Har kan du lese litt om hvordan kliniske forskningsprosjekter fungerer.
Kort fortalt må du oppfylle et sett kriterier for å kunne delta i ulike studier. Ultimovacs har flere aktive såkalte fase-2 studier i ulike kreftformer (“indikasjoner”). For å delta må du ha “rett” kreftdiagnose, samt oppfylle kriteriene.
Researchers follow clinical trials guidelines when deciding who can participate, in a study. These guidelines are called Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria . Factors that allow you to take part in a clinical trial are called “inclusion criteria.” Those that exclude or prevent participation are “exclusion criteria.” These criteria are based on factors such as age, gender, the type and stage of a disease, treatment history, and other medical conditions. Before joining a clinical trial, you must provide information that allows the research team to determine whether or not you can take part in the study safely. Some research studies seek participants with illnesses or conditions to be studied in the clinical trial, while others need healthy volunteers. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are not used to reject people personally. Instead, the criteria are used to identify appropriate participants and keep them safe, and to help ensure that researchers can find new information they need.