Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Targovax (TRVX) Småprat

Ja ca 28.35 , “pretty quickly recruited 6 patients in to that cohort” Planen er å være ferdig med rekrutteringen rundt juletider.


Ref larsmk i sommer:
Treatment naïv = ikke mottatt noe som helst form for CPI behandling.

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Blir spennende å se hva Mirati hoster opp.

Fallhøyden her er stor:

Mirati is now valued at more than $3 billion, more that twice what the San Diego-based biotech was worth when 2019 began.

Yet investors in the company know little more about Mirati’s KRAS inhibitor than they did in January, when a Phase 1 study testing the drug began.

A response rate around 50% would suggest efficacy "on par or not materially worse than AMG 510,


Ja, men slår det positivt ut for Mirati, så kan dette trekke opp eller øke interessen for TG.
Og det er jo vanskelig å trekke ned noe som er priset til 0,- :innocent:

Videre er jo dette veldig tidlige pre-kliniske data fra Mirati, som uansett må leses med en klype salt.

Fikk børsmelding nå. Ser lovende ut!

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As of the data cut-off date of October 11, 2019, 12 patients across all dose levels were evaluable for response with at least one radiographic scan.

  • At the highest dose (600 mg BID), three of five (3/5) evaluable patients with NSCLC and one of two (1/2) evaluable patients with CRC achieved a partial response (PR); the remaining patients experienced stable disease (SD).
  • Across all dose levels, three of six (3/6) patients with NSCLC and one of four (1/4) patients with CRC achieved a PR. Two responding patients (1 NSCLC and 1 CRC) achieved confirmed PRs, both with continuing tumor shrinkage following their first scan. The other two patients with PRs (both NSCLC) remain on study but have not yet had confirmatory scans.
  • Clinical PK data demonstrated that the dose of 600 mg BID results in drug levels that meet or exceed those likely to lead to full inhibition of KRAS G12C signaling.
  • Treatment duration across all dose levels ranged from 6.7- 38.6 weeks for patients with NSCLC and 9.9-30.1 weeks for patients with CRC as of the data cut-off.

Treatment-related adverse events (AEs) were primarily grade 1 events. One patient experienced a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) at the 1200 mg QD dose (capsule burden intolerance [12 capsules]) and one patient experienced a DLT at the 600 mg BID dose (grade 3/4 isolated amylase/lipase increase). The MTD has not yet been established and further dose escalation may be explored. Enrollment into dose expansion at the 600 mg BID dose is underway.

“There are currently no effective targeted therapies for patients with KRAS-mutant cancers,” said Pasi A. Jänne, M.D., Ph.D., Director of The Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and MRTX849-001 investigator. “KRAS mutations are the most common oncogenic alteration in all of human cancers, and as such, finding a therapeutic approach for this subset of cancers would have tremendous clinical impact for cancer patients.”

In addition, data demonstrating the efficacy of MRTX849 in preclinical studies were published simultaneously with the oral presentations at AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, in Cancer Discovery , a journal of the American Association of Cancer Researchers (AACR). “The KRAS G12C Inhibitor, MRTX849, Provides Insight Toward Therapeutic Susceptibility of KRAS Mutant Cancers in Mouse Models and Patients,” by lead author Jill Hallin, Principal Scientist at Mirati and corresponding author James G. Christensen, Ph.D. Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at Mirati, describes the challenging research path leading to a novel therapy that directly targets KRAS. Cancer Discovery publishes high-impact, peer-reviewed articles describing major advances in research and clinical trials.

Targovax ASA: Invitation to presentation of Targovax’s third quarter 2019 results, Thursday 7 November

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Kvartalspresentasjon og SITC på samme dag? Grunn til forsiktig optimisme rundt dataslipp og gode nyheter? :sweat_smile::crossed_fingers:t2:


Satse på 100% oppgang så jeg kommer i 0,- :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Presentasjonen er 9. Nov

Enig Ramsess!

Oppfordrer alle til å se denne en gang til. Tror ikke man skal undervurdere betydningen Magnus Jadeberg har for Targovax. Han har bygget opp studiene for å passe perfekt inn mot BP sine behov i forhold til CPI.

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Kanskje de viser data fra pasienter som enda ikke har avsluttet studiet også under SITC? De får jo svar underveis i studiet om svulstene krymper.

Første pasient i cohort 2 dosert i Q1 2019. Dataene på denne pasienten burde være klare til SITC. Spm er vel om man vil gi konkrete opplysninger om interim resultater?

Hvorfor ikke? De gjorde det underveis i første cohort.

Kan ikke noen bare spørre selskapet om de kommer med noe nytt på presentasjonen?


Mye mulig! Første pasient ble dosert for nærmere 9 måneder siden.
At kvartalspresentasjonen sammenfaller med SITC er jo litt interessant da :slight_smile: Uten at det behøver å bety noe selvsagt.


Eller gjøre som andre folk med god oppdragelse, å vente til presentasjonen kommer :wink:

Ja, SITC er noe de er invitert til, det er ikke sikkert at det sammenfaller med planene deres om å komme med “news”.

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