Nyhetsartikler desember 2017
Knallsalg for luksusboliger !
-Trosser nervøse boligkjøpere og labert marked.
Solon Eiendom ASA : Annual general Meeting held 23 May 2018
Oslo, 23 May 2018: Solon Eiendom ASA (OSE: SOLON) held annual general meeting at the company’s offices in Olav Vs gate 5, 0161, Oslo, Norway on 23 May 2018.
The general meeting resolved the board’s proposal of a dividend of NOK 1.15 per share. The dividend shall accrue to the company’s shareholders as they appear in the company’s shareholder register in the VPS on 25 May 2018, being the company’s shareholders at the date of the general meeting, 23 May 2018, based on regular T+2 settlement.
The company’s shares will trade on the Oslo Stock Exchange exclusive the right to receive dividend as from 24 May 2018. The dividend is expected to be paid on or about 29 May 2018.
All proposals were resolved as presented in the notice convening the general meeting, as further set out in the minutes from the general meeting attached hereto.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements set out in section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Further informationbnm
Andreas Martinussen, CEO, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: am@soloneiendom.no Cell Phone: +47 400 00 405Scott Danielsen, CFO, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: sd@soloneiendom.no Cell Phone: +47 952 55 620About Solon Eiendom
Solon Eiendom is a Norwegian residential real estate development company focusing on the Oslo and Akershus region.
This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Solon Eiendom ASA via GlobenewswireNyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.
Solon Eiendom ASA : Generalforsamling avholdt 23.mai 2018
Oslo, 23. mai 2018: Solon Eiendom ASA (OSE: SOLON) avholdt 23.mai 2018 ordinær generalforsamling i selskapets lokaler i Olav Vs gate 5, Oslo.
Generalforsamlingen vedtok styrets forslag om utbytte på NOK 1,15 per aksje. Utbyttet skal tilfalle selskapets aksjonærer slik det fremgår av selskapets aksjonærregister i VPS 25. mai 2018, som er selskapets aksjonærer på generalforsamlingens dato, 23. mai 2018, basert på vanlig T + 2 oppgjør.
Selskapets aksjer vil handle på Oslo Børs eksklusiv retten til å motta utbytte fra 24. mai 2018. Utbyttet forventes betalt den 29. mai 2018.
Alle forslag ble vedtatt som fremsatt i innkallingen til generalforsamlingen, som nærmere angitt i protokollen fra generalforsamlingen vedlagt.
Disse opplysningene er informasjonspliktige etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.
For ytterligere informasjon kontakt:
Andreas Martinussen, CEO, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: am@soloneiendom.no tlf: +47 400 00 405Scott Danielsen, CFO, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: sd@soloneiendom.no tlf: +47 952 55 620Om Selskapet
Solon Eiendom ASA er en norsk boligutvikler med fokus på Oslo- og Akershusregionen
This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Solon Eiendom ASA via GlobenewswireNyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.
Ex utbytte NOK 1.15 i dag
Aksjene i Solon Eiendom ASA noteres ex utbytte NOK 1.15 fra
og med i dag, 24.05.2018.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=452055
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Ex dividend NOK 1,15 today
The shares in Solon Eiendom ASA will be traded ex dividend
NOK 1.15 as from today, 24.05.2018.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=452056
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
Handel litt over halv ti i dag på ca 30 mill. Hmmm…
Kjapp oppsummering?
Ikke så mye nytt under solen. De har en unik posisjon i premiumboligsegmentet. En av hovedgrunnene til at de gikk på børs var for å vokse selskapet - fra 150 boligenheter i året opp mot 300 i året. Dette vil de kanskje nå litt raskere enn planlagt. Så det kan det være muligheter for å vokse litt fortere, f.eks. gjennom samarbeid med næringsutviklere. De ser for seg at markedet bør kunne ta unna opp mot 500 premium boligenheter i året i stor Oslo-området (maks 1 times kjøring unna Oslo) som er det området de fokuserer på.
Setter pris på at du gadd å skrive noen ord!
Sjefen virker mye roligere enn journalisten btw…
Solon Eiendom ASA . Primary insider notification
(Oslo, Norway, August 20, 2018) UFI AS has today extended TRS agreements relating to 2 385 808 shares in Solon Eiendom ASA. The new expiration of the TRS agreements are November 16, 2018 and the exercise price is NOK 26,35 per share. Solon Eiendom ASA board member Øystein A. Landvik owns 33,34 % of the shares in UFI AS.
UFI AS.s ownership in Solon Eiendom ASA is following the transaction unchanged. UFI AS holds 3 266 614 shares in Solon Eiendom ASA and TRS agreements with underlying exposure to 2 385 808 shares for a total holding of 5 652 422 shares, equaling 10,00 % of the total share capital and votes of the Company.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements set out in section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Further information
Andreas Martinussen
Chief Executive Officer, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: Cell Phone: +47 400 00 405Scott Danielsen
Chief Financial Officer, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: Cell Phone: +47 952 55 620About Solon Eiendom
Solon Eiendom is a Norwegian residential real estate development company focusing on the Oslo and Akershus region.Attachment
Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.
Solon Eiendom ASA Primary insider notificatio
(Oslo, Norway, August 20, 2018) UFI AS has today extended TRS agreements
relating to 2 385 808 shares in Solon Eiendom ASA. The new expiration of the TRS
agreements are November 16, 2018 and the exercise price is NOK 26,35 per share.
Solon Eiendom ASA board member Øystein A. Landvik owns 33,34 % of the shares in
UFI AS.UFI AS’s ownership in Solon Eiendom ASA is following the transaction unchanged.
UFI AS holds 3 266 614 shares in Solon Eiendom ASA and TRS agreements with
underlying exposure to 2 385 808 shares for a total holding of 5 652 422 shares,
equaling 10,00 % of the total share capital and votes of the Company.This information is subject to the disclosure requirements set out in section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Further information
Andreas Martinussen
Chief Executive Officer, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: am@soloneiendom.no (mailto:am@soloneiendom.no) Cell Phone:
+47 400 00 405Scott Danielsen
Chief Financial Officer, Solon Eiendom ASA
E-mail: sd@soloneiendom.no (mailto:sd@soloneiendom.no) Cell Phone:
+47 952 55 620About Solon Eiendom
Solon Eiendom is a Norwegian residential real estate development company
focusing on the Oslo and Akershus region.Attachment
- SEA20180820_MandatoryNotification_OysteinLandvik (https://prlibrary-
eu.nasdaq.com/Resource/Download/a67e4f26-7e0a-4864-affd-4aa2f8Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=457643
Nyheten er levert av OBI.
SOLON EIENDOM ASA - Strong results and sales in first half 2018
Solon Eiendom ASA . Revenue increase of 36 % in the first half of 2018 compared to first half 2017. Total EBITDA (NGAAP) of NOK 156 million in the first half of 2018.
(Oslo, Norway, 22 August 2018) Solon Eiendom ASA (OSE:SOLON) will present the Q2 2018 report at 11.00 am CET at the company.s office, Olav Vs gate 5, Oslo.
Key financials first half 2018 (first half 2017 in parenthesis):
- Total sales value NOK 1 559 (1 092) million
- Total revenue (NGAAP) of NOK 717 (527) million
- Total EBITDA (NGAAP) of NOK 156 (101) million
Key financials Q2 2018 (Q2 2017 in parenthesis):
- Total sales value of NOK 740 (685) million
- Total revenue (NGAAP) of NOK 351 (357) million
- Total EBITDA (NGAAP) of NOK 73 (75) million
- Project margin (including finance) of 25 % (22 %)
- 218 (257) units under construction at June 30, with 89 % (88 %) of these sold
- 96 % (99 %) of remaining expected completions in 2018 are sold
The quarterly presentation materials is enclosed and will be available on the company’s web site, www.soloneiendom.no and www.newsweb.no.
For further information, please contact:
Andreas Martinussen, Chief Executive Officer, Solon Eiendom ASA
Telephone: +47 400 00 405, email: am@soloneiendom.noScott Danielsen, Chief Financial Officer, Solon Eiendom ASA
Telephone: +47 952 55 620, email: sd@soloneiendom.noAbout Solon Eiendom ASA
Solon Eiendom is a Norwegian residential real estate development company focusing on the Oslo and Akershus region.This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Solon Eiendom ASA - Q2 2018 report
Solon PPT-Q2 2018 presentation
Nyheten er levert av GlobeNewswire.