Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Questerre Energy Corporation (QEC)

Noen grunn til at folk ikke skal dumpe? :wink:

om de har tegnet seg på 5.50, kursen åpner på 5,50. hvorfor skal de selge for å gå i null? de blir vel sittende? men spørsmålet blir vel hvor den åpner…

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Da er eg inne med noen lodd

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var for treg her, lurer på å kjøpe på 5,80 ca. avventer. tror den ender i blått

Kommer sikkert flere muligheter helt ned mot emi kurs, tipper den skal blåeses opp litt, før shortsene blir tatt på

magefølelse sier opp, men avventer :stuck_out_tongue:

Ute igjen med noen kinopenger i pluss :+1:


herlig Kronn :slight_smile:

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Innlegg av: chris56 (01.11.17 16:09 ), lest 606 ganger
Ticker: QEC
Endret: 01.11.17 16:22
QEC Noen av dere fortjener denne rapporten
Hei Godt folk,
Jeg har blitt sendt en rapport som var konfidensiell fra Qec, men nå har jeg fått lov hos Jason å dele den,

Mvh Chris56


I thought you might find this report interesting.

Please keep confidential.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Thomas Korsdalen [email protected]
Date: November 1, 2017 at 02:25:34 MDT
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: QEC - returning form the QOGA conference in Montreal

Mike Binnion, CEO of Questerre is the President of QOGA (Quebec Oil & Gas Association) and we participated at their annual conference beginning of the week.

On October 18th, just coming into this meeting of industry interests, a 35 day extension for comments to the draft regulations was announced. This could have been to allow more time amidst a period of municipal elections. It seems this is what initiated concerns over the possibility of stricter final regulations and even more important, a possible ban of fracking. This operation is essential in developing the huge Utica resource play in the St. Lawrence Lowlands.

The uncertainty may have escalated somewhat by the fact a new Minister of Energy and Natural Resources was just appointed. The previous Minster was promoted to head the Treasury as far as we understand. This reshuffling of positions in the Parliament comes in the aftermath of softer mid-period election result for the Liberal party. So even more, the highlight of the conference was the Monday lunch speech by the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. Initially he spent much time discussing the new Energy Transition of Quebec, with the goal of significantly reducing emissions by 2030. This by means of energy efficiency and substituting use of oil with renewable energy and biodiesel. More use of natural gas will play an important role in this transition.

Economic and environmental benefits of developing energy resources locally followed thereafter. No specifics of the process of the new regulations were mentioned. However, relying on social acceptability for any activity was highlighted. The Minister does not think this is in place at this point, which also also Questerre fully agrees to and admits. Wherefore, this is exactly what they will be working on this after the regulations are in place. This is now expected to come into the new year due to the new deadline. The Minister shall have confirmed support of fracking if social acceptability is coming into place and new regulations are followed in a more private setting after the lunch. This is nothing else than Questerre has already communicated.

We think another two presentations was very well received and had a lot to offer in the progress towards local hydro carbon development in Quebec:

Youri Chassin, IEDM – Local Acceptability
A very clear distinction was made between the difference in the opinions presented by the media and the actual population. The fewer environmentalists screaming the loudest receive a lot more attention than the actual majority being in general positive to such progress. A study showing almost 60% in favor, 20% against, and 20% undecided was presented to support this case.

Jean-Luc Allard, SNC Lavalin – Clean Gas Opportunities
Gave a good presentation of the developments of new processes and use of technology to reduce emissions from the actual operations. This substantiated the focus on clean gas development Questerre is working hard towards. This will be crucial in reaching the above mentioned social acceptability.

In conclusion, we think Quebec and Questerre is still on the same way towards development of hydro carbons communicated over some time now. This will reduce dependency on imports and increase Provincial income. This will also support the new strategy Energy Transition of Quebec.

Best regards,

Thomas Korsdalen
[email protected]
Equity Sales

+47 21 01 32 27
+47 48 40 32 27
+47 21 01 31 00

Haakon VII´s gt 5
P.O. Box 1833 Vika, NO-0123 Oslo

Dere som har litt historie. jeg har fulgt denne i ett par uker nå og vurderer inngang. Virker det som ble postet på ho som for optimistisk eller kan det snu nå. Mao ta inngang nå?

QEC har vært en aksje flertallet har tapt penger på i årevis. Hva har endret s eg nå ? ingenting. Like greit å styre unna.

Oj. Ja supert å få en heads up.

Det har vel skjedd mye i Canada angående fracking som QEC spesielt er i markedet for, skulle jeg gått inn i andre selskaper nå så hadde jeg absolutt lest meg opp igjen på de. Vet det rører seg mye der nå, og flere analytikere som spår doblet kurs og lignende Men som sagt, ikke hør på meg eller Evil, se selv :slight_smile:

Ser fin ut nå :slight_smile:

tok noen lodd her nå og håper vi ser denne utviklingen fremover :grinning:


Ja,enig. Tror vi nå får en fin reise i QEC. Mye spennende på gang. Først ut er kv.3 rapport rett over kommende helg. :yum:


Hva kan vi forvente tiden fremover? Q3 rapport, deretter kanskje forventningsrally før fristen?

Tror nok QEC vil løfte seg fram mot 9 des. Blir reguleringene tilnærmet slik som draftet, inkludert litt forandringer iht avstander til vannreservoar,skuler,tettsteder etc, blir QEC meget bra om de får sosial aksept. Der tror jeg Binna har gjort en del forarbeid som tilsvarer at de kan starte pilotprosjekt innen rimelig tid.
Og ikke glem Jordan. Der kommer en oppdatering sannsynligvis i startfasen av 2018. I tillegg vil de nok ha oppnådd target med doblet produksjon innen kv1, 2018.
Mye å se fram til. :blush::yum:



En meget sterk rapport! :grin:

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Overraskendebra iht produksjonsøkning. Og neste kv.rapport vil nok gi langt bedre inntjening på bunnlinja. Kondensatprisene har skutt i været, med en økning på 30-40%. Spenningen nå blir Quebec, og reguleringer. Jordan blir gulroten i starten på 2018.


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