He he jada, det har du helt rett i. Slik går det når man kommer for langt ned i vinflasken:smile: Ha en hyggelig aften! I morgen blir det himmel eller helvete:scream:
Håper verken på himmel eller helvette, regner med det blir bekreftet at vi fortsatt beveger oss gjennom det krevende Khumbu Ice Fall, når det er passé så gjør vi et byks til camp 1, da er det så og si autostrada til høyder som vil ta pusten i fra de fleste aksjonærer og ikke-aksjonærer. Lykke til i morgen.
100.000 til 100.000.000 $ er rettet opp.
Forventer 15 (±1) rigide i morgen.
Forventer at antall utplasserte scope er nærmere 200 etter Q2, enn det vi var etter Q1. Da er basen med pengegenererende scope blitt større. Spent på hvor mye av behandlingskapasiteten som er tatt i bruk. Er også spent på om det endelig har løsnet for flexiscopene. Samt hvilke utfyllende info
Vi kan få vedrørende Cevira-avtalen. Om ni timer er vi godt inni presentasjonen.
God morgen godtfolk! En time igjen til vi får noe ny info om tingenes tilstand. Får vel sette på kaffen før det braker løs.lykke til🥳
PHO: Photocure ASA: Results for the second quarter and first half of 2019
Photocure51.6 NOK51,60 NOK– - 2.64 %2,64%
7.8.2019, 07:00·Oslo Børs
Oslo, Norway, 7 August 2019: Photocure ASA (OSE:PHO), today reported a revenue growth of 41% in local currency for the U.S. market in the second quarter of 2019, contributing to Hexvix/Cysview revenues of NOK 52.1 million (Q2 2018: NOK 42.4) and a recurring EBITDA of NOK -2.6 million (NOK 0.7 million). The company continues to receive strong endorsement for the use of Blue Light Cystoscopy
(BLC) with Cysview and reiterates the significant revenue growth and profit opportunities in the U.S. market.
“During the second quarter we continued our momentum from the start of the year with a revenue increase of 41% in the important U.S. market. We are increasing traction and are experiencing growing acceleration in the U.S. market. In addition, we are still early in the U.S. launch of the Flexible Cystoscopy and Cysview for surveillance in Bladder Cancer. We see tremendous potential for long term sustained growth. Cysview was recommended to be added to Consensus Guidelines in the treatment of NMIBC by an Expert Panel, further demonstrating the importance of Blue Light Cystoscopy using Cysview. We will continue to develop the commercial opportunities in the US in order to achieve our ambition to make Hexvix/Cysview the standard of care for bladder cancer patients,” says Daniel Schneider, President & Chief Executive Officer of Photocure.
Photocure reported total group revenues of NOK 53.0 million in the second quarter of 2019 (NOK 45.7 million), with a recurring EBITDA of NOK -2.6 million
(NOK 0.7 million). Net result was NOK -5.2 million (NOK -17.0 million), while the cash position ended at NOK 86.7 million. The sales development in the U.S.
was strong with a unit sales increase of 34% in the quarter. The revenues in the Nordics declined 1% to NOK 10.7 million (NOK 10.8 million) in the second quarter. EBITDA for the Hexvix/Cysview commercial franchise ended at NOK 1.5 million in the second quarter of 2019. At the end of the period, the total installed base of permanent blue light cystoscopes (BLCs) in was 188 the U.S.
including 14 flexible cystoscopes for the surveillance setting.
Photocure has built considerable experience in the bladder cancer market through its Hexvix/Cysview franchise and sees significant long-term value creation potential in this market segment. The company aims to capitalize on a number of factors including inclusion in the AUA-SUO guidelines, increased patient awareness and the improved reimbursement of Cysview. These drivers will significantly increase penetration in the U.S. market. Furthermore, with the approval of Cysview to be used with flexible cystoscopes, a significant market opportunity has opened in the surveillance segment.
Given the large untapped market opportunities, the company will continue to develop the U.S. commercial and medical infrastructure. Photocure has had a significant increase in resources in the U.S. commercial organization during 2018 and 2019 and now has an organization in place to drive improved penetration and profitability. Future investments would be predicated on gaining optimal account coverage and return. The company has a 2020 forecasted revenue range of USD 20-25 million in the U.S., up from USD 7.8 million in 2018, and sees significant continued revenue growth and profit opportunities in the U.S. market beyond 2020.
In July, Photocure announced that it has entered into a License Agreement providing Asieris Meditech Co., Ltd (Asieris) with a world-wide license to develop and commercialize Cevira® for the treatment of HPV induced cervical precancerous lesions.
Asieris plans to launch a global clinical development program with an initial focus on the China market based on Photocure’s Phase 2b data and the Phase 3 study design elements agreed with the US FDA. The development for the US and EU markets will follow when clinical data from the China focused Phase 3 study confirms the safety and efficacy, estimated to be finished in 2022. Asieris will assume responsibility for the manufacture of the Cevira® product while Photocure retains responsibility for the manufacture of the active pharmaceutical ingredient.
Under the License Agreement, Photocure will receive a total signing fee of USD 5 million within 6 months after signing. In addition, the company may receive a total of USD 18 million based upon achievement of certain clinical and regulatory milestones in China and up to USD 36 million for certain clinical and regulatory milestones in USA and EU. Approval of a second indication in China, the US and the EU would result in payments of up to USD 14 million.
Additionally, sales milestones and royalties of 10% to 20% will apply in all markets.
“After the closing of the quarter, we were pleased to announce a License Agreement with Asieris. Under the agreement, Photocure will receive signing fees, and potentially development and approval milestones and sales milestones in total up to USD 250 million, in addition to sales royalties. Aseris will have the world-wide license to develop and commercialize Cevira for the treatment of HPV induced cervical precancerous lesions. The agreement with Asieris provides a global roadmap for the development and commercialization of Cevira. The Cevira deal is in line with our strategy of divesting products that do not fit our therapeutic focus. We will continue to maximize the return on our commercial investment in Hexvix/Cysview by executing our plans in the largely untapped U.S.
market where we expect to see our greatest returns in the form of significant and sustainable revenue and profitability growth,” Schneider concludes.
Please find the full financial report and presentation enclosed.
Photocure will present its second quarter report on Wednesday 7 August 2019 at Hotel Continental, Oslo, Norway. The presentation will begin at 08:30 (CET) and representatives from the company will be Daniel Schneider, President & CEO and Erik Dahl, CFO. The presentation will be held in English.
It will be possible to follow the presentation through https://webtv.hegnar.no/presentation.php?webcastId=98041425
A light snack will be served from 08:00 (CET). The presentation is scheduled to conclude at 09:15 (CET).
For further information, please contact:
Dan Schneider President and CEO Photocure ASA
Tel: + 1-609 759-6515 Email: ds@photocure.com
Erik Dahl Chief Financial Officer Tel: +47 450 55 000 Email: ed@photocure.no
About Photocure ASA Photocure, The Bladder Cancer Company, delivers transformative solutions to improve the lives of bladder cancer patients. Our unique technology, which makes cancer cells glow bright pink, has led to better health outcomes for patients worldwide. Photocure is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: PHO). The US headquarters for Photocure Inc., are in Princeton, New Jersey. For more information, please visit us at www.photocure.com, www.hexvix.com or www.cysview.com
Source Url: https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/482310
+17 scopes siden q1, hvor +3 er flex.
Det er meget bra. Utplasseringen av scop ligger som forventet.
Bruksfrekvensen er også stigende, og høyere enn tidligere.
Positiv spin:
Antall rigide skop fortsetter å fyke i været, samt US prosentandel av revenue.
Negativ spin:
Det tar fremdeles lang tid å få fart på salg av flex skop, og opex øker fortere enn vi har trodd. Fremdeles lite drahjelp fra Europa.
@Snoeffelen har helt rett:
Høy OPEX var det mest klart negative punktet i tallene slik jeg kunne se, så det er et viktig poeng.
Avsatt med 3 personer som skal jobbe med brukshyppigheten👍
Står vel at økt kost skyldes arbeid rundt Cevira
Takk for påpekningen.
For US Revenue og utplassering av skop ligger Photocure nå i forkant av mitt fremskrevne skjema for å levere på guiding, med en ørliten margin.
Sakset fra E24:
Lavere underskudd og økt omsetning for Photocure
Photocure, som har spesialisert seg på teknologi for behandling av blærekreft, melder om inntekter på 53 millioner kroner i årets andre kvartal. Det er opp fra 45,7 millioner i samme periode i fjor.
Resultat etter skatt bedres noe fra i fjor, men det er likevel millionunderskudd. Bunnlinjen viser et tap på 5,2 millioner kroner, mot et tap på 17 millioner kroner i andre kvartal 2017.
Selskapet beholder forventningen om inntekter på mellom 20 og 25 millioner dollar i USA neste år, opp fra 7,8 millioner dollar i 2018. Photocure ser også betydelige muligheter for vekst i inntekter og resultat i det amerikanske markedet utover 2020
Kan du legge ut din fremskriving en gang til?
Vi får se, men eg løper ikke å kjøper på dette. Da sitter eg på gjerdet og ser utviklingen.
Slik så den ut i går, så gjør jeg sikkert noen små justeringer basert på dagens resultat.
Merk igjen, dette er ikke et estimat fra min side, kun en dum fremskriving som legger opp til en kurve som leder i mål med guidingen som foreligger.
Jeg ser også at total revenue må justeres ned, for det blir mer og mer US som dominerer tallene allerede nå.
Bare hyggelig Savepig, ordlyden i rapporten er forøvrig:
«Furthermore, the Company has had business development expenses during the first six months of the year, particularly related to Cevira»
Lidt skuffende regnskab, her et par hurtige kommentarer.
Lad os tage det ”negative” først
Et meget skuffende stigning af flexible scope, 3 stk – især med tanke på hvor mange hospitaler der er tilknyttet, at ikke flere har købt…?
Vi må se om årsagen primær er fordi det tager noget længere tid at få salget igennem, også på disse scopes, men salget af KUN 1 stk. pr md er i mine øjne meget skuffende.
Større stigning af Operating expenses end forventet, der nævnes udover forventede stigende omkostninger i USA; også at der har været en del forretningsudgifter vedr. Cevira – men 51 mill (27%) var noget højere end forventet.
Nedgang i Nordic revenues, og faldet drevet af lavere in-market-volumener, hmmmm – uagtet noget skuffende
Visonac® nu endelig lagt i graven, forventet, men selvsagt ærgerligt.
Det lidt mere positive
Partnersalget steg atter 8%, (som Q1 19) og selv om det så langt fra er som ønsket, så med tanke på at Nordic stagnerede, så kan vi vel dårlig være utilfreds.
Stigning af salget i USA steg atter
(Men 41% var, selv om det jo er en flot stigning, måske en smule skuffende)
Scope stigning på 14 er vel godkendt, men ikke som håbet.