Kursmål er vel primært hva som forventes innen 12 måneder. Ikke sikkert de vil justere det før eventuelt markedet tillegger fremtidsutsikter høyere verdi. Går ting Scheiders vei, så vil nok mange endringer skje, men hvor mye som kommer snart er vanskelig å si. Investorer er utålmodige folk. Hyggelig om Arctic kommer med en analyse eller Edison endrer på sin, men ingen av delene forandrer vel strengt talt spesielt mye for oss annet enn kortsiktige kursmessig utslag kanskje.
Det er selvsagt en definisjon og premiss jeg må akseptere, men er likevel svært spent på hvordan, eller om Edison adresserer den nye informasjonen om vekst beyond 2020.
Lørdagslektyre ( eller for søndag morgen?)
'Et par utdrag:
As a future prospect, especially the com-bination of macroscopic and microscopic techniques may improve diagnostic accuracy. Nevertheless, HAL-PDD guided cystoscopy is the only approach approved to date for routine use in the diagnosis of BCa by most urological associations in the EU, as well as in the USA. Further technologies are on the horizon that may further enhance our ability to detect, accurately stage and treat BCa.
Based on this layering, OCT was able to determine the invasiveness of a bladder lesion (staging) in up to 90% of the cases, and differentiate between healthy and abnormal urothelium with a sensitivity and specificity of 90–100% and 65–89%, respectively.20,21However, prediction of tumor grade is not possible. Despite these promising findings, OCT is limited by false-positive results, possibly due to disruptions of the bladder wall in benign lesions, and the fact that scanning of the entire bladder is a laborious task, complicating its use in everyday practice.43 Therefore PDD might be used as an adjunct to OCT to reduce these false-positive findings and simplify the procedure.
Kan det tenkes at Schneider har tatt grep og stoppet hele analysen fra Edison?
Etter hva jeg har forstått er dette en analyse betalt av PHO og den har vel i bunn og grunn bare skapt skepsis og kursnedgang.
Jeg ville heller foretrekke at Arctic eller andre hus dekket PHO kontra Edison.
Norne dekker jo Photocure
Success in the US is key and expectations are high
Development in the US market for Cysview sales is key for the company’s success. We expect 2020 sales in the US to reach USD 26m, which is already above the company’s latest guidance of USD 20-25m. Photocure’s new CEO indicated that ambitions will be updated in the 4Q18 presentation.
Ja, dette er korrekt. De har pt et kursmål på Nok 55 og en Hold anbefaling.
Har Norne oppdatert etter q4 rapporten?
Ja, de har det, samme dag som q4 ble presentert. De har truffet rimelig bra med deres estimater så langt, men tror de undervurderer inntektsøkningen fra 2021.
Noen utdrag:
4Q growth in line, but no new ambitious goals
Photocure reported 4Q figures this morning that were not far from our
expectations. No new goals for the US sales of Cysview were announced
and no news on the pipeline projects were delivered either. Therefore,
our model is not likely to change much following the report, while
recommendation will depend on the share price reaction to the report.
Strong growth in the US continues, but 2020 goal unchanged at USD 20-25m
Cysview growth in the US continued at a high level of 76% YoY and even
better than our 70% projection. The company maintained its USD 20-25m
sales goal for the US in 2020, which is a bit disappointing having in mind
that before the report we were at USD 26m and the market likely hoped for
more ambitious goals to be announced in the report. Notably, the company
added that there are significant growth and profit opportunities in the USD
beyond 2020.
Still no news on Cevira/Visonac
There was no news related to the pipeline projects (Cevira&Visonac). PHO
continues a broad review of possible strategic alternatives.
Last target price (NOK) 55.00
Last recommendation HOLD
Artikkel fra EAU 2019
En av årsakene til at ledelsen holdt på sin guiding for 2020 kan være at effekten av flexiscopene trolig blir noe forsinket pga de problemene KS har hatt høsten 2018 og inn i 2019. Der,ed er det ikke utplassert så mange flexiscope man ville kunne klart uten problemene relatert til flexiscopene. Og når i vet at kapasiteten på et flexiscope er fire ganger større enn med regide scope, så vil nødvendigvis forsinkelser i oppbygging av operative flexiscope resultere i merkbare negative effekter i PHO sin inntjening.
Men dette er midlertidige problemer og veksten i antall flexiscope vil selskapet trolig evne å ta igjen utover i 2019 og 20. Det burde derfor være mulig å være til ake på sporet i løpet av 2H 2020 eller ut i 2021. Men, det er nok til at ledelsen anså dette som en grunn til å ikke oppdatere/ forhøye anslaget for 2020. Men jeg vil ikke utelukke at selskapet evner å normalisere situasjonen raskere enn det man nå har lagt opp til, altså etter 2020.
Lurer litt på hvorfor disse problemene med flex skop ikke kom til syne under den kliniske utprøvingen, er det helt forskjellig regime for clinical trials vs normal operativ drift?
2 dager til biosyent q4.
Slik jeg forstod det fra Q4-presentasjonen var situasjonen den at Karl Storz hadde opplevd problemer med en komponent til scoopene fra en av deres underleverandører.
Schneider kunne dog forsikre om at dette problemet nå var rettet opp i og at situasjonen var normalisert.
Interessant link solvoll. Hva menes med dette?
“Third, there needs to be careful consideration of identifying the appropriate patients for the procedure. Fourth, patients cannot be added onto the schedule the same day.”
Hvilke pasienter passer og hvilke egner seg ikke?
Hva menes med at de ikke kan bli lagt til “schedule” samme dag?
Jeg forstod det slik at KS opplevde problemene da de skiftet underleverandør for en av komponentene, men atcde nå hadde gått tilbake til opprinnelig underleverandør og at problemet nå er tilbakelagt.
19/03-2019 08:00:08: (PHO) Photocure ASA: Hexvix® /Cysview® with Flexible Cystoscopy improves Bladder Cancer detection. Data presented at the EAU congress in Barcelona.
Oslo, Norway March 19, 2019, Photocure ASA (PHO:OSE), is pleased to announce
that Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLCT) with Hexvix® was presented at the European
Association of Urology (EAU) congress held in Barcelona, Spain, March 15th
…Vis børsmeldingen
-18th. The EAU annual meeting is one of the largest international meetings in
the urology calendar, showcasing the latest and most relevant knowledge in
urology with more than 14,000 urologists and exhibitors from over 110 countries.
Dr. Yair Lotan, M.D., Professor of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center presented on “Blue Light Flexible Cystoscopy with
Hexaminolevulinate for Surveillance of Bladder Cancer” at the Ipsen hosted
symposium Saturday March 16th.The positive data for the use of Hexvix® / Cysview® (hexaminolevulinate) with
flexible cystoscopes in the office / surveillance setting of bladder cancer
patients, was obtained from the phase 3 trial that led to the FDA label
expansion approval. Patient Reported Outcomes results from the trial
demonstrated a positive patient evaluation of Hexvix® / Cysview® as well as more
than 50% willing to pay $100 or more for the procedure. Link to study:
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bju.14481“We have known for a long time that BLC with rigid cystoscopes significantly
improves the detection of patients with bladder cancer, leading to more complete
tumor removal during surgery (TURBT) which is crucial for patient outcomes. The
significantly improved tumor detection also with flexible cystoscopes gives us a
new valuable tool to improve our management of patients with recurring bladder
cancer. BLC with flexible scopes should be used for all high- and intermediate
risk patients at the initial 3 months cystoscopy after TURBT and definitely in
the continued management of high risk patients,” says Dr. Yair Lotan.“It was very good to see Dr. Lotan presenting the positive Hexvix® / Cysview®
data from the US that is aligned with the experience of our European and Nordic
customers. The use of Hexvix® / Cysview® with flexible cystoscopes in the
surveillance of patients in the office will give a large number of new patients
access to better management of their disease”, says Dan Schneider, President and
CEO of Photocure.About Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US and is the
fourth most common cancer found in men in the US1, 2, 3. In 2018, it is
estimated that there will be 81,190 new cases of bladder cancer will occur along
with 17,240 deaths due to bladder cancer. Risk factors for bladder cancer
include advancing age, cigarette smoking, occupational exposure to dyes, tar,
rubber and solvent, chronic bladder irritation and infections, and prior
diagnosis of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is one of the most expensive cancers
to manage, accounting for approximately $3.7 billion in direct costs each
year4,5Bladder cancer is classified into two types, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
(NMIBC) and muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), depending on the depth of
invasion in the bladder wall.2 NMIBC is still in the inner layer of cells. These
cancers are the most common (75%) of all BC cases and include the subtypes Ta,
carcinoma in situ (CIS) and T1 lesions. MIBC is when the cancer has grown into
deeper layers of the bladder wall. These cancers, including subtypes T2, T3 and
T4, are more likely to spread and are harder to treat.2About Hexvix®/Cysview®
Hexvix®/Cysview® is a drug that is selectively taken up by cancer cells in the
bladder making them glow bright pink during Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLCTM). BLCTM
with Hexvix® /Cysview® improves the detection of tumors and leads to more
complete resection, less residual tumors and better management decisions.Cysview® is the tradename in the US and Canada, Hexvix® is the tradename in all
other markets. Photocure is commercializing Cysview® /Hexvix® directly in the US
and the Nordic region, and has strategic partnerships for the commercialization
of Hexvix® /Cysview® in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Please refer
to https://bit.ly2lsohgp for further information on our commercial partners.All trademarks mentioned in this release are protected by law and are registered
trademarks of Photocure ASA.About Photocure ASA
Photocure, The Bladder Cancer Company, delivers transformative solutions to
improve the lives of bladder cancer patients. Our unique technology, which makes
cancer cells glow bright pink, has led to better health outcomes for patients
worldwide. Photocure is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and listed on the Oslo
Stock Exchange (OSE: PHO). The US headquarters for Photocure Inc., are in
Princeton, New Jersey. For more information, please visit us at
www.photocure.com, www.hexvix.com or www.cysview.comFor further information, please contact:
President and CEO, Daniel Schneider
Tel: +1 5084108044
E-mail: ds@photocure.comCFO Erik Dahl
Tel: +47 450 55 000
E-mail: ed@photocure.com
SEER Cancer Statistics Factsheets: Bladder Cancer. National Cancer Institute.
Bethesda, MD. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/urinb.html. Accessed AprilBladder Cancer. American Cancer Society.
Accessed April 2018.Hall M, Chang S, Dalbagni G et al. Guideline for the Management of Nonmuscle
Invasive Bladder Cancer (Stages Ta, T1, and Tis): 2007 Update. J Urol. 2007;178
(6):2314-2330.Avritscher EB et al., Clinical model of lifetime cost of treating bladder
cancer and associated complications. Urology. 2006; 68:549-553.Botteman et al. Clinical model of lifetime costs of treating bladder cancer:
a comprehensive review of the published literature. Pharmacoeconomics. 2003;
Patient Reported Outcomes results from the trial
demonstrated a positive patient evaluation of Hexvix® / Cysview® as well as more
than 50% willing to pay $100 or more for the procedure.
Det er jo underlig i langt større grad enn det er imponerende at bare halvparten av pasientene er villige til å betale en tusenlapp for prosedyren. Man kan jo lure på hvilken prosent som ville vært villig til å punge ut med 10.000.
Positivt er det at Photocure viser vilje til å bli mer offensive i å holde markedet oppdatert om det de holder på med. Det er for meg den største nyheten med dagens melding.