Diskusjon Triggere Porteføljer Aksjonærlister

Uran som investering ⚛

Jepp, og oppdemmingen skjer bare en gang. Så jeg er veldig spent på hvor mange år de “nedskriver” vannkraftanleggene over. Sett opp mot vind og solkraft så har de svært mye høyere holdbarhet.

Ja, turbinbladene varer MAX 25år og kan ikke resirkuleres…

EU hadde vel ikke Hydro som fornybar helt frem til nå nylig.

Listen over europeiske land som ønsker at atomkraft skal inkluderes i EUs grønne taksonomi øker…

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China is planning at least 150 new nuclear reactors in the next 15 years, more than the rest of the world has built in the past 35. The effort could cost as much as $440 billion and put the nation ahead of the U.S. as the world’s largest generator of nuclear power.



URNM og UEC går voldsomt i dag. Mulig pga nyheten i linken over. For spot har vel ikke gått noe særlig. Heller sørover.

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Alt går idag utenom spot. Ser ut som SPUT har ny rekord i omsetning idag. spent på hvor mye de har issued.


Hva skjer når Sput bruker opp ATM-en sin før listing i USA?

Kan de rett og slett øke ATM-en igjen ved behov som sist, eller blir det da å vente til USA-listingen?

Da øker de den, alt økt den fra 300 til 1500mill USD.

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Greie. Bull isåfall.

By ramping NPP production, China would kill two birds with on stone: not only would it boost its GDP, but it could also deflect criticism that it hasn’t done anything to offset it massive CO emissions. China says its plans could prevent about 1.5 billion tons of annual carbon emissions, more than what’s generated by the U.K., Spain, France and Germany combined. For those who see nuclear power as critical to weaning off planet-warming fuels like coal, it’s a wildly exciting experiment at a scale proportional to the problem.

China’s ultimate plan is to replace nearly all of its 2,990 coal-fired generators with clean energy by 2060. To make that a reality, wind and solar will become dominant in the nation’s energy mix. Nuclear power, which is more expensive but also more reliable, will be a close third, according to an assessment last year from researchers at Tsinghua University.

According to Bloomberg, other countries would have to stretch to afford even a fraction of China’s investments. But about 70% of the cost of Chinese reactors are covered by loans from state-backed banks, at far lower rates than other nations can secure, said Francois Morin, China director at the World Nuclear Association.

That makes a huge difference because most of the cost of atomic energy is in upfront construction. At 1.4% interest, about the minimum for infrastructure projects in places like China or Russia, nuclear power costs about $42 per megawatt-hour, far cheaper than coal and natural gas in many places. At a 10% rate, at the high end of the spectrum in developed economies, the cost of nuclear power shoots up to $97, more expensive than everything else.

“People say nuclear is expensive in the West, but they forget to say it’s expensive because of interest rates,” Morin said.

While China keeps the exact costs a state secret, analysts including the World Nuclear Association estimate China can build plants for about $2,500 to $3,000 per kilowatt, about one-third of the cost of recent projects in the U.S. and France.


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Kommer til å se enda verre ut for “fornybart” etterhvert, når metallårene som må mines, blir av dårligere og dårligere kvalitet over tid.

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Ja…OG - hva med all forurensningen de (altså gruvene) medfører, pluss all transport det innebærer…good luck liksom…

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Solar tallene i studien er beregnet med Siemens metoden som er energiineffektiv kontra FBR. FBR bruker 80-90 prosent mindre strøm enn Siemens.

Ikke for å baisse på kjernekraft, jeg tror det vil være en stor faktor i å komme oss ut av denne knipa, men blir usikker på studiens objektivitet.

Klikkbar lenke til studien:




Meget Meget nice nyhet ;D

Takk for info. Alltid interessant å vurdere fra forskjellige relevante perspektiver.

The World Association reports today that Brazil will be announcing the addition of 10GW of new nuclear reactor builds in its 10-year plan to be released in February 2022


Denne bullsyklusen kan vare lenge. Bare de nye reaktorene Kina planlegger vil kreve ca 60 mill pund ekstra pr år.

Spot har startet ferden oppover igjen. Mulig pga Sprott’s kjøp av 700.000 pund på onsdag.