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Secret World: Legends (FUNCOM)

Den ene kommentaren på den artikkelen :smiley:

No doubt Secret World has great stories but the game plays like something from North Korea.


Får ikke spilt etter tokyo oppdateringen - får denne opp

Jeg har prøvd å reinstallere Microsoft Visual C++ Re… uten hell, får opp 0X80240017 uspesifisert feil

Kjører win7

Har du prøvd etter dagens patch? Tror det var en av fixene. Hvis den ikke hjalp så kan du prøve dette

Hi there! Please download the x86 version of this: https://t.co/9F1ch8Ko0A

A reboot may be required. Thank you for your patience!

— Secret World Legends (@SecretWorldLgds) 16 August 2017

Prøv eventuelt denne:

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litt news


But there is much more to come, and we especially want our veteran players to know that as the storyline of The Secret World ends, the storyline of Secret World Legends is about to start. This winter, a brand new story will be revealed. Players will get to go to new locations, meet new characters, and experience adventures they never have before.”

Må få opp farta. Jeg er ennå ikke ferdig med egypt sone 2…



Da er det klart at Funcom ser de tjener nok på SWL til at de kan fortsette å investere penger. Det kunne de ikke med TSW. Det betyr vel ihvertfall +1 MUSD i kvartalet tenker jeg, muligens endel mer dette kvartalet.


The Funcom Point to Aurum Exchange service is now available. This service is provided for players that were playing The Secret World and then switched to Secret World Legends. The exchange will allow those players to convert their recently purchased Funcom Points to Aurum.

This service will be available from today (August 18, 2017) to September 4, 2017. At that point both the Funcom Point to Aurum Exchange service and the TSW Legacy Transfer service will be disabled.

To take part in the exchange you must be playing on a copied Secret World Legends account (ie there is a TSW account that your account was created from).

This service exchanges all your eligible Funcom Points to Aurum. There are no partial exchanges allowed.

The max amount of Funcom Points allowed to exchange is 12,000.

Only Funcom Points purchased from July 1st 2016 to June 26th 2017 are eligible for exchange.

Bonus points are NOT eligible for exchange.

Funcom points to Aurum are exchanged at a 12 to 10 ratio. (1201 Funcom points exchanges into 1000 Aurum, with 1 Funcom Point remaining)

The exchange is not reversible

This process is a onetime event and cannot be repeated

You MUST have at least 1 character on your Secret World Legends account to use this service.

The service is available here. Log in to your account and click the “Funcom Point to Aurum Exchange” button under Account Services. Follow the directions on screen.

Please note that this service may take up to 10 minutes to deliver the Aurum in game. The process will work if you are online or offline.

If you have any questions, Customer Service can help you via Live Chat.


Et bra incentiv for gamle spillere for å komme seg over til legends :slight_smile:


Folk sinte…veldig også på tidsrommet som ble angitt som gyldig for kjøp av Funcom points. De kunne vel se denne komme? @Madone

Virker ikke som at Funcom har kommunisert begrensningene for veksling tidligere? Det jeg kan se er at det er mangelen på kommunikasjon som er skuff i tillegg til veldig mange, ALTFOR mange begrensninger for å kunne veksle i tillegg til kort tidsrom hvor veksling er tilgjengelig.

Ikke noen stor shitstorm på twitter, par-tre negative kommentarer, men på reddit er det verre. Folk skjønner ikke hvorfor så mange begrensninger er satt og har vanskelig for å tolke det som noe annet enn grådighet fra Funcoms side:

My small number of points were purchased 6 weeks before the “not before” date.
To do this now, with no warning to give people an opportunity to spend their points before transfer is pretty disgraceful. The upper cap is equally bad and to give people only a very short transfer window in the middle of the traditional summer holiday period is quite unacceptable.
In one shot I think Funcom have lost much of the goodwill they were beginning to win back from a significant part of their longer-term customer base.
It would have been much better to simply say up front that points don’t transfer so buy stuff you want. At least then we would all have known where we stood rather than waiting several months for this complete letdown.
As a matter of principle I will not purchase aurum in SWL until I get my Funcom point transfer. Which probably means never.

I agree with most of the commens here. Those restrictions are unnecessary. I don’t think they’d lose any notable amount of income by dropping those, compared to the loss of income by potentially upsetting players. I mean, they worked on the relaunch in secret for 9 months while players continued to purchase FC points and GM packs. This transfer option is the least they can offer, without these sort of restrictions. It is just a ltitle upsetting to see the most loyal playerbase being treated disrespectfully… >_>

The restrictions are definitely strange and don’t really make much sense.

I am pretty angry about this. Before SWL launched, I knew my Bonus Points in TSW were not going to be transferrable to SWL so I used them all up on cosmetics since I knew THOSE would transfer.
If I had known that my Funcom Points were going to be ineligible because I purchased them before July 1st, 2016 (I purchased them in June 2016), I would have used them on cosmetics too so I could have transferred those as well. No where in the FAQ (at least prior to today) about the launch of SWL did it mention there would be a limitation on the transfer of Funcom Points.
Given that cosmetic transfers are no longer available, I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect to be given the equivalent value of Aurum that my Funcom Points in TSW are worth. You can then delete my Funcom points from my account

Jeg er ny spiller i SWL og har ikke bruk for veksling selv, men herlighet… Noen her som kan forklare hvorfor Funcom driter på draget og velger begrensinger de VET vil skape misnøye (og igjen hos veteranene), til og med ragequitting av Patron, til fordel for noen usle Funcom Points kjøpt før Juli 2016? Jeg har forsvart mange valg Funcom har gjort tidligere for å tjene penger, men dette ser bare ekkelt ut og de ergrer spillere som har støttet de lengst…


Takk for svar. Jeg og tror at akkurat her har Funcom fucket opp helt unødig. De bør “rette” opp dette fort - ingen grunn til å skyte seg selv i kneskålen som dette? :expressionless:

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Har glemt bort SWL i alt viraket rundt CE.
eiere har gått bra oppover i det siste.

Score rank: 37% Userscore: 75% Old userscore: 75% Metascore: 76%
Owners: 653,986 ± 23,449
Players in the last 2 weeks: 91,602 ± 8,781 (14.01%)
Steamspy viste 451830 31/7 dette gir oss da en økning på 202156 på snaut 3 uker.


bestemte meg for å jukse litt, fom city of sun god gjorde jeg stort sett bare hoved questen og er nå lv 50 og kommet til siste sone i transylvania. jeg er redd taktikken min gjør at oppdragene her blir svært vanskelige pga våpen, talismans, glyphs og signets ikke har fått sin naturlige styrking fordi jeg harhoppet over svært mange oppdrag. vi får se.
Vanilla TSW er gjort, nå er det DLC som fortsetter historien i transylvania + noe annet oppdrag og så er det Tokyo!



Inntektene fra SWL kommer til å overraske markedet


Noen av bagger sine twitter kontoer? :joy: