Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

SeaBird Exploration (SBX)

Starter en tråd om SEABIRD EXPL PLC (SBX.OL) siden en del har den i favoritt-listen eller i porteføljen sin :slight_smile:

Seabird Exploration Plc, through its subsidiaries, provides marine 2D and 3D seismic data for the oil and gas industry in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North and South America, and the Asia Pacific. The company’s 2D vessels allow for long offset acquisition; 3D vessels are used for 3D shallow water acquisition; and source vessels provide conventional undershoot, 4D repeat survey, wide azimuth, push reverse, long term charter and vessel management, and spot charter services.

It operates a fleet of four owned and one leased vessel. Seabird Exploration Plc is based in Limassol, the Republic of Cyprus.

La oss starte diskusjonen! @HGB @alfred_e_neuman @Synnis @ovstebo @Fixaren @TheDudester @fenrisulv1 @Dan @Lupuz @Agent007 @OTFJ @greyboss @pdx

Har kjøpt litt i denne, håper pgs smitter over. I tillegg var der en analyse på kursmål opp mot 0,3.

kun en trade, kan bli pent.

Ka er grunnen til at denne har gått ifrå 20000kr aksjen til 0.15kr?


Har kun fulgt med på kursen i SBX, men ikke noe av hva som foregår i selskapet. Er det noen som kan forklare interesse i aksjen nylig?

@Longtrader Kunne du si litt mer om analysen du nevner, eventuelt dele? :smile:


Denne melding forklarer veldig mye om hvorfor aktiviteten har tatt seg opp. Videre så er det nok flere som spekulerer på en oppgang innen seismikk. Er kommet flere bull kommentarer og artikkler når det gjelder seismikk i det siste. Personlig så ville jeg nok ikke valgt SBX om jeg skulle eksponerer meg mot seismikk. Når det er sagt så har jeg en god pott i NORTH som igjen eier en god del SBX.

NORTH krysset flagge grensen på vei ned gjennom 5% for ikke så lenge siden.

Norne Securities har startet dekning av Seabird Exploration, og åpner med en kjøpsanbefaling og et kursmål på 30 øre per aksje.
Det betyr at meglerhuset ser en oppsiden i aksjen på hele 150 prosent, da Seabird-aksjen stengte til 12 øre per aksje tirsdag.

– Etter restruktureringen i 2017 er selskapet godt posisjonert til å dra fordel av strukturell vekst i havbunnsseismikk, og fra syklisk økning i etterspørselen etter 2D data i grenseområder da investeringene i leting og produksjon vil øke, skriver analytiker Irmantas Vaskela.

– Tross den høye risikoprofilen i aksjen anser vi risiko/avkastning til å være attraktiv skriver han.

Der er den fra Norne, slutten av april. Tok selv gevinst i dag , q i morgen . Får se om en burdet sittet videre.


Synes det er veldig viktig å få med det faktum at SBX og NORNE inngjekk en market maker deal før analysen kom på plass.


Ser ut som det er en del interesse i denne. Noen som har noen kommentarer og kanskje sitter inne? Er ikke inne selv, men følger med… :slight_smile:


SeaBird Exploration: 2D survey in North West Europe

23 May 2018, Limassol, Cyprus

SeaBird Exploration is pleased to announce that the company has signed an agreement to supply one 2D vessel for an upcoming survey in North West Europe during this coming summer season. The project is due to commence early Q3-2018 and will run for approximately one month. The company will be using the Harrier Explorer for the work.

SeaBird is a global provider of marine acquisition for 2D/3D and 4D seismic data, and associated products and services to the oil and gas industry. SeaBird specializes in high quality operations within the high end of the source vessel and 2D market, as well as in the shallow/deep water 2D/3D and 4D market. Main focus for the company is proprietary seismic surveys (contract seismic). Main success criteria for the company are an unrelenting focus on Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE), combined with efficient collection of high quality seismic data. All statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict, and are based upon assumptions as to future events that may not prove accurate. These factors include SeaBird`s reliance on a cyclical industry and the utilization of the company’s vessels. Actual results may differ substantially from those expected or projected in the forward-looking statements.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

For further queries contact:

Christophe Debouvry
CEO SeaBird Exploration
Phone: +47 22402705


Nils Haugestad
CFO SeaBird Exploration
Phone: +47 22402717

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: SeaBird Exploration Plc via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


SeaBird Exploration: contemplated private placement and subsequent repair issue


SeaBird Exploration Plc (“SeaBird” or the “Company”) intends to carry out a private placement of new shares (the “Offer Shares”) in the Company raising gross proceeds of minimum NOK 100 million and a maximum of NOK 150 million (the “Private Placement”). The subscription price (the “Offer Price”) in the Private Placement will be determined through an accelerated book-building process. The net proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to finance working capital and potential new investments in vessels and equipment.

The Private Placement

ABG Sundal Collier ASA and SpareBank 1 Markets have been engaged as Joint Lead Managers and Bookrunners for the Private Placement (the “Managers”).

The Private Placement will be carried out on the following terms:
            The application period for the Private Placement opens today at 16:30 CET on 24 May 2018 and closes at 08:00 CET on 25 May 2018. The Managers may, however, at any time resolve to close or extend the subscription period at its sole discretion and on short notice.

The minimum subscription and allocation amount in the Private Placement will be the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000, provided that the Company may, at its sole discretion, allocate an amount below EUR 100,000 to the extent applicable exemptions from the prospectus requirement pursuant to applicable regulations are available.

Allocation of the Offer Shares will be determined at the end of the application period, and final allocation will be made by the Company’s Board of Directors at its sole discretion. Notification of the allocation is expected to be sent by the Managers on or about 25 May 2018.

The settlement date is expected to be on or about 30 May 2018, subject to the Board of Directors of the Company having resolved to issue the shares.

The Offer Shares will be temporarily issued on a separate ISIN. These shares are expected to be converted to the Company’s original ISIN number and be listed and tradable on Oslo Børs early July, subject to approval of a listing prospectus (the “Prospectus”) by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (“NFSA”).

The Company and the Managers reserve the right, at any time and for any reason, to cancel and/or modify the terms of the Private Placement.

The Board, together with the Company’s management and the Managers, has considered various transaction alternatives to secure new financing. Based on an overall assessment, taking into account inter alia the need for funding, execution risk and possible alternatives, the Board has on the basis of careful considerations decided that the Private Placement is the alternative that best protects the Company’s and the shareholders’ joint interests. Thus, the waiver of the preferential rights inherent in a share capital increase through issuance of new shares is considered necessary.

Subject to completion of the Private Placement, the Company intends to carry out a subsequent repair offering to its existing shareholders as of close of trading 24 May 2017, as subsequently recorded in the VPS, who did not participate in the Private Placement.

Operational update

As announced on 23 May 2017, the Company recently signed an agreement to supply one 2D vessel for an upcoming survey in North West Europe during this coming summer season. The project is due to commence early Q3-2018 and will run for approximately one month. The company will be using the Harrier Explorer for the work.

Furthermore, the Company is currently in discussions to supply one or more vessels for potential major 2D contracts. If awarded, these projects are currently anticipated to start in the second half of 2018 and could potentially add approximately 15 vessel months to Seabird’s backlog.

For further information, please contact:
Christophe Debouvry
CEO SeaBird Exploration
Phone: +47 22 40 27 05

Nils Haugestad
CFO SeaBird Exploration
Phone: +47 22 40 27 17

Contact information for the Managers:

ABG Sundal Collier ASA
Telephone: +47 22 01 60 08

SpareBank 1 Markets AS:
Telephone: +47 24 14 74 70

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

About Seabird Exploration:

SeaBird is a global provider of marine acquisition for 2D/3D and 4D seismic data, and associated products and services to the oil and gas industry. SeaBird specializes in high quality operations within the high end of the source vessel and 2D market, as well as in the shallow/deep water 2D/3D and 4D market. Main focus for the company is proprietary seismic surveys (contract seismic). Main success criteria for the company are an unrelenting focus on Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE), combined with efficient collection of high quality seismic data.

All statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict, and are based upon assumptions as to future events that may not prove accurate. These factors include SeaBird`s reliance on a cyclical industry and the utilization of the company’s vessels. Actual results may differ substantially from those expected or projected in the forward-looking statements.

This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: SeaBird Exploration Plc via Globenewswire

Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.


Mye tyder på at noen kjente til emisjonen, hvis man ser på kursutviklingen. Som alltid pumpes kursen opp før emisjonen gjennomføres.

16 øre ble emisjonen på. Det er syk rabatt …

Hahaha, ha meg unnskyldt.

Dette er jo nesten for utrolig. Norne inngår market maker deal og noen uker etterpå hever de kursen til 30 øre.

De fleste som har fulgt med vet at sbx trenger cash. I dag kom det ikke uventede svaret…

Forsåvidt, men aksjen skulle jo aldri ha maktet å bli tradet opp på det nivået den havnet før emisjon ble varslet

Les hva jeg skrev for 9 dager siden…

Ser at det på et annet forum spekuleres i at Aquila Explorer er på service hos DOF, før en eventuell ny kontrakt. Den er offisielt warm- stacked i påvente av kontrakt.

Jeg kjøpte SeaBird aksjer samme dag som emisjonen - ganske dårlig timing egentlig :joy: Jeg så derimot at de også skal ha en Reparasjonsemisjon for samme kurs (0,16) på 156.250.000 aksjer. Børsmeldingen kan ofte være litt kronglete å lese om man ikke er advokat, men min forståelse er at aksjeeiere på closing 24.05 som ikke var med i emisjonen vi bli tilbudt et antall tegningsretter som fra det jeg forstår skal aktiveres i juli. På DN Investor har den porteføljen jeg har lagt inn allerede blitt økt med antall tusen aksjer, så jeg antar at det er antallet tegningsretter de har beregnet.

Det jeg ikke finner noe om er hvordan dette vil foregå i praksis. Om noen har en kort intro hadde det vært lærerikt :slight_smile:

1 Like

Jeg ble med i forrige rep emi(0.10) og fikk overtegnet med ca 10x. (God verdi om kursen ikke går under emi kurs, i mitt tilfelle kunne man selge direkte med 10-20% gevinst.)

Du må avvente at rep emi er klar for tegning, og deretter gjøres dette i vps.


Takker :slight_smile: Da får jeg følge nøye med på det. Mulighet for overtegning gjør det jo ekstra interessant, men selvsagt avhengig av kursutviklingen frem til da.


Deutsche Bank som bommer på numpaden igjen? :joy: