Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Thor Medical - Småprat '22 (NANOV) 4

Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.


Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.


Du Hugoil, du Hugoil.

Du er en historieforteller av RANG!

godt å ha deg tilbake.


jesus :joy: :oil_drum:

Bra tippet. Aavik fortsetter å kjøpe og er inne på topp 10 igjen. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.

Trolig mest for spesielt interesserte, men fant her en doktoravhandling som ble forsvart den 02.02. iår, der det har blitt forsket på visse sider ved bruk av Betalutin i behandling av NHL. Usikker på om det er noe der som kaster noe nytt lys over Lymrit-01/Paradigme studiet.

Det er et sammendrag på denne siden, og også med link til hele avhandlingen (tot 134 sider, hvor det på side 15 og 16 også er et sammendrag på norsk).



Aavik øker også på dagens aksjonærliste og er nå fjerde største aksjonær i Nordic Nanovector med 1,67 millioner aksjer.

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Så over til doktoravhandlingen.


Indolent B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) are often diagnosed in advanced stages and considered incurable with available treatments. There is an unmet need to find an effective cure for these patients.Advances in nuclear medicine - hybrid imaging, radionuclide treatment- and monoclonal antibody (mAb) technologies have revolutionized oncology during the past three decades. Radioimmunotherapy with radioactive mAbs, delivering radioactivity to cancer cells with minimal damage to normal tissue was one of these advances. Radioactive mAb, 177Lu-lilotomab satetraxetan (Betalutin®), was developed at the Norwegian Radium Hospital where the first-in-human phase 1/2a study (LYMRIT 37-01) started in 2012. The radioactive component 177Lutetium (177Lu) emits beta-particles for localized cell killing, in addition to γ-photons permitting imaging with a hybrid imaging modality; (SPECT/CT). This enables in vivo measurements of the amount of radioactivity hence absorbed radiation doses in tumors. Another hybrid imaging modality - FDG PET/CT – which promoted the concept of “image adapted therapy” in lymphomas was assessed to measure treatment effects based on the changes in uptake intensities and tumor volumes after treatment.The aim of this sub-study with 21 patients was to calculate tumor absorbed radiation doses based on SPECT/CT after treatment with 177Lu-lilotomab satetraxetan, measure treatment-related changes on FDG PET/CT performed at baseline and at 3- and 6 months and analyze the correlations between these set of parameters.Overall, no correlations were found between tumor absorbed radiation doses and response based on FDG PET/CT parameters in selected lesions. While a tumor absorbed dose-response correlation was not found for individual lesions, the results indicate that a correlation can be found at the patient level. Tumor radiation absorbed doses ≥200cGy at patient level may ensure response, while large variations in response should be expected < 200cGy.

Kan den hybride avbildningen også synliggjøre behov/modulær behandlingsmulighet (i større grad enn bare ved decay) (modularitet skulle også kunne tilby mindre problem med interferens, som trolig skjedde ved btl 20mb dosen, jfr. harve vs hakke) for både kort og lengre strålebehandling (bla. pga. behandling av både hardt og mykere svulstvev) - dvs. kombinasjonsbehandling av Alpha og Betalutin?
“image adapted therapy”
Synes FDG PET/CT blir det mest interessante her.

Synes det er interessant og potensielt godtgjørende at det ikke ble påvist korrelasjon: “Overall, no correlations were found between tumor absorbed radiation doses and response based on FDG PET/CT parameters in selected lesions.”
Er det grunn til å anta høyere eller laver bivirkninger av alfa enn beta, trolig det samme (dosejustert, som vel er vanskelig, men en måte kan være å se på ekvivalenten fra oppsamlet decay - og da er det trolig ulikhet i bivirkning), noe som i seg selv ikke er negativt da de retter seg mot mot sine respektive vevs-/svultstyper (mykere/hardere)?

Fra øvrig på nettet:
The power of hybrid imaging systems, in which a PET or SPECT scanner is integrated with a CT scanner, is that the two scans are acquired in quick succession, and thus the data can be considered to be in fairly good spatial and temporal registration (see Sections C and D ). With good spatial registration, it also becomes possible to consider …

En gjennomsnittlig norsk månedslønn er det som skal til for å senke kursen 6%. Måtte min bror Asmyr dra en megakanin opp av hatten førstkommende tirsdag, Inshallah.

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Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.

Virker som en evighet siden … Når Mei Pharma var en av truslene til Nanovs suksess

De gikk også på trynet - nå har de funnet en vei videre. Let us be inspired :slight_smile:



Siden noe ikke fungerer som det skal med nyhetsleveransen:

Nordic Nanovector ASA Results for the Second Half and Full Year 2022

2023-02-28 07:00 GMT+01

Oslo, Norway, 28 February 2023

Nordic Nanovector ASA (OSE: NANOV) (“Nordic Nanovector” or the “Company”) announces its results for the second half and full year 2022. A presentation by Nordic Nanovector’s interim CEO & CFO, Ludvik Sandnes will be held in-person today in Oslo and webcast live beginning at 8:30am CET - details below.

Jon Magne Asmyr, Chair of the Board, commented: The Company’s future is still unclear, and since the turn of the year the new Board has prioritised four important tasks: to get a new CEO/CFO in place; to reduce burn rate; to map the potential of the CD37-targeted immunotherapy platform and the early-stage solid tumour project; and to find strategic solutions that safeguard the interests of shareholders. We are happy to have solved the CEO and CFO situation with the interim appointment of Ludvik Sandnes and to see that the cost base has been significantly reduced. We continue to further evaluate Nordic Nanovector’s pipeline, and, at the same time, we are pursuing all potential strategic options. We hope that this this process will materialise into a proposed transaction that would be acceptable to shareholders."

Ludvik Sandnes, Interim CEO & CFO, commented: “2022 was an extremely difficult year for Nordic Nanovector. The former board and management made strong efforts to safeguard shareholder and company values culminating in the agreed merger proposal with APIM Therapeutics that was not supported by the required majority of shareholders. The clear goal in 2023 is to ensure Nordic Nanovector’s continued operation and to position it for a possible transaction that would benefit the current organisation, employees and shareholders. We continue to work hard, with our financial advisors Carnegie, to assess strategic options that may be open to the Company and will put forward any recommended proposals for resolution by the Company’s shareholders in due course.”

H2’2022 Events

  • The former Board of Directors decided to discontinue the PARADIGME global Phase 2b trial of Betalutin® (177Lu lilotomab satetraxetan) in 3rd-line follicular lymphoma (3L R/R FL) patients, refractory to RTX/anti-CD20 based treatments

    • Betalutin® profile did not fully meet objectives set out for the PARADIGME study with only one out of every three patients (ORR 31.1%) responding to treatment and median duration of response of 6.4 months]
    • Only one in seven patients had a complete response at three months (CRR 14.8%) with a median DoCR of 8.5 months
    • Both of the above results failed to meet the threshold for study success, which were minimum ORR of 40% and minimum CRR of 25%
    • Profile determined to be no longer sufficiently competitive to bring Betalutin® to the market in the 3L R/R FL indication within a timeframe that made financial and commercial sense for the Company
  • The former Board implemented a restructuring of the Company to reduce costs

    • Staff numbers reduced to six as of 28 February 2023 from 40 as of 30 June 2022
    • Formal close down of PARADIGME initiated and expected to be concluded by the end of Q1’2023. The study results will be published in the required public access databases thereafter
    • All larger contracts have been terminated.
    • Further commitments related to the closure of PARADIGME during 2023 and transaction costs related to the proposed APIM merger bring the current uncommitted net cash level to approximately NOK 60m at the beginning of 2023.
  • Carnegie Investment Bank appointed to explore strategic options for the Company to optimise shareholder value

    • Proposal to combine with APIM Therapeutics agreed by the former Board of Directors and the APIM Board (announced 9 November 2022)
    • Proposal rejected by Shareholders at Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 1 December 2022

Post-period events

  • Board and Management changes
    • The former Board of Directors resigned at the EGM (3 January 2023) and a new Board consisting of Jon Magne Asmyr (Chairperson), Eddie Berglund and Tina Bjørnlund Bønsdorff was elected, as well as a new Nomination Committee consisting of Hans Peter Bøhn (Chairperson), Jan-Tore Pedersen and Vegard Aavik
    • Eddie Berglund resigned from the Board on 19 January 2023
    • Ludvik Sandnes, former Chairperson of Nordic Nanovector (2013-2019), was appointed interim CEO & CFO as from 1 February 2023 replacing Malene Brondberg who transitioned out of the Company

Financial Highlights

(Figures in brackets = same period 2021 unless otherwise stated)

  • Revenues for the second half 2022 amounted to NOK 0.0 million (NOK 0.0 million). Revenues for the full year 2022 were NOK 0.0 million (NOK 0.0 million).
  • Total operating expenses for the second half 2022 were NOK 114.2 million (NOK 237.4 million). Total operating expenses for the full year 2022 amounted to NOK 317.4 million (NOK 442.4 million).
  • Comprehensive loss for the second half 2022 amounted to NOK 111 million (loss of NOK 237.6 million). Comprehensive loss for the full year 2022 was NOK 307.1 million (NOK 441.7 million).
  • Cash and cash equivalents amounted to NOK 98.7 million 31 December 2022 compared to NOK 287.4 million on 30 June 2022, and NOK 277.7 million on 31 December 2021.


Following the decisions made in 2022 to discontinue the PARADIGME study and implement a restructuring of the Company, Nordic Nanovector believes that the best interests of shareholders will be served by thoroughly exploring all strategic options that may be available with the help of Carnegie as expert financial advisor.

As a publicly quoted company with a listing in Norway, remaining cash resources and a pipeline of CD37-targeted assets, the Company believes that there is an opportunity to crystalise value for shareholders through a potential strategic transaction.

No assurances can be given as to the outcome or timing of the ongoing review process. The Company will put forward any recommended proposals for resolution by shareholders in due course.

Several measures have been implemented to reduce the burn rate, and the Company’s current net cash is expected to finance its ongoing operations into Q2 of 2024.

Presentation and Webcast

A presentation by Nordic Nanovector’s interim CEO & CFO, Ludvik Sandnes will be held in-person and webcast live today beginning at 8:30am CEST.

  • Venue: ADVOKATFIRMAET CLP DA, Sommerrogata 13, 0255 Oslo

The webcast can be accessed from www.nordicnanovector.com in the section: Investors & Media and a recording will also be available on this page after the event.


Noen klipp fra rapporten

Cash and cash equivalents amounted to NOK 98.7 million at the end of the second half, compared to NOK 277.7 million at the end of December 2021 for reasons explained above. Further commitments related to the closure of PARADIGME during 2023 and transaction costs related to the proposed APIM transaction brings the uncommitted net cash level to approximately NOK 60 million.

Nordic Nanovector has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank to explore strategic options for the company to optimise shareholder value. The engagement is agreed to be on “no-cure – no pay” terms. If a transaction is completed Carnegie is entitled to a payment as agreed in the contract. As per 31 December 2022, no provision has been made as the proposed transaction was noted down on the extraordinary assembly 1 December 2022.

Following the decisions in 2022 to discontinue the PARADIGME study and implement a restructuring of the Company, Nordic Nanovector believes that the best interests of shareholders will be served by thoroughly exploring all strategic options that may be available with the help of Carnegie as expert financial advisor.

As a publicly quoted company with a listing in Norway, remaining cash resources and a pipeline of CD37-targeted assets, the Company believes that there is an opportunity to crystalise value for shareholders through a potential strategic transaction.

No assurances can be given as to the outcome or timing of the ongoing review process. The Company will put forward any recommended proposals for resolution by shareholders in the coming months.

Several measures have been implemented to reduce the burn rate and the Company’s current net cash is, under the current operating model, expected to finance its ongoing operations into the second quarter of 2024.

Carnegie skal altså nå igjen bearbeide potential strategic transaction… begynner å bli rutine for dem dette her.

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Får håpe de blir bedre til det fra gang til gang da…

Denne gangen en transaction uten Entouraget Egget og Malene.

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Du mener det blr Carnegie i mer fri dressur øvelse denne gangen ?

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Mulig jeg mener det ja.

Ville du onboardet nevnte to personer i ditt eget styre og management?

Sandnes bekrefter at NANOV er i samtaler med potensielle partnere.

Det er da noe…


Ja, og at han håper å komme tilbake på det før AGM i april.

Virker som han tror det er mulig å lande en bedre deal enn APIM-dealen også.

Masse fine kommentarer fra han der altså. Mener han er billigere enn den forrige CEO’n :joy:

Sier vel rett ut også at Berglund var uenig med flertallet i styret, derfor gikk han av.