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May 2020 new share option agreements have been approved by the Board of
Directors and issued today.
The offer is made to provide the Company’s employees and consultants with new
long-term incentives in order to contribute to positive development of the
The main terms of the new share options are as set out below:
· Each share option gives the right to require issuance of one new share in
the Company;
· The options vest (becomes exercisable) in equal parts with 1/36 each month
over 3 years;
· Vested options may be exercised during certain exercise periods to be
determined by the Board of Directors from time to time;
· Any vested options that are not exercised during an exercise period will be
transferred to the subsequent exercise period;
· The options expire 5 years after their grant. Following such date, the
options are void and cancelled;
· If an offeror becomes the owner of at least 9/10 of the issued shares of the
Company, all of the employee’s unvested Options shall become immediately vested;
· The strike price for each option is NOK 74.90 based on volume weighted
average price (VWAP) the last two weeks prior to grant date.
As of today, the following primary insiders have accepted the offer and holds
share options as further described below:
Øyvind Isaksen, CEO, has been granted 80,000 new share options and holds:
· 162,420 share options with a strike price of NOK 50 per option with a
vesting period of three years from October 2018.
· 31 443 share options with a strike price of NOK 18.90 per option with
vesting period June 2019 - May 2020.
· 31 443 share options with a strike price of NOK 27.00 per option with
vesting period June 2020 - May 2021.
· 31 443 share options with a strike price of NOK 33.75 per option with
vesting period June 2021 - May 2022
· 80,000 share options with a strike price of NOK 74.90 per option with a
vesting period of three years from August 2020.
· The total holding of Øyvind Isaksen is 24,856 shares (held through OiMaCon
AS) and 336,750 share options.
Pierre Craen, CTO, has been granted 21,500 new share options and holds:
· 40,000 share options with a strike price of NOK 50 per option with a vesting
period of three years from October 2018.
· 7 667 share options with a strike price of NOK 27.00 per option with vesting
period June 2020 - May 2021
· 7 667 share options with a strike price of NOK 33.75 per option with vesting
period June 2021 - May 2022 ·
· 21,500 share options with a strike price of NOK 74.90 per option with a
vesting period of three years from August 2020.
· The total holding of Pierre Craen is 1,120 shares and 76,833 share options.
Marianne Sandal, COO, has been granted 21,500 new share options and holds:
· 40,000 share options with a strike price of NOK 50 per option with a vesting
period of three years from October 2018.
· 7 667 share options with a strike price of NOK 18.90 per option with vesting
period June 2019 - May 2020
· 7 667 share options with a strike price of NOK 27.00 per option with vesting
period June 2020 - May 2021
· 7 667 share options with a strike price of NOK 33.75 per option with vesting
period June 2021 - May 2022 ·
· 21,500 share options with a strike price of NOK 74.90 per option with a
vesting period of three years from August 2020.
· The total holding of Marianne Sandal is 2,667 shares and 84,500 share
For additional information, please contact:
Eivind Bergsmyr, Chairman of poLight, +47 920 99 010
Øyvind Isaksen, CEO of poLight, + 47 908 76 398
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to sections
4-2 and 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
About poLight ASA
poLight offers a new autofocus lens which “replicates” the human eye for use
in devices such as smartphones, wearables, barcode, machine vision systems and
various medical equipment. poLight’s TLens® enables better system performance
and new user experiences due to benefits such as extremely fast focus, small
footprint, no magnetic interference, low power consumption and constant field of
view. poLight is based in Horten, Norway, with offices in Finland, France and
China and representation in Taiwan and Korea. For more information, please