgg.com

About Schlumberger
Schlumberger (SLB: NYSE) is a technology company that partners with customers to access energy. Our people, representing over 160 nationalities, are providing leading digital solutions and deploying innovative technologies to enable performance and sustainability for the global energy industry. With expertise in more than 120 countries, we collaborate to create technology that unlocks access to energy for the benefit of all.
Find out more at www.slb.com or contact:

Moira Duff – Director of External Communication, Schlumberger Limited
Tel: +1 (713) 375-3407


Veldig spennende her nå…! :hugs: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Meget pen avslutning på dagen. Danner et fint daily bunnstick så får vi se hva de neste dagene bringer. Teknisk synes jeg det lukter 10kr men usikker hvor vi skal før den tid / i mellomtiden.

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Blir vel kontraktsmld imorra.

Hvis så, vil 9 mnd kontrakt for PGS skip være en av de største på leeenge! Enormt i så fall. Samtidig opplever også Shearwater et rush av kontrakter. Begynner å se konturen av supersyklus. Kan innen kort tid bli svært lite båter tilgjengelig fra disse to selskap.

Tilbud og etterspørsel mekanismer vil da kunne sørge for 100% utnyttelse samtidig med rekordrater.

Var det Anker fra Platou som sa dette oppleves kun i en levealder eller var det hvert tyvende år eller noe….

Igjen, hvis det er tilfelle er de som er inne nå akkurat i startgropa av verdirush.

Dine tanker har jeg og, derfor jeg sitter i Pgs.
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Disclosure of Voting Rights in Shares - PGS

PGS ASA: Presentation at September investor conferences