Det en ny tekst om UV2/TET. Omtrent det samme som KA forklarte på en Radium for en stund siden, men om man ikke har hørt på denne, så er det nok få som har fått det med seg:
When developing a vaccine, there are two separate technologies that need to be in place: 1. What do you want the T-cells from the vaccine to recognize (choice of antigen), and 2. How do you make the immune system respond to the antigens you have chosen (choice of adjuvant)? For UV1 the antigens are the three peptides, the adjuvant is GM-CSF. Ultimovacs and other companies and institutions developing vaccines see that peptide based vaccines could benefit from an improved adjuvant solution. Ultimovacs is developing new adjuvant technology called TET. With this technology the antigens and adjuvant are joined together in one molecule. The technology is based on the fact that the immune system responds to tetanus bacteria if you are vaccinated against tetanus [stivkrampevaksinen, som jo alle bortsett fra noen gærninger på Nesodden har tatt]. The antibodies coming from a tetanus vaccination hooks on to a small fragment on the bacteria. The new UV2/TET technology uses exactly the same fragments and hook vaccine antigens to a cluster of these fragments. If such a molecule is injected into a person vaccinated against tetanus, this person’s immune system will respond as if there is a start of an infection with tetanus bacteria. The response is a production of T-cells recognizing the peptide(s) that were hooked on to the tetanus fragments. This is generic vaccine technology and can be applied to any vaccine with peptides as antigens. It is not limited to cancer vaccines."
Og så står det på slutten om NIPU-studien, at selv om dette er en veldig smal indikasjon (som vel også etterhvert får lavere prevalens), så er det:
“also a significant value beyond the mesothelioma indication. UV1 is potentially effective across a broad range of cancer types as telomerase is expressed in most cancers. The mechanism of action of the CPI’s are also not cancer type dependent. The data from clinical trials and accompanying biological studies therefore has significant transfer value for other cancer types and indications.”