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Saniona (SANION.ST)

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Saniona AB (publ), a research and development company, engages in the discovery and development of drugs for diseases of the central nervous system, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, and treatment of pain in Denmark. It has a portfolio of various drug candidates in pre-clinical and clinical stages.

The company’s products include AN788, a clinical candidate for second line treatment of major depressive disorder; AN761, a nicotinic a7 agonist to treat cognition deficits in schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s; and Tesofensine, a triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor, which is in Phase I and Phase II human clinical studies to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes. Its product pipeline also includes Tesomet, a fix-dosed combination of tesofensine and metoprolol for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and Prader-Willi syndrome; NS2359, a triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor to treat cocaine addiction; and AN363, a GABAA a2/a3 program for treatment of neuropathic pain.

In addition, the company is developing AN346 to treat inflammatory bowel diseases; and nicotinic a6 program for the treatment of Parkinson’s diseases. The company has drug discovery and development collaborations with Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH to develop small molecule therapeutics for the treatment of schizophrenia; Luc Therapeutics Inc.

for the treatment of ataxia; and Upsher-Smith Laboratories to treat neurological disorders, as well as Proximagen Ltd. and Productos Medix, S.

A de S.V.

Saniona AB (publ) was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Ballerup, Denmark.

La oss starte diskusjonen! @paracelsus @Frank3000 @pdx

Saniona regains full rights to BenevolentAI program


May 18, 2018

Saniona, a leading biotech company within ion-channel research, today announces that BenevolentAI and Saniona will terminate the collaboration program in neurology. Saniona regains all rights to the program including all potential lead compounds and data generated from pre-clinical studies conducted by BenevolentAI.

.During our collaboration we have demonstrated highly interesting data for our lead compounds in specific indications within neurology including epilepsy and pain as well as urinary incontinence. We are excited to take over the .Kv7 program. at this advanced stage and will continue pursuing it internally. says Jørgen Drejer, CEO of Saniona.

The collaboration has delivered highly interesting potential drug candidates with possibilities for novel treatment in neurology including pain and epilepsy as well as urinary incontinence. However, following a major strategic review after the acquisition of Saniona.s partner Proximagen, BenevolentAI concluded that the program was non-aligned with the overall company strategy. Therefore, Saniona will now pursue this opportunity internally.

Saniona regains all rights to its Kv7 ion channel program including lead compounds and potential development candidates. Part of the program has been developed under a prestigious non-dilutive grant from the Innovation Fund Denmark to promote specific drug candidates as novel effective and well tolerated treatment opportunities in urinary incontinence.

The regain of the rights to the program will not have any material impact on Saniona.s financial expectations for 2018.

For more information, please contact

Thomas Feldthus, EVP and CFO, Saniona, Mobile: +45 2210 9957, E-mail: tf@saniona.com

This information is information that Saniona (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 04:45 pm CET on May 18, 2018.

About Saniona

Saniona is a research and development company focused on drugs for diseases of the central nervous system, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases and treatment of pain. The company has a significant portfolio of potential drug candidates at pre-clinical and clinical stage. The research is focused on ion channels, which makes up a unique protein class that enables and controls the passage of charged ions across cell membranes. Saniona has ongoing collaboration agreements with Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Productos Medix, S.A de S.V and Cadent Therapeutics. Saniona is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, where it has a research center of high international standard. Saniona is listed at Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap and has about 5,300 shareholders. The company.s share is traded under the ticker SANION. Read more at www.saniona.com.


20180518 - PR - Saniona regains rights from Benevolent - UK

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Saniona får tillbaka fullständiga rättigheter till BenevolentAI-programmet


18 maj 2018

Saniona, ett ledande bioteknikbolag inom jonkanaler, meddelar idag att BenevolentAI och Saniona kommer att säga upp samarbetsprogrammet inom neurologi. Saniona återfår alla rättigheter till programmet, inklusive alla potentiella substanser och data som genererats från prekliniska studier som utförts av BenevolentAI.

.Under vårt samarbete har vi uppvisat mycket intressanta data för våra substanser för specifika indikationer inom neurologi inklusive epilepsi och smärta samt urininkontinens. Vi är glada över att ta över .Kv7-programmet. på detta avancerade stadium och kommer att fortsätta att driva det vidare internt. säger Jørgen Drejer, VD på Saniona.

Samarbetet har levererat mycket intressanta potentiella la.kemedelskandidater med möjlighet till ny behandling av neurologiska sjukdomar, inklusive smärta och epilepsi samt urininkontinens. BenevolentAI har dock nått fram till att programmet inte ligger i linje med den övergripande företagsstrategin efter att en omfattande strategisk granskning genomförts sedan Sanionas partner Proximagen förvärvats. Därför kommer Saniona nu att vidareutveckla denna möjlighet internt.

Saniona återfår alla rättigheter till sitt Kv7-jonkanalprogram inklusive substanser och potentiella utvecklingskandidater. En del av programmet har utvecklats under ett prestigefyllt anslag från danska Innovationsfonden för att främja specifika läkemedelskandidater som nya effektiva och väl tolererade behandlingsmöjligheter vid urininkontinens.

Återtagandet av rättigheterna till Kv7-programmet kommer inte att ha någon väsentlig inverkan på Sanionas ekonomiska förväntningar för 2018.

För mer information, vänligen kontakta:

Thomas Feldthus, vVD och CFO, Saniona, Mobil: +45 2210 9957, E-mail: tf@saniona.com

Denna information är sådan information som Saniona AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 18 maj 2018 kl. 16:45 CET.

Om Saniona

Saniona är ett forsknings- och utvecklingsbolag fokuserat på läkemedel för sjukdomar i centrala nervsystemet, autoimmuna sjukdomar, metabola sjukdomar och smärtlindring. Bolaget har en omfattande portfölj av potentiella läkemedelskandidater i preklinisk eller klinisk Fas. Forskningen är inriktad på jonkanaler som utgör en unik proteinklass som möjliggör och kontrollerar passage av laddade joner i cellernas membran. Bolaget samarbetar med Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH., Productos Medix, S.A de S.V och Cadent Therapeutics. Saniona har sitt kontor i Köpenhamn där bolaget har en forskningssite av hög internationell klass. Saniona är noterat på Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap och har cirka 5 300 aktieägare. Aktien handlas under tickern SANION. Läs mer på http://www.saniona.com



20180518 - PR - Saniona regains rights from Benevolent - SWE

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Tatt en ny inngang her i dag etter forrige ukes FDA klassifisering av Tesomet. Oppstart PWS&HO fase 2b 2h21

«D båttåm» for bolaget å Hoffman må vel være nådd :man_shrugging:

Bouncen kom 1 1/2 år for sent @InVivo :wink:

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Var du inne? :wink:

Nei Nei Nei. Ute for lengst!!

Fin bounce i dag. Tok et lite lodd her for en stund siden pga fedmepillen deres, men vet ikke om i dag bare er en random bounce eller noe som skjer?

Er nok news fra Mexico eller nye samarbeidspartnere som eventuelt vil sette fyr på aksjen

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Ny lisensieringsavtale setter indeed fyr på aksjen:
**Saniona (OMX: SANION), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announces a partnership with Acadia Pharmaceuticals (Acadia) for the development and commercialization of SAN711 in neurological diseases. Saniona will receive up to US $610 million, including a US $28 million upfront payment and up to US $582 million in development, regulatory, and commercial milestone payments, along with tiered royalties from mid single digits to low double digits on global net sales of SAN711. In addition, Acadia will provide financial support for Saniona’s ongoing Phase 1 clinical study and preparation for the Phase 2 clinical study.

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Presentasjon fra 29. januar

Full finansiert i 3 år med mye i pipen

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Medix har skickat in ansökan för tesofensine till COFEPRIS igen

2025-02-20 18:45:00

Saniona (OMX: SANION), ett biopharmaceutiskt företag i klinisk fas, meddelar idag att bolagets partner Medix åter har skickat in den marknadsansökan för tesofensine till COFEPRIS som refererats till i Sanionas pressmeddelande den 10 februari.

“Jag gratulerar Medix-teamet till denna viktiga prestation. Efter återkoppling från COFEPRIS har Medix uppdaterat och åter skickat in den fullständiga ansökan för tesofensine – cirka 20 000 sidor – och adresserat alla regulatoriska frågor och förfrågningar”, säger Sanionas vd, Thomas Feldthus


Thomas, the landmark deal with Acadia is one of the largest agreements of last year and one of the biggest ever in Scandinavia. In hindsight, what are your reflections on this partnership and its significance for Saniona?

– We share Acadia’s excitement about SAN711’s potential as a promising new treatment for essential tremor, where there is a significant medical need. The collaboration is off to a strong start—we have formed a joint steering committee for the first year, initial meetings have taken place, and Acadia’s team is diving into the details.