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Targovax - Småprat 2 (TRVX) 2 🥳

Ja det bør det faen meg gi👍


Prisleiet nå er helt absurd, særlig sammenlignet med de to konkursboene Nano og PCIB.

Plukket litt på bunn her, jeg og :slight_smile:


Jeg tror de dårlige resultatene i Nano og Pcib har vært med på å dra ned TRVX. Hele bransen er nervøs og det har vært mye tvangssalg når to selskaper innen samme bransje krakker.

Eller vi kan vel si 3 selskaper og ta med TRVX, har krakket den også.

Flott at vi får noen nye haussere, det trenger vi virkelig. De andre er helt utslitte og knapt til stede.:grin:

Det som er bra med Targo nå er at selv med beskjedent bruk av penger så får du relativt mange aksjer :smiley:

He, he - jeg lå med kjøp på 1,362 i slutthandelen og fikk alt på 1,352. Her er man ivrige til å selge.


aol på chatten i kveld😀

@aol sørger for å spre det glade budskap om T’s planer innenfor cRNA; Epoch 33 - Why Merck is Paying a Small Biotech $3.5B for Access to Circular RNA Technology


@Krieghoff delte også at DNB tar opp dekningen på TRVX igjen :wink:

We agree with the CEO that the company’s circular RNA programme represents a large opportunity and an attractive target for partnering. We estimate that a deal in circular RNA could materialise in 2023 and we still see considerable upside potential from the current share price. Following change of analyst, we reiterate our BUY and NOK4 target price.

Q2 operating expenses were cNOK31m, above our estimate of cNOK25m but largely in line with previous quarters. The increase was driven mainly by higher R&D expenses. End-H1 cash and cash equivalents were NOK126m (NOK150m at end-Q1).

World-leading circular RNA research. Targovax’s early pre-clinical work in circular RNA looks promising, with world-leading circular RNA scientist Dr Thomas B Hansen fully onboard to lead the programme from his base in Denmark. We believe that the company is well placed to create value from momentum surrounding circular RNA and – in light of its IP protection efforts – that a deal could materialise in 2023. We believe such a deal might not only fund the development of a potential clinical circular RNA programme, but also include some upfront payments to help to fund other clinical programmes.

Oncos-102. The company said it was in dialogue with the US FDA about the design of its phase 2 multi-cohort trial, expecting regulatory go-ahead in Q3 and to start the study for recruitment late this year or early 2023.

Two academically sponsored TG01 trials set to start in H2 2022. In June, the FDA authorised the start of clinical trials with the enhanced TG01 RAS vaccine in the US. Following this, TG01 may be co-administered with the FDA-approved adjuvant QS-21 STIMULON, provided by collaboration partner Agenus. In addition, Targovax announced in May a collaboration with Oslo University Hospital where the TG01/QS-21 vaccination would be tested in RAS-mutated multiple myeloma.

BUY and NOK4 target price reiterated. We like the company’s early ONCOS-102 data and believe the circular RNA programme is very promising. Targovax’s financial situation continues to look under control, but we believe the company will need to raise additional funds in 2023e. We reiterate our BUY ahead of a possible deal in circular RNA before a potential capital raise in 2023e.


Transcript Q2, 18.08.2022

Welcome to Targovax and the presentation of our results for the second quarter of 2022. My name is Erik Digman Wiklund. I am the CEO. With me today, I also have Chief Financial Officer, Lubor Gaal; as well as our Chief Medical Officer, Lone Ottesen. And we’ll take you through the highlights of what we have achieved for the first half of the year. During the first half of 2022, we have made important progress and delivered on our promises for all of our 3 development pillars. For ONCOS-102, our lead clinical program, we are now convinced that ONCOS-102 works based on the response rates we’ve seen in our Phase I program as well as the deep translational data package we’ve generated. We have now designed a very smart trial for Phase II and we are making all the necessary preparations to execute this trial as planned. We have forged a partnership with Agenus to access checkpoint inhibitors that we will combine with in that study. Lone will go through this study in a bit more detail later on. And in addition, we are in dialogue with the FDA to discuss the design. Everything is on track. We’re expecting go ahead to initiate the trial during the third quarter of this year. On our mutant KRAS program, we have our TG01 vaccine, which we have made important improvements. Again, we forged a deal with Agenus to access a new adjuvant. We already know that TG is effective at generating mutant KRAS immune responses. And with the QS-21, we believe we can strengthen these immune responses further and improve the vaccine. In addition to this new adjuvant strengthening the potency of the product, we have formed important external partnerships to be able to bring the program forward in several indications at low cost to Targovax. We also secured prestigious grant funding. So we’ve really delivered on our promise for TG to bring the program forward at the low-cost Targovax in multiple indications. And finally, circular RNA. This is maybe the most exciting part of our pipeline and the biggest opportunity for the future. To put this plan into life, we made a deal or an arrangement with the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. We have a collaboration with the research group there. And we are establishing a team on the ground to run the science operations out of the Karolinska in Stockholm. We have made key hires, including circular RNA, Pioneer, Dr. Thomas Hansen, who is now working at Targovax, setting up the team and planning out this program. Already, we have exciting early data, and we hope that we will be able to communicate and show some of these early results during the second half of the year. So that summarizes the achievement so far this year. Now I’ll hand over to CFO, Lubor Gaal, to go through the Q2 numbers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubor Gaal, Targovax ASA - CFO [2] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Erik. It’s my pleasure to present the second quarter results or this first half of the year results. As you can see, our operating expenses are in line with previous quarters. In this quarter, we recognized higher R&D expenses (technical difficulty) in line with previous quarters. On the financial snapshot, you can see that the cash flow is less than our expenses this quarter because we had deferred some of the payments to later this year. This gives us our current cash balance of NOK 126 million as of today, which gives us a runway until the middle of next year. Our market cap is at a healthy level right now. And we have noticed an increased trading volume or value in our shares showing reflecting a stronger interest in Targovax shares, which is also reflected in the shareholder base where we have now many more shareholders today that we had last year. And with that, I hand over to our Chief Medical Officer, Lone Ottesen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lone Ottesen, Targovax ASA - Chief Medical Officer [3] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Lubor. So I’ll take you through our clinical activities. It has been extremely busy since our last quarterly report. In this slide, you can see a schematic of our development activities. And we have the Phase II study with ONCOS. ONCOS is our lead product. We have the Phase II study in PD-1 refractory melanoma, starting very soon. PD-1-resistant melanoma is a very aggressive stage of the melanoma disease, where the checkpoint inhibitors have stopped working, and I’ll go through in more details how we plan to demonstrate the value of ONCOS-102 in this setting. On the Phase II mesothelioma trial and mesothelioma is a very aggressive cancer in the lining of the lung. We have presented the final overall survival data from this small randomized trial. We presented this at the most prestigious oncology conference, ASCO, in June. And we were able to demonstrate that the addition of ONCOS to standard-of-care chemotherapy increases the 30-month survival rate by – it nearly doubles the 30-month survival rate from 18% to 34%. So very impressive data. Finally, on our mutant RAS peptide vaccine. We have a multiple myeloma study starting in Norway. Myeloma is cancer in the bone marrow. And this trial has now been submitted to the authorities. We are awaiting feedback, which could be any day now. And this will enable first patient in the trial later this year. We also have a U.S. trial with FDA IND approval, where we expect to have the first patient included later this year. So lots of activity. This is a schematic of our next trial. This is a very ambitious multi-cohort Phase II trial that includes some very exciting compound, also a second-generation CTLA-4 inhibitor in combination with ONCOS and also in combination with a PD-1 inhibitor. We have shown this schematic before, and the trial work is progressing really well here. We’ve had FDA feedback on this design and the protocol has now been submitted for FDA review. The key – I’ll sort of take you through all the steps we need to complete in this trial that will ultimately lead us to the bottom right corner of this slide, where you can see the triplet combination of ONCOS-102, balstilimab and botensilimab, which is the ultimate goal of this trial. So to get there, we need to do sort of a few steps ahead of this. We want to maximize on the efficacy of ONCOS-102 in combination with a PD-1 inhibitor. We’ve previously seen a very attractive response rate of 35% with such a combination, but now we want to see if we can take that even higher. To that end, we are increasing the dose of ONCOS-102 by 3 times, and we will look at that high dose as single agent and in combination with the PD-1 inhibitor. On the part 2 of the trial, you will see that we will continue to expand the cohort of ONCOS and balstilimab. We want to get to a large cohort size that will make this trial useful also for external partners. We want to look at a combination of ONCOS-102 and botensilimab before we get to that triplet that we believe could be a real game changer in this setting. The combination of balstilimab and botensilimab has just delivered unprecedented data in metastatic colon cancer. So we believe that our triplet could be pretty amazing. So in summary, this trial, we believe, provides some really great opportunities for us. In addition to the triplet combination I just mentioned, it has a compelling design, it will give us data sets of sufficient size for new partners. And we also firmly believe that this data sets can drive expansion of ONCOS-102 into earlier settings of melanoma. And – so on the – our peptide vaccine, I would like to provide an update as well. As you can see, we have reintroduced our KRAS vaccine into the clinic. This is – the KRAS area is a very hot area these days. Our peptide targets all RAS mutations. These mutations drives up to 30% of all cancers. We do have approvals in the setting of small molecules, but we need to recognize that these molecules only focuses on a subset of the KRAS mutations, the G12C mutation, which is mainly relevant in lung cancer, whereas we go much broader. We are in a unique position in this area with limited competition, and we are focusing on different indications compared to competitors. Finally, we have forged international collaborations on TG01, both in Norway and in the U.S. And we have also gotten 2 very prestigious Norwegian grants from Innovation Norway and from the Norwegian Research Council, that partly goes towards funding these trials. So a very cost-efficient approach. That rounds off my part of this presentation, and I’ll hand back to Erik. Thank you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [4] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Lone. So hopefully, we’ve convinced you that Targovax is poised for success on all of our 3 pillars going forward and really have a rich flow of opportunities before us. On ONCOS-102, we are convinced that we have designed a very smart trial to knock it out of the park, generate ORR data that clearly separates our triple combination of ONCOS-102, balstilimab and botensilimab beyond what the competition can achieve. And the aim is that with good data from this trial, we will out-license the program, and that’s how we plan to capitalize on ONCOS-102. On the KRAS program, we have enhanced the vaccine, improved the potency and we’re creating a broad set of opportunities in multiple trials, indications and collaborations that creates several shots on goal and several opportunities for partnerships and value creation in the future, all at low cost to Targovax. So the cash expense for Targovax is very limited on the KRAS program, exactly as we have promised to do in the past. And then looking forward, we believe that our circular RNA program really is the engine that can deliver a pipeline and a platform of candidates and opportunities for the future. There is a strong momentum at the moment for circular RNA, both from investors and several business development deals, and we are really 1 of the early riders of this wave, which is already here. Our strategy here is to demonstrate that our concept works, build a platform and then attempt early preclinical partnerships. So this concludes the formal presentation for today. And I invite Lone and Lubor back to the podium, and we will take questions from the audience. ================================================================================ Questions and Answers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay. First, we got some questions on ONCOS-102 and Mela 2 design. What are the next steps for the melanoma Phase II study? And when do you expect to start enrolling patients? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lone Ottesen, Targovax ASA - Chief Medical Officer [2] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you. I’ll take that one. The Mela 2 study, as I showed, has been submitted to the FDA for protocol review. We expect to get the go ahead later this year, here in Q3, actually. We expect to start enrolling patients, Q1 in 2023. And that we will have enrolled Part 1 in a 12-month time frame. Based – sorry, based on Part 1, we will then determine what is the recommended Phase II dose, and we expect that to take place in the beginning of 2024. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [3] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And when are the results from the melanoma Part 1 higher dose exploration running expected to be ready? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lone Ottesen, Targovax ASA - Chief Medical Officer [4] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So we will have the data to be able to establish the recommended Phase II dose. So that will be the first half of 2024. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [5] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You chose a partnership with Agenus instead of Merck or BMS. What was the rationale for this? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [6] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I can take this one. We are driven by the science. We want to combine with the CTLA-4 because it makes sense mechanistically CTLA-4 is expected to do systemic activity deepened and prolonged responses. And also from our Phase I, we see that CTLA-4 is strongly upregulated in response to ONCOS-102 treatment. Now we simply went out look for the best CTLA-4 around, and Agenus has the only clinically validated second-generation CTLA-4. So this was driven by botensilimab. We’re convinced about this molecule. So we went to Agenus and they, fortunately, were also impressed by our data and happy to collaborate and supply botensilimab and balstilimab to the trial. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubor Gaal, Targovax ASA - CFO [7] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And I may add that the other advantage was that Agenus also had a PD-1 inhibitor in the development pipeline, which is competitive or earned equal par where the nivo and pembro, and it’s much easier to work with 1 partner in a clinical trial, that gives us more freedom, more flexibility in designing the study and more control for the future. And of course, in addition, we have the relationship already with QS-21 for our TG program. So it’s advantageous to have 1 partner to deal with. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [8] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you. And then we have some questions about finance. Your current financial situation is not sufficient to fund the next clinical study for ONCOS-102 plus all the other research activities. How are you planning to finance this broad pipeline going forward? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubor Gaal, Targovax ASA - CFO [9] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I mean that’s a fair question. I mean, like any other biotech companies, of course, we are continuously talking to investors. We are now talking to international investors like who are very experienced in the space to really understand the value of Targovax and these programs that we bring forward. We see a lot of interest from them. So we get further feedback on the 102 data that we have and the study that we are planning. And of course, we also get a lot of interest on the circular RNA field. So we’re currently talking to investors. – to generate enough interest. And then, of course, like any other biotechs, we will be fundraising and raise more money in the future in order to finance all these programs going forward. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [10] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And just to reiterate, the focus of Lubor and myself at the moment is to attract the international biotech specialist investors that can support Targovax long term and agree to the plan that we have laid out here and the opportunities that lay before us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [11] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then we have some questions on the TG KRAS. You stated that 2 clinical studies with TG01 will start later this year, but only the multiple myeloma study at Oslo University Hospital was announced. What is the second study? And how confident are you that it will start this year? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lone Ottesen, Targovax ASA - Chief Medical Officer [12] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You take that one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [13] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So we are looking at multiple indications with high frequency of KRAS mutations. If we start with the multiple myeloma, what is unique there is that we’re not aware of anyone else making or developing KRAS or KRAS vaccine in multiple myeloma. So there, we’ve identified pockets where there currently is no competition, we have a unique angle into the multiple myeloma space. We also think there’s a particularly good chance for a vaccine to work in that kind of liquid cancer setting, eliminating residual disease. The other indications we’re considering are in solid tumors. We are in very advanced discussions. We have U.S. IND approval. So we’re confident that the U.S.-based trial we have communicated will start later in the year. And we will come back with an update on exactly what to do in this trial is – it’s mainly driven by the – we’re making final arrangements with our collaboration partners. It’s not fully resolved between everyone, and that’s the reason why it remains undisclosed at the moment, but we will update the market shortly on that trial. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubor Gaal, Targovax ASA - CFO [14] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But I may add that like – as Erik was saying, we already have agreed with the other party in the U.S. and – but it’s a more complex relationship or so, like, and we need to have 1 more piece in place, but we’re very confident that that’s going to happen very soon, and we can start clinical trials on time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [15] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And the big hurdle was getting the IND. So what’s important to understand here is we’re switching the adjuvant. We’re making a new product, it’s an enhanced version of TG01. We announced the deal with Agenus in March for the QS-21 supply. And Lone and the team very rapidly is able to secure an IND. So we already have the IND in place. I think this went very fast, and we’re now ready to start trials with TG and the new adjuvant in the U.S.A. And this is another milestone because it’s the first trial or the first time we will test the TG vaccine in the U.S.A. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubor Gaal, Targovax ASA - CFO [16] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes. I think what is really important to stress in this context is having an open IND in the U.S. will enable us also to do maybe other studies in the future with other partners, academic partners. So we do give us an opportunity to bring the TG program back to life in different tumors and different settings with different parties. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [17] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We got 1 more on TG. How will the new TG status be funded? And what are expected costs for Targovax? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [18] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So as was communicated earlier, one of our major goal was, of course, to bring the TG vaccine, the KRAS program back to life, but in a very cost-efficient manner to Targovax because, of course, our primary focus is the 102 and the circle RNA and pushing forward there. We have been able to secure 2 prestigious grants, 1 from Innovation Norway and 1 from the Norway Research Council. And – and these grants will primarily fund these clinical trials. I mean, also, of course, we’re running these trials with academic centers with investigator-sponsored trials. These are more cost-efficient studies. So overall, the study cost is lower than if you wouldn’t run a different study as well as the research grants that we have secured for those studies will give us a very low burn. So Targovax itself needs to contribute very little to running these studies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [19] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regarding the research grants, are they – have they been included in financial figures for Q2 or whether we include it later? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [20] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They have not been included. No, we will recognize those revenues as we have expenses. So the way they work with the research grants, they have not been awarded in full to us. I mean the amount, yes, of course, we know, but we will get reimbursement based on the cost that we submit to this grant. So you will see this recognized over the life of the study. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [21] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then we’ve got several questions on circular RNA. Can you comment on the recent circular RNA deal between Merck and Orna Therapeutics? What is the impact of Targovax? And where does your circular RNA technology stands versus Orna therapeutics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [22] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So just 2 days ago, there was a large licensing deal announced, where Merck in-licensed the technology of Orna Therapeutics. Orna Therapeutics is one of the 2 companies that are pioneering synthetic circular RNA as therapeutic product, the other company being Laronde. The deal was a large $150 million upfront plus $100 million equity investment by Merck into Orna Therapeutics. I think, first of all, this is fantastic news for circular RNA. I think when we announced, we had a circular RNA program about a year ago, that might have been news to people. But now this shows that we are on to something. Targovax is one of the early movers in this space. Admittedly, we have recently started. So we are early in our process, but we are riding this wave, and it looks like this wave is big. Big pharma and many investors believe that circular RNA will make mRNA or linear RNA approaches superfluous in the future. So overall, it generates a lot of interest, a lot of media attention. And of course, we are planning to seize some of this opportunity and be as quick and as strong as we can in this space. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubor Gaal, Targovax ASA - CFO [23] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes. If I can add to this. I mean we’re excited to see that pharmaceutical companies like Merck, like the big companies are willing to get into this technology at an early stage and really taking a lot of the risk as Erik was saying, this was a rich deal. This was a very, very attractive deal to the biotech company, but it only covered a small spectrum of the entire space of circular RNA. So there are many more deals to be done. There are probably hopefully many more pharma companies looking at the space now. And as Erik is saying, realizing the value of this technology going forward. And of course, Targovax is one of the few companies that is active in this field. And of course, we hope to take advantage of the situation in the near future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [24] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you. from science, we know that circle RNAs play roles in many diseases. Targovax has historically been a company operating within oncology. Do you consider expanding also into other diseases areas longer term? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [25] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So we are an oncology company. Our core here will probably be for our in-house development to develop cancer products, but the potential here is much broader. You could, for instance, imagine in a vaccine scenario, you’re sort of merging the 2 most potent platforms of the adenovirus, very strong adjuvant with circular RNA, which looks like it will be potentially superior to mRNA and we’re putting these 2 together. So an obvious therapeutic area, which not necessarily as core to Targovax, but it’s where the technology can be applied. So our focus is to build a platform for our circular RNA program, demonstrate the concept works in multiple indications, and then out-license therapeutic areas, which is not core to Targovax, and then focus on areas that are more core in our case, immunotherapy in oncology. And it’s important also to note here in respect to the prior question, we are doing something different than the other companies. So Orna, Laronde, they are making synthetic circular RNAs, and that is the product that’s delivered with a lipid nanoparticle formulation. We are fundamentally doing something different. We are trying to deliver the circular RNA using a vector system. And this means we are not trying to compete head-to-head against these big massively funded companies, but carving out a niche on the side where we can be different and unique. So that’s our strategy here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [26] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then we have a couple of more on circular RNA. You reported you have established a research team at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Why there and not in Oslo? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [27] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So there are several reasons for that. We simply identified a very good setup in Stockholm with [Prof. Uhlin’s] lab at the Karolinska Institutet. They have exactly the right type of capabilities, equipment, competencies. This is an immunology, clinical immunology lab. So it’s – it’s an environment and a group that are experts in exactly what we want to do and have access to the infrastructure that we need. In addition, there are certain IP advantages of being based in Sweden as opposed to Norway. So we formed this collaboration with the group of [Michael Uhlin]. We hired Dr. Thomas Hansen, who is the key scientist in this space, and he’s brought with him people from his lab. He’s setting up the team in Stockholm. It’s already up and running. We are actively recruiting and expanding this team. So we have several people now working out of Stockholm and generating data. So this will basically be our hub for the circular RNA program moving forward, that’s where we will do the research and build the science team. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidentified Company Representative, [28] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You said you have made important progress on your circular RNA program. Can you describe this progress? And when can we expect data? And when do you plan to start clinical studies? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Digman Wiklund, Targovax ASA - CEO [29] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So for IP and strategic and competitive reasons, we need to hold back a little bit on what we communicate to this regard. We have developed both a technical and an IP strategy for this platform. We already have, I can say, compelling in vitro data that we have generated good designs that are superior to classical designs. And also, we also know that how you design your circular RNAs matter. And already now, we have sufficient data to start making early patent filings, and that’s in process. We’re confident that by Q4, we should be in a position to be able to share some of the early data, but naturally, we will hold back what is necessary for strategic reasons moving forward. So I think that concludes the questions that were submitted by the audience. We thank you all for tuning in. And we look forward to updating you again at our Q3 presentation in the beginning of November. Thank you



“And of course, Targovax is one of the few companies that is active in this field. And of course, we hope to take advantage of the situation in the near future. --”

… near future…?


De har hintet til tidligere at det er to måter man kan slå igjennom som Biotech. Enten i tidligfase med noe innovativt, preklinisk/fase 1, eller når man har overbevisende data fra fase 2, som er gode nok til å sikte på markedet med fase 3. At det er der oppkjøp/avtaler skjer. Så cRNA er nok Targovax forsøk på å få til noe tidlig i løpet. Det gir nok argumenter til å kunne ordne funding, med håpet om at BP skal gjøre noe relativt raskt når de har noe å komme med fra tidlig fase. Så det er et visst potensial for at cRNA kan funde en del av utviklingen på andre områder gjennom et salg av datterselskap med kun den delen av bedriften i seg. Virker logisk med tanke på drop down-mergeret de gjorde for litt siden. Som sagt da: Aksjonærene får ikke betalt direkte når Targovax får solgt deler av bedriften framover, siden pengene går til morselskapet og ikke aksjonærene lenger, men de slipper potensielt emisjoner en god stund om et sånt salg går igjennom. Men som sagt er dette ikke mer enn strategi per dags dato, og hva de bruker det til får vi se de neste to årene, kanskje tidligere.


Ok, da er jeg inne igjen😁 Ikke akkurat den største aksjonæren, men jeg er med✊🏻



Erik og Gaal’ningen kjører på:muscle::blush:

1 Like

Det blir som han så skulle selge sjakkspillet. 1 korn for første ruten, 2 for neste, 4 for tredje osv.

Hvordan er det med godfoten til EW om dagen? Kommer vel et skudd på mål snart. Q2 er mer å regne som en tabelloversikt. Vi lå høyt oppe der. :grinning:

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Har trua fremover :+1:


Ikke rart at vi ikke har “hørt” noe fra denne konferansen. Avlyst.
The China Oncolytic Virus Conference 2022


Soug og avtalene hans. Kina. Han har kostet tid og penger. Grøss.

De er i dag en ikke-sak.

Kina-avtalen og denne konferansen har ingenting med hverandre å gjøre.

Jeg tror ikke den gemene hop er klar over hvor langt fremme Targo er med ny og banebrytende teknologi innen CircRNA.
I så fall hadde det ikke vært mulig å akkumulere billige Targo-aksjer til disse gibort-prisene. :grin: