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Ultimovacs (ULTI) småprat 1

Man så jo i den perioden Middelfart kjøpte litt hvor fort kursen går opp bare det er bittelitt kjøpsinteresse, er så få frie aksjer og lav tradeaktivitet

Ja, og skal sies at tilnærmet alle aksjene Midelfart kjøpte ble handlet utenfor børs (også fra Fidelity), så det bidro ikke til noe kjøpstrykk i seg selv (men at fondet hadde mindre å selge når volum kom inn).

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Får nå være mine vurdering og ta med meg alle smile-tegne av ulike varianter. Ellers på Russer/UKr chatten har jeg fått så mye tyn og de fleste mot meg, men jeg som Elon M… Men bare bare leve med det!

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PSA om at selskapet har plenum muntlig presentasjon om UV1-103 på SMR sin 2022 kongress, og dertil på åpningsdagens første seanse. Samt at blir det en Radium «live» fra Edinburgh litt senere på dagen.

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Hva kan dette bety for Ultimovacs? Og kjente Ultimovacs til hva BioNTech drev med?

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Ser ikke ut til at BioNTech har kommet spesielt langt på dette feltet foreløpig?

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Det gjorde og gjør de garantert. Det samme med Moderna og Genentech. Kanskje fungere deres ikke-universelle antigener bra? Og kanskje er det bedre å få kroppen til å lage disse antigenene selv fremfor å administrere dem direkte? Vi vet ikke, for foreløpig har ingen av dem kommet med veldig imponerende data.


Kreft er en sykdom som krever behandling med god endurance, tror derfor cRNA er langt mer relevant for kreft, men who knows…

Blir selvfølgelig bare synsing.

Eller bare:


Uff, hun er ikke så flink hun der, til å justere spørsmålene underveis etter hva intervjuobjektene eller debattantene faktisk svarer.


Hva skjedde ? :grinning:

Noen leverte tilbake en short på onsdag, og selskapet presenterer (veldig) interessante data i morgen. Samtidig er vi forbi peak risk og positive randomiserte data kan tikke inn når som helst. Dagens kurs priser inn ~0 prosent sannsynlighet for sistnevnte.


Hvis pasientpopulasjonen er uvanlig frisk, er vi da forbi peak risk? Tror egentlig ikke det, men mulig jeg tar feil. :man_shrugging:t3:

Om den er uvanlig mye friskere, så kanskje ikke. Men det må nesten statistikkgeneralene si noe om. Grunnen til at man har snakket litt om mindre friske populasjoner er altså nyere, relevante studier har vist svakere resultater enn historisk kontroll + det faktum at man har hatt en pandemi som har påvirket (forsinket) tidslinjen for mange pasienters behandling.

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Helt enig i vurderingene av populasjonen, så det er egentlig flisespikkeri. Men med samme argumentasjon kan man argumentere for at aksjen tar fyr rundt nyttår, da har man betydelig økt trygghet for at man vil få en positiv readout, selv med en ganske frisk populasjon.

Med failures friskt i minne hos investorene tror jeg man vil se senere posisjonering enn f eks for et par år siden.

Så når starter posisjoneringen for alvor for U?

Jeg trodde opprinnelig (før sektorkrakk->krakk->krig->renter/inflasjon) den skulle begynt tidligere i H2, men i dette klimaet? Hvem vet. Det skal så lite til i favør nettokjøp at kursen vil gå opp gitt lav float. Om det virkelig begynner å bli oppmerksomhet (for eksempel som i Sverige i fjor), så vil det gå veldig raskt.

Kan begynne i disse dager, kan også drøye til nærmere jul? Ingen vet. Men, om man nærmer seg nyttår anser jeg det som (helt) usannsynlig at kursen ikke har passert emisjonskurs av i fjor høst. Bare for å stikke fingeren i været.


Ultimovacs Announces New UV1 Data Showing Enhanced Efficacy Including in Hard-to-Treat Cancer Patients, Supporting Broad Utility

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

  • Biomarker data support strong clinical responses from UV1 in combination
    with pembrolizumab, also in patients considered less likely to respond to
    monotherapy checkpoint inhibition
  • Indicates a potential broader applicability of UV1 in combination with anti-
    PD-1 checkpoint inhibitors
  • Safety profile of UV1 and pembrolizumab combination comparable to
    pembrolizumab monotherapy

Oslo, 18 October 2022: Ultimovacs ASA (“Ultimovacs”) (OSE ULTI), a clinical
stage leader in immune stimulatory vaccines for cancer, presented clinical
endpoints and biomarker results from patients in the UV1-103 phase I trial, at
the 19(th) International Conference of the Society for Melanoma Research (SMR),
being held 17-20 October in Edinburgh, UK.

The UV1-103 study evaluates the Company’s universal cancer vaccine, UV1, in
combination with the anti-PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab, as first-line
treatment in 30 patients with advanced non-resectable and metastatic malignant
melanoma. Pembrolizumab has transformed the melanoma treatment landscape and is
a standard of care in this population. Despite this, a large proportion of the
patient population remains underserved due to suboptimal responses to

Clinical analyses from the UV1-103 study indicate efficacy in patients with low
levels of PD-L1, a key predictive biomarker associated with lower efficacy for
pembrolizumab, and other anti-PD-1 therapies, in some tumor types. The analyses
showed robust responses in patients treated with the combination of UV1 and
pembrolizumab, regardless of patients’ PD-L1 status.

“The results from this phase I trial show that UV1 in combination with
pembrolizumab has a good safety profile and encouraging signs of efficacy,
particularly the 33% complete responses and the extended overall survival. The
biomarker data provide a particularly important insight into the study
population, showing that the combination treatment resulted in good clinical
responses in patients considered less likely to respond to monotherapy
checkpoint inhibition. This indicates a potential broad applicability for UV1 as
a combination therapy to anti-PD1 checkpoint inhibitors in the real-world
setting,” said Jens Bjørheim, Chief Medical Officer at Ultimovacs.

As previously reported, the objective response rate in the study was 57% with
complete response rate of 33%. Median progression free survival was 18.9 months.
Overall survival was 87% after 1 year and 73% after 2 years. For the 20 patients
in cohort 1, the overall survival after 3 years was 71%, as reported earlier
this month. The good safety profile of UV1 in combination with pembrolizumab has
previously been reported.

In addition to the sub-analysis of the PD-L1 status, the study also evaluated
four other key prognostic biomarkers, including baseline tumor mutational burden
(TMB), predicted neoantigens, interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) gene signature, and
levels of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. Objective responses were observed in
patients with low TMB, in patients with low neoantigen tumors, and in patients
with tumors which were not enriched for IFN-gamma. These patients have tumors
which previous clinical data have shown would be less responsive to treatment
with pembrolizumab monotherapy in various cancer types. Lastly, the study also
showed that clinical responders did not have higher levels of tumor infiltrating
lymphocytes prior to treatment.

The analyses of each of these five biomarkers signal efficacy in patients
treated with UV1 in combination with pembrolizumab, regardless of tumor
phenotype. These results are supportive of the addition of UV1 to checkpoint
inhibitors, with the potential for improving both efficacy in current target
patient populations and extending the use of immunotherapy to broader patient
populations in multiple cancer types, underserved by existing therapies.

Carlos de Sousa, CEO of Ultimovacs added: “We are excited about the clinical
data generated on UV1 so far, with indications of efficacy also in hard-to-treat
cancer patients with low levels of PD-L1. The biomarker data strengthen the
rationale of UV1 as backbone therapy in combination with checkpoint inhibitors.
These results provide a solid foundation for Ultimovacs’ extensive program of
five randomized phase II trials of UV1 in different cancer indications,
including malignant melanoma. We look forward to further progressing these
studies and generating more data on the ability of our vaccine to induce long-
lasting, survival-associated immune responses.”

Please visit the Company website for access to the full presentation held by Dr.
Yousef Zakharia at SMR at 10:00 CET today, entitled ‘Clinical Activity of
Combined Telomerase Vaccination and Pembrolizumab in Unresectable Melanoma’.
