Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Småprat 2020-24

Har lekt litt med denne de siste dagene, utrolig imponerende.

Fun facts:

Hvordan den bruker info fra forrige spørsmål:

Sammenlign dette med brukeropplevelsen hvis du hadde spurt Google om det samme… første gangen jeg har tenkt at Google vil bli “disruptet”.


Hmm, synes google sin er beder enda, men for spesifikke spørsmål kanskje.

Hvor finner jeg denne saken?


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Hvor har du spurt spørsmålene?

Du må bare registrere deg, så kan du spørre

Men kan Google gjøre dette?



Jeg har bare gjort et par av de tingene der, så gjør du alle er du vel garantert suksess! :smiley:

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Skreiv et dikt til firmaet jeg jobber i nå. Ble meget godt mottatt! :slight_smile:

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Du får spørre han hva neste lotto-tall blir :slight_smile: Kan du teste: “How would a quantum computer operate in 5 dimensional space if it had to use light as it’s energy source?” :sweat_smile:


Den måtte tenke i 10 sek:



Faktisk en del gode poenger der. Imponerende, selv om 50-60% bare er copy paste av en vanlig beskrivelse. Hadde håpet at den skulle nevne at den ville vært umulig å bruke for oss i vår 3-dimensjonale verden, menmen :stuck_out_tongue:


Litt i overkant positiv må jeg si :stuck_out_tongue: Sjekk om den sier noe annet med deg da? Er da det blir gøy ^^

Det ble helt likt :smiley:

Hmm, det er jo for så vidt et problem om man skal bruke den til å lage noe originalt :stuck_out_tongue:

In the world of online forums,

There’s one that stands out,

With content moderation so great,

And discussions deep and sound.

It’s called Tekinvestor,

And its owner is named PDX,

He works hard to keep it running,

Fixing tech issues with ease.

The userbase is quite diverse,

But all are polite and kind,

They love to talk about stocks,

Especially crypto and biotech combined.

But be warned, they’re also gamblers,

Degenerate in their ways,

But that doesn’t stop the conversations,

From flowing for hours and days.

PDX adds new features often,

To keep the site fresh and fun,

And the community is grateful,

For all the hard work he’s done.

So if you’re a stock enthusiast,

Looking for a place to chat,

Head on over to Tekinvestor,

Where the discussions are top-notch.

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Here are some pieces of advice for a first time date:

  1. Be yourself: It is important to be authentic and genuine on a first date. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, as it will likely come across as fake or insincere.
  2. Listen and ask questions: It is important to be a good listener on a first date. Pay attention to what the other person is saying, and ask questions to show that you’re interested in learning more about them.
  3. Keep the conversation light and positive: Avoid bringing up heavy or sensitive topics on a first date. Instead, try to keep the conversation light and positive, focusing on things that you both have in common or things that you find interesting.
  4. Be respectful: Treat the other person with respect and kindness on a first date. This includes being punctual, being present and attentive, and not being rude or dismissive.
  5. Have fun: Above all, remember to have fun on a first date. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or the other person, and try to enjoy the experience. A first date is an opportunity to get to know someone new, and it can be a fun and exciting adventure.
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