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SoftOx Solutions 2021-2022

Det beste for både selskapet og investorer er nok at de informerer om denslags gjennom vanlige kanaler, altså børsmelding. Hvis de har søkt, men ikke kommet med er ikke det noe markedet trenger vite så mye om.

Er det ikke bare så enkelt at de måtte ha mer dokumentasjon på sikkerhet? Slik som siste børsmelding viser til. I forhold til den mener jeg at det var påkrevd mer dokumentasjon på sikkerhet før jul også (husker ikke helt når det var). Da jobbet de også med å få på plass mer data rundt sikkerhet. I så måte er det kanskje litt merkelig at de ikke hadde ferdigstilt ytterligere sikkerhetsdata til denne runden. Det blir jo to ekstra runder med ekstra sikkerhetsdata. Uten at jeg har belegg for å mene hverken det ene eller andre om hva som er rimelig i denne sammenheng.

Jo, det kan godt være så enkelt. I alle tilfelle er SIS en svært aktuell kandidat for å inngå i nevnte EU-satsing.


Vi går for den :slight_smile: I morgen tror jeg det blir melding. Men jeg er dessverre ikke like klarsynt som hun som er på toppen av denne tråden, så her er det rom for stor feilmargin.

Børsmelding folkens!

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Klarsynt allikevel :wink:



SoftOx Solutions AS (SoftOx) is pleased to announce that the results of the

clinical investigation SoftOx Wound Irrigation Solution for acute wounds (SWIS)

have been completed. The study, which has been conducted at Bispebjerg

University Hospital in Copenhagen, is a confirmatory clinical investigation to

document safety and performance of SoftOx Wound Irrigation Solution (SWIS)

compared to Normal Saline (NS) in a human wound model.

The study showed both significant improvement in wound healing and reduction in

bacterial burden compared to Normal Saline (NS), positioning the product as

superior towards today’s market leaders. Finishing the clinical development

program strengthens the SoftOx platform for further product development. The

results from the study “SWIS-02” confirm the excellent safety profile of the

SoftOx technology platform, also strengthening the documentation of SoftOx hand

disinfectant technology with regards to skin friendliness being superior to

today’s alcohol-based hand disinfectant. The company now prepares to file their

wound irrigation SWIS for final approval as a Medical Device in Europe.

SoftOx Wound Irrigation Solution (SWIS) will become a Medical Device intended

for wound rinsing and moistening to prevent infections in all types of acute

wounds, such as abrasions, cuts, burns and surgical wounds. SWIS has the

potential to become a favoured alternative to the current wound irrigation

solutions on the market which have challenges related to safety (side effects,

resistance development) and effect. According to market reports from The Insight

Partners, the global market size for wound irrigation solutions was estimated at

USD 1.6 billion in 2018, and yearly 190 million wounds is treated in hospitals.

Finalization of the SWIS-02 study concludes the clinical evaluation part of the

SWIS documentation package. SWIS is expected to be the company’s first CE-marked

product for the European market.

Regarding the wound healing capabilities, the study meets its primary endpoint

of re-epithelialization (non-inferior to NS) by day 10 with high significance

(p<0.0001). Furthermore, early re-epithelialization at day 4 was significantly

better than normal saline (mean 57% versus 43%, p<0.0001). Also, overall

usability aspects of SWIS handling were reported to be satisfactory.

Once again SWIS demonstrates and confirms previous findings (from SWIS-01) to be

safe and well tolerated as a wound irrigation solution for acute wounds and not

associated with any major risks. Performance outcomes demonstrate antimicrobial

properties with excellent wound healing (re-epithelialization) observations.

"This has been a highly successful study with respect to implementation, conduct

and outcome and clearly confirms the favourable properties of SWIS as an

excellent wound irrigation solution," says Glenn Gundersen, Medical Director of


For further information, please contact:

Geir Almås, CEO of SoftOx Solutions AS, or

Glenn Gundersen, Medical Director of SoftOx Solutions AS

Mail: ir@soft-ox.com

Phone: Front Desk: (+47) 948-59-599

About SoftOx Solutions AS

SoftOx Solutions AS is a Norwegian BioTech company listed on Euronext Growth

Oslo. Our vision is "Helping the world fighting infections - developing new ways

of eradicating infections and fighting antimicrobial resistance". We are working

to combat major threats to human health, namely the emergence of antimicrobial

resistance (AMR), biofilm infections in chronic wounds and the spread of

viruses. For more information on SoftOx, visit www.soft-ox.com.



The study showed both significant improvement in wound healing and reduction in bacterial burden compared to Normal Saline (NS), positioning the product as superior towards today’s market leaders. Finishing the clinical development program strengthens the SoftOx platform for further product development. The results from the study “SWIS-02” confirm the excellent safety profile of the SoftOx technology platform, also strengthening the documentation of SoftOx hand disinfectant technology with regards to skin friendliness being superior to today’s alcohol-based hand disinfectant. The company now prepares to file their wound irrigation SWIS for final approval as a Medical Device in Europe.

SoftOx Wound Irrigation Solution (SWIS) will become a Medical Device intended for wound rinsing and moistening to prevent infections in all types of acute wounds, such as abrasions, cuts, burns and surgical wounds. SWIS has the potential to become a favoured alternative to the current wound irrigation solutions on the market which have challenges related to safety (side effects, resistance development) and effect. According to market reports from The Insight Partners, the global market size for wound irrigation solutions was estimated at USD 1.6 billion in 2018, and yearly 190 million wounds is treated in hospitals.


Dette derisket caset mye for min del. Nå bør vi få en solid oppgang fremover! Veldig bra😃

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Overførbarheten i teknologien er nå 100 % dokumentert. Dette derisker caset noe voldsomt. Doblet på denne - veldig morsomt for selskapet.


Flott! Godt med en god nyhet.

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Helt fantastisk deilig! Har ment det før også, men nå er det ikke fnugg av tvil; rådende kurs er revnende likegyldig. Belønningen vil komme almass, til slutt, for de tålmodige.


Med slikt resultat kan vi også nå forvente en god del i forsvarssammenhengen både inn og utland…


For en fantastisk nyhet. Nå er skuldrene nede. Deilig!!!




Fantastisk. Softox er nå markedsledere innenfor sårrens og bakteriereduksjon i alle typer acute wounds. Lover også godt for dyrehelse.


Deilig! :+1::sun_with_face::partying_face:


Nå kan de komme med analyse SB1


Jeg fikk 3-doblet beholdning under 50 kroner - helt utrolig. Mulig det er noe jeg er HELT blind for, men hvem **** bryr seg om HINAS og hånddesinfeksjon lenger?

Teknologien er ferdig validert effektiv og sikker. Selskapet VIL komme på markedet med sårbehandling. Både sivilt og militært.


Som @Wannatri bemerket på chaten, så anser markedet (enda) dette en hvilken som helst melding - ikke som gode, klinisk bekreftende resultater på avsluttende studie. Jfr. det tusenvis av aksjonærer venter på i NANO og andre steder.