Interessant kommentar:
Der gikk den gjennom, men jeg blir overrasket om den holder seg over med tanke på utviklingen de siste par månedene
Update: Gikk gjennom med et brak
Kanskje mulighet for å plukke rundt forrige ath om den faller litt tilbake
Perfekt tillfälle att läsa på om Realfiction.
MEGA intressant
Vel, når Peter Simonsen får lov til å fikle med nasjonalskatten vår Peer Gynt, så kanskje det er noe i dette.
Kjøpte meg en liten post under corona-salget, men solgte fort etter den gikk til himmels etterpå. Jeg er rett og slett for dum til å klare å skjønne markedspotensialet, teknikken og hvor de ligger an i forhold til evt konkurrenter. Men det ser kult ut da, håper det blir vellykket!
Kanskje fallende triangel på gang, burde være mulig å plukke noe på 31-32 de neste dagene
Inget stopp på denna
Går bra i dag, som forrige gang den brøt ath
Det er nok en aldri så liten hype i forbindelse med publisering av patent for ECHO-teknologien og trolig en demonstrasjon av teknologien i sammenheng med publiseringen
Fra Redeye sin analyse postet av @erpe80 litt lenger opp:
Eksemplarisk graf
To brudd av ATH på en drøy måned, med oppskriftsmessig test av støtte de påfølgende dagene. Nytt forsøk på gang denne uka ser det ut til
Kvartalsrapport i dag, blir godt mottatt
“ECHO: Having already delivered a basic laboratory
proof-of-concept, we are now focused on proving
and specifying the scalability and manufacturability
necessary for a future mass production”
“We have the potential to fundamentally change the flatscreen industry and the way people see and interact with moving 3D images. With this once-in-a-century opportunity within reach, we will accelerate value creation in Realfiction by ensuring that our organization is focused on this task. Realizing the holy grail of 3D is without a doubt an important part of the future of Realfiction, and the strategic review is the first step in the process of ensuring that the company is properly configured. Through the strategic review, all options to maximize shareholder value in the other parts of our business will be considered. The review and any actions based on it will of course be carried out with respect to our global network of partners, who are committed to selling the magical moments that our Dreamoc and DeepFrame Mixed Reality displays generate,” says Realfictions CEO and founder Clas Dyrholm.
“Peter Simonsen and I are truly excited about the future for Realfiction, including our groundbreaking ECHO technology. We have the publication of our international ECHO patent application confirmed for 17 September 2020 and look forward to this opportunity to share more information about ECHO with our shareholders."
Realfiction med sprek start på uka.
Ikke overraskende med tanke på publisering av patent på torsdag. Minner meg om gode gamle dager med Funcom og spenning før et nytt spill skal slippes.
Er vel lov å håpe på info om evt partnere etc også…
Det hypes bra i diskusjonsforum på andre siden av grensen
EDIT: Og der kom den klassiske “Brudd av ATH” - effekten… Er vel 4. gang i år dette skjer
Utrolig at denne ikke har fått mer oppmerksomhet. Kan virkelig ta av🚀 Gleder meg til veien videre.
Publisering av patent er utsatt en uke. Det ga billige aksjer en periode, fremdeles store svingninger i kursen
Synd att det blev utsatt men vi får bara vänta en vecka till.
Det här sa patentjuristen för ett år sedan
Brian Jeppesen, patent attorney at Budde Schou states:
“I am happy to say that the search report indicates, that even though this is a
field with a lot of activity from display manufacturers, Realfiction’s
directional pixel technology is novel with respect to the prior art identified
by the examiner and presents distinct advantages. As is standard for patent
applications, I have advised Realfiction not to publicly disclose any technical
details, images or videos from the proof-of-concept configuration until the
patent applications are publicized next year.
I have worked as a patent attorney specializing in display technology for more
than 10 years. Directional pixels are a well-known technology being the
fundamental element behind all types of glasses-free 3D dimensional displays
such as holograms, light field displays and autostereoscopic displays.
Up until now, though, directional pixels have suffered a range of limitations
which have prohibited wider market acceptance of glasses-free 3D displays for
moving images.
The limitations have included bad performance quality such as low pixel
resolution, less than full color reproduction, slow pixel response times, low
angular resolution (leading to limited freedom of movement for observers), poor
ghost-image suppression and also a lack of ability to scale to cost effective
The technology proof-of-concept I have seen demonstrated at Realfiction is the
first I have seen that holds the promise of overcoming all these limitations at
the same time. It demonstrated a completely novel, nanotechnology-based, yet
simple, circuit design for controlling pixel color value and angle of emitted
light fast and precisely.
In my opinion, this technology holds the potential of cost-efficient mass
production while maintaining the high angular precision and fast response times
needed for a high quality, moving image 3D-experience.
As an additional benefit, the technology has the potential to save energy.
Traditional tv sets use lots of energy on illuminating living rooms with the
characteristic flickery blueish light we see through windows in residential
areas at nighttime. They are essentially very inefficient, energy consuming,
flickery lamps. Realfiction’s technology is capable of emitting light only
towards eyes of people in the room, hence has the potential to save significant
amounts of energy.”
Da er patentsøknaden publisert av wipo. Den dårlige nyheten er at de trenger ytterligere info om teknologien før patentet er godkjent såvidt jeg forstod meldingen. Dette er visstnok vanlig for så avanserte teknologier, men det var nok ikke forventet av markedet, dermed nedgang i dag
Sitat fra publikasjonen om ytterligere info som kreves:
“As usually is the case when examining patent applications for novel and complex inventions, WIPO has requested that Realfiction provides guidance to clarify the so called “inventive step” of the technology”
Video som forklarer teknologien: