Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Ultimovacs (ULTI) Fundamentale forhold

Ultimovacs ASA announces revised terms of the employee share option program

Hvor mye høyere er det? Vet ULTI noe om hvorfor de er sensurert?

Jo friskere pasienter, dess mindre kan vel eksperimentarm skille seg fra kontrollarm. Denne effekten er vel også hovedforklaringen på at SOC gjør det 2-300% bedre i INITIUM enn i tidligere tester - noe som bekrefter testens lave power til å skille mellom armene.

Jeg klarer ikke å se link mellom dette innlegget og din konklusjon og “mening” på småprat-tråden i dag.

Ultimovacs Announces Poster Presentation of NIPU Phase II Trial Update at Upcoming ESMO Congress 2024


Poster = resultatet har ej mognat positivit?

Poster = studiedesign har blitt presentert før?


Det lukter uansett ikke okse av dette.

Ultimovacs Announces Topline Data from FOCUS Phase II Trial of UV1 Combined with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Metastatic or Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer

Bare å glemme hele selskapet.


Ultimovacs Announces Notice of Resignation from Deputy Board Member


Ultimovacs ASA: Invitation to second quarter 2024 results webcast presentation

Ultimovacs ASA: Invitation to second quarter 2024 results webcast presentation

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Ultimovacs ASA Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides General Business Update

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21 pasienter i DOVACC dette kvartalet mot 24 forrige. Hastigheten ikke overraskende ned der altså.

De kaller ikke lenger TET for TET, for når de omtaler det som som preklinisk, så virker det som de har gjort noen justeringer på det de nå kaller “a novel drug conjugation platform”?

…som det er deres mål å “seek external validation” av - altså en utlsensiering. Det er et long shot, men kan jo skje.


Får noen kraftige targo/crna vibber av det her…

Dette innlegget ble rapportert og er midlertidig skjult.

Ultimovacs Announces Updated Data Analysis on UV1 Phase II NIPU Trial in Mesothelioma at ESMO 2024


Da var det som de fleste av oss trodde nå, ingen forbedring i OS dessverre. HR har økt fra 0,73 til 0,81 og er ikke lenger signifikant med fase 2-statistikk. PFS etter lokal bedømming har gått fra å være signifikant med fase 3 statistikk til heller ikke å være signifikant i det hele tatt. Subgruppe-analysene er så vidt signifikante, men det er et halmstrå som garantert ingen kommer til å plukke opp.

Siden selve abstractet ikke er så lett tilgjengelig via børsmeldingen:

1917P - Updated survival and vaccine response from the NIPU trial: A randomised, phase II study evaluating nivolumab and ipilimumab with or without UV1 vaccination in patients with pleural mesothelioma

Presentation Number



  • Vilde D. Haakensen (Oslo, Norway)

Onsite Poster display date

Saturday, 14 September 2024


While immunotherapy has improved survival for some patients with pleural mesothelioma (PM), prognosis is still dismal with poor immune response for many patients. The NIPU trial evaluated adding UV1 telomerase vaccine to immunotherapy. The first survival data presented at ESMO 2023 did not meet the primary end-point of improved progression-free survival (PFS) by blinded, independent central review (BICR). Here we present updated survival and analysis of UV1-specific immune response.


Patients with PM progressing after first-line platinum-based chemotherapy were randomized 1:1 to ipilimumab and nivolumab alone (Arm B) or in combination with the telomerase vaccine UV1 (Arm A). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were collected from a subset of patients. The cells were cultured and stimulated with UV1 peptides to identify patients with UV1-specific immune reaction.


118 patients were randomized. With a median follow-up of 24.9 months (95% CI 21,8-31,3), investigator determined PFS events has occurred for 107 patients (91%) and OS events for 86 (73%). Investigator-determined PFS was not significantly different between treatment arms for all patients (hazard ratio (HR) 0.77 80% CI 0.59-1.0, p=0.197), but for the epithelioid subgroup (Cox HR 0.64, p=0.047) with median PFS 5.5 months in the UV1 arm, (95% CI 3.8-9.7) vs 2.9 in arm B (95% CI 2.1-6.2), p=0.044. For OS, the HR was 0.81 (80% CI 0.61-1.08, p=0.345). Successful proliferation of PBMC enabling analysis was achieved for 10 pts in arm A and 13 in arm B analysed at baseline and 6 and 12 weeks after randomisation. Of the evaluable patients, 4 developed UV1 specific response in arm A and none in arm B. 3/4 patients with UV1-specific response and 2/6 without had partial response or stable disease at the same time-points.


There is no significant difference in OS between the treatment arms. UV1-specific response is detected in some patients receiving UV1 vaccine, and will be further explored. Translational analyses will investigate whether some patients with epithelioid histology benefit more from UV1, warranting further clinical studies.


@polygon har du noen tanker om hva det koster å avvikle et slikt selskap? Er casha tapt eller vil de sitte igjen med noe til aksjonærene?

Subgruppeanalysen har faktisk også gått feil vei. Samme tall (fordi den kortere oppfølgingen allerede var lengre enn mPFS), men halen og konfidensintervallene er endret, som gjør at p-verdien er ganske annereledes.

Artikkelen fra mars:
Log-rank test of investigator-determined PFS for epithelioid tumours alone, shows a median PFS of 5.5 months (95% CI 4.1–10.1) in the vaccine arm A and 2.9 months (95% CI 1.8–5.5) in the standard arm, p = 0.005

Dagens oppdatering:
for the epithelioid subgroup (Cox HR 0.64, p=0.047) with median PFS 5.5 months in the UV1 arm, (95% CI 3.8-9.7) vs 2.9 in arm B (95% CI 2.1-6.2), p=0.044


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Ultimovacs Announces Patient Recruitment Discontinuation in LUNGVAC Trial Investigating UV1 Combined with Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer