Har lite erfaring med A og B-aksjer, men hvis vi ser på oppkjøpet av Geminose
så betalte STAR med aksjer.
Geminose has been acquired for $7 million USD in Starbreeze shares, valued at
the share price per closing date of the transaction. 4 606 778 new shares will
be issued by the board utilizing its authorization from the AGM, which
corresponds to approximately 3.0% of the share capital on a fully diluted basis.
Så tenker jeg STAR kommer med følgende mld om en stund
Gem2 has been acquired for $X million USD in Starbreeze B shares, valued at
the share price per closing date of the transaction. Y new B shares will
be issued by the board utilizing its authorization from the AGM, which
corresponds to approximately Z% of the share capital on a fully diluted basis.