Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Solstad Farstad (SOFF) 3

Dette som er viktig « Pressemeldingen inneholder imidlertid klare hint: Fed vil nå ta seg tid til å vurdere effektene av de massive rentehevingene til nå. Dessuten understreker Fed at det tar tid fra renten heves til man ser de fulle resultatene.
Begge deler tilsier at Fed vil heve mindre aggressivt fremover, og kanskje også ta en rentepause etter desembermøtet»

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Tror dere dette er siste justering med 0.75?

Det spørs på neste inflasjonsmåling. Dersom status quo eller mindre - easning. Økning - tightning.

Ble punktert av denne?

Hmmm? Var da ikke det han sa?

Alt for tidlig å snakke om pause. 0,5 neste gang vil være bull.


Normand Carrier (psv) forlenger et år i Afrika (Angola)

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Litt mer rørledningssjekk fra Eqnr mon tro?

Equinor Energy AS
Subsea duties (+2xWROV), 8 days + 14x1 day
24/11/22 - 01/12/22

Hvor mange wrov har N.Drott?

Usikker om det er kapasitet til flere ombord, spørs vel på jobben og- Drott er uansett hyret til annen jobb nå til 250k/dag

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Skulle du sett det kom et rykk.

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Et kraftig et og🧐

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Denne slutter aldri og overaske,kanskje det er noen amerikanere som kjøper seg opp her nå.

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Snodig tidspunkt å kjøpe seg opp i allefall.

03/11/22 [NORMAND DROTT](javascript:void(0):wink: Vår Energi AS R/M West Phoenix, D/D 14 05/11/22 NOK 250000

  1. INTERACTIVE BROKERS LLC +272 547 +22,9% 1 462 696 1,89%

De handler mye, dette er 2 dagers forsinkelse- opp forbi Hystad nå på 5.plass, fortsetter de i denne takten har de 2 mill aksjer nå

  1. november 2022 kl. 21:30 CET
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    Tidewater Reports Results for the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30,
  • Reported positive net income for the first quarterly period since 2017
  • Revenue of $191.8 million increased 17% compared to the second quarter of
  • Vessel level cash margin of 40.6% compared to 38.2% in the second quarter
    of 2022
  • Adjusted EBITDA of $52.1 million compared to $39.1 million in the second
    quarter of 2022
  • Free cash flow of $21.9 million compared to negative $14.9 million in the
    second quarter of 2022
  • Total fleet utilization of 77.8% compared to 75.5% in the second quarter
    of 2022
  • Active fleet utilization of 83.7% compared to 82.5% in the second quarter
    of 2022
  • Average active vessels of 181 compared to 172 in the second quarter of

Business Wire

HOUSTON – November 3, 2022

Tidewater Inc. (NYSE:TDW) announced today revenue for the three and nine
months ended September 30, 2022 of $191.8 million and $460.9 million,
respectively, compared with $92.4 million and $265.9 million, respectively,
for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021. Tidewater’s net income
(losses) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022, were $5.4
million ($0.10 per common share) and $(32.4) million ($0.76 per common share),
respectively, compared with $(26.3) million ($0.64 per common share) and
$(91.0) million ($2.22 per common share), respectively, for the three and nine
months ended September 30, 2021. Included in the net income for the three
months ended September 30, 2022 were merger and severance expenses of $4.3
million and long-lived asset impairment and other of $1.2 million. Included in
the net losses for the nine months ended September 30, 2022 were long-lived
asset impairment and other of $0.7 million; gain on bargain purchase of $1.3
million; loss on warrants of $14.2 million and merger and severance expenses
of $14.0 million. Excluding these items, we would have reported a net income
for the three months ended September 30, 2022 of $10.9 million ($0.21 per
common share) and net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2022 of
$4.8 million ($0.11 per common share). Included in the net losses for the
three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 were long-lived asset
impairments, affiliate credit loss credit, and severance expenses of $2.3 and
$2.1 million, respectively. Excluding these items, we would have reported a
net loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 of $24.0
million ($0.58 per common share) and $88.9 million ($2.17 per common share),

Quintin Kneen, Tidewater’s President and Chief Executive Officer, commented,
“Our third quarter performance reinforces our previous commentary that the
offshore vessel industry had reached an inflection point. Revenue improved by
17% sequentially, partly driven by a full quarter of the Swire Pacific
Offshore (SPO) acquisition. Active utilization increased from 82.5% in the
second quarter of 2022 to 83.7% and our average day rate, despite a material
strengthening of the U.S. dollar, improved by nearly $1,100 per day
sequentially, or approximately 8.5%. The combined improvement in utilization
and average day rate provided an approximately 11.5% improvement in revenue
per average active vessel. Vessel level cash margin improved to nearly 41%, up
240 basis points. It is also worth mentioning that we generated net income
during the third quarter, the first quarterly net income since emergence from
bankruptcy in 2017, which represents a satisfying milestone in the continued
recovery of our business.

“Along with the increase in revenue throughout the first half of this year we
also saw an increase in working capital, which is expected during such a
period. We are pleased to report that the investment in working capital
moderated in the third quarter. In fact, although revenue increased 17%
sequentially, our trade accounts receivable balance decreased from the second
quarter. The improvement in working capital management combined with our
improved profitability provided free cash flow of $21.9 million during the
third quarter, representing a sequential improvement in free cash flow of
$36.8 million.

“We continue to see day rate momentum across all of our regions, led by Asia
Pacific, Europe and Mediterranean and West Africa. Asia Pacific and Europe and
Mediterranean regions both benefitted from a strong anchor handling market as
favorable conditions and robust drilling activity pushed day rates up to some
of the highest levels ever realized in the North Sea. Moving forward, we do
expect that the typical industry seasonality will moderate the day rates for
the larger anchor handlers over the next two quarters, but the drilling
activity driving the demand we saw for these vessels over the past summer will
recur in 2023.

“As it pertains to synergies associated with the SPO transaction, we continue
to work through our integration plan and have continued to hit internal
milestones on our way to realizing our synergy targets. We remain confident
that we will realize the $45.0 million of synergies contemplated in the
transaction. We expect to realize the full run-rate of general and
administrative synergies during the first quarter of 2023 and the full benefit
of our operating expense synergy during the latter part of 2023.

“As we look forward to the remainder of 2022 and 2023, we remain confident
that the fundamentals for the offshore vessel market will remain robust. The
safety of our people and of our operations remains a critical focus for us as
this robust activity unfolds, and we remain steadfast in our dedication to
being the safest and most reliable offshore support vessel operator in the


Olalaa…Se på volum! :roll_eyes::blush:

Merkelig oppførsel på den,plutselig ned nå.

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